人力外包生意,新三年合同(可持续续签), 六位数收入,灵活办公室工作时间 (一般下午一点到五点),一周40小时不到。 此生意已成立六年,协助总部服务澳洲公司客户满足季节性蓝领人力需求。总部提供全部培训,系统等,直到完全上手,特别合适新移民,第一次做生意的(总部保驾全程)或想通过此生意达到投资移民要求的人。
年营业额超过百万。要求自己或托管员工有流利或较好的英文口头和书面表达能力,仔细,具备学习能力,热情客户服务精神和致力完成要求的积极态度。有意者请联系0422 023815.
Established 6 years old Staff Hire business.Newly renewed three years contact in place (can be renewed again), >$100,000annual income. Flexible office working hours (1 to 5 pm most time) around 40hours per week. Assisting the head office to service Australian small to mediumcompanies to fill their seasonal blue-collar worker needs. Head office providesfull system, training and know how till ready to take over the business. Can work from head office, home or anywherewith computer access. Turnover > 1 million per annum. Suitable to person (oremployee staff to assist) with good oral and written English, eyes on details,excellent customer service skills and can-do attitude. Please call 0422 023 815to express your interest.