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[会计税务] ☆Florian Partners 退税报税,会计帐务培训 悉尼,布里斯班,黄金海岸常年招生☆

 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-9-12 12:10:46
Dear Coco,

I am writing to thank you and Florian team and give a brief introduction of my interview. It was in this afternoon and I  got the offer at the end of interview. The position is Audit Associate of a small Singapore audit firm.  

Before the commencement of the interview I was asked to finish a quiz about some transaction journals. The interviewer took away my quiz paper after I finished, so when I was filling the Application Form he was reviewing my quiz paper.  At the beginning of the interview, I was asked to introduce myself.  Even though I practiced my self- introduction many times, I was still very nervous. In the self-introduction I emphasized my internship experience with Florian. I said that I learned how to apply accounting knowledge into real business situations during this internship and I took accruals as an example. I also mentioned that it enhanced my knowledge of  MYOB Accounting Software and Microsoft Excel.  The interviewer told me he knew I did rehearsal and he would like to give me some credits.
Then he told me I did well in the quiz and discussed the mistakes I made. Later he asked me some questions regarding Singapore Accounting Standards. Very fortunately, I started to study ACCA paper P2 (Corporate Reporting- Singapore Variance) three weeks ago so I managed to provide solutions.  The interviewer pointed out that they wanted to hire a Singaporean or PR but he still arranged this interview because of my academic result in UNSW.  He said he rarely gave offers straight away but he was really impressed by my performance in the interview and quiz.  So he offered me this position at once.  I will start work after the Singapore immigration office issued the work Consent letter to me which probably will take one week.

Again, Coco, thank you for modifying my resume and the wonderful training you provide.  


 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-9-19 10:54:34
Dear Coco, Cindy and Jeff,
Hope you are well. I have already got the offer from an accounting firm and will start work next Monday. Thanks for your professional training course, which is useful for job seeking especially in commercial environment. Also, I would like to thank Jeff and Cindy. They are always nice and try to help me to solve problems. Jeff’s interview course was fantastic and covered most behaviour questions.  Here are some questions I summarized from my interview as follow:
1.       Introduce your self
2.       Introduce your study experience
3.       Introduce the internal control audit process
4.       Describe the challenge you met in your work.
5.       If you are an auditor, how to audit the payroll process?
6.       What are the audit risks we need to consider?
7.       Tell me about the situation you met the strict deadline.
8.       How can you make sure your accounting and auditing knowledge are updated?
9.       How to deal with the large financial data?
10.   If you find some weakness in internal control, how can you deal with this?
11.   If you find the staff over use the entertainment card, how to deal with this issue?
I hope the above interview questions could help the others in their interview.  Thanks again for your kind help!

 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-9-28 14:13:44
Hi Coco,
This is Lilan Liu, one of your former trainees in Platinum Accounting! I'm now in Shanghai and I just want to let you know that I found a job as an accountant in Estee Lauder Company. I just want to express my sincere gratitude to you and your firm as it gave me a very good opportunity to do some hands-on jobs in the accounting area, which is really helpful when entering the workplace. I miss Sydney very much and am still waiting for my PR to be granted. I believe that I will come back soon and I'd like to pay a visit to you and your team when I'm back. Thank you very much for everything!

Best wishes
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-10-10 11:14:45
Dear everyone,

Please join me in congratulations to Samir’s new job position as full time Accountant! Samir started with us not long ago in our Sydney office. Before attending the interview he has full preparation of the technical issue, we also will provide on-going support for his new job position. This position comes up since the company has expanded and the current accounting system is not suitable anymore to provide technical support and accurate result. So they have decided to hire a full-time accountant to do all these work for them with excellent MYOB and practical accounting skills.

Let’s keep the energy going for job hunting!
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-10-12 15:03:18
Dear Cindy and Coco,
I would like to inform you that I have been offered a full-time “Accounting and Admin” position in a consultancy firm in Parramatta. I like to take this opportunity to thank Cindy and Coco who has assured me on-job assistant that I may need to get started with this job. My internship with Platinum Accounting helped me get back into main stream accounting stream.
In order to offer tips and encouragement to my fellow colleagues, I would like to share with you some of the details of this job interview.
Some of the questions asked by the interview panel are as below:
1.      After exchanging greeting, I was asked to introduce your self
2.       What do you expect to do in this job?
3.       Do you think you can contribute and design an accounting system if you were our first accountant.
4.    Have you anytime participated in reconstruction of accounting system. ( my 4.5 years of overseas work experience with a chartered accounting firm came handy)
5.       How efficient are you in the use of MYOB.
(Ans: Although I have used numerous accounting softwares overseas, I have limited exposure with MYOB. But I am fairly confident of handling it since I have strong accounting fundamentals and competent computer literacy.)
In fact I am banking on Cindy and Coco who has assured me to help me with MYOB accounting entries on some of business transaction I would need to work on the job.

I wish all the best to all and thank Cindy and Coco for providing assistant and confidence.

Samir Haldankar
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-11-8 14:31:04
Dear everyone,

Please join me in congratulations to Samir’s new job position as full time Accountant! Samir started with us not long ago in our Sydney office. Before attending the interview he has full preparation of the technical issue, we also will provide on-going support for his new job position. This position comes up since the company has expanded and the current accounting system is not suitable anymore to provide technical support and accurate result. So they have decided to hire a full-time accountant to do all these work for them with excellent MYOB and practical accounting skills.
Let’s keep the energy going for job hunting!
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-11-17 11:30:33
Our Level 1 Intensive Training is coming up in two weeks.
For more information,
please email: [email protected]
or call us on 07 3210 0037
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-11-21 08:39:48
Dear Everyone,

Please join me in congratulate Rolna on her first position as Assistant Accountant Research in LaTrobe University! Rolna is our Melbourne trainee and finished our level 1 training and tax training and just got this position on 7/11/2013! Wish her all the best in her new chapter of her career!
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-11-28 15:36:40
Dear Coco, Jeff and Cindy

I would like to thanks you all for the fantastic work you are doing.

while I was doing the internship, I was a bit worried if it is going to help me in the future. However, I couldn't finish the internship because I had to start a professional year course. I had been sent for a 3 month internship to a public practice accounting firm and the GREAT NEWS IS THAT I HAD BEEN OFFERED ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT JOB WITH IN THREE DAYS.

It was all due to the skill I learnt at Premier, especially  Excel, I myself couldn't believe that I can do such a good work.
It was not difficult  for me to understand anything as I was already familiar with them.

I would also take the Opportunity to thank Jeff for the interview classes, I was very nervous before, I was not confident at all and also didn't know how to answer the interview Questions.
It hadn't only helped  me in my job but It had also helped me in my course where I had been assessed for interview and was among the top 3.

Its really important such internship for new graduates, because at the work place no one had time to show to do the work and if someone don't know anything and had been offered a job, he or she will be rejected in very short time.   

I can't forget Cindy, even she was loaded with work but she never refused to help, Great job.

Thanks and Regards

 楼主| paopao 发表于 2013-12-5 14:12:46
Dear Coco,

First of all I would like to thank you for your kindness and for doing the reference check for me so that I can secure this role. I would like to thank Kydie as well for her help during the internship. I have been through two interviews which I would like to share with everyone.

The first one is also the one I got offered is Accounts Manager which is basically doing everything in Accounts. I have been through three interviews and a trial before them giving me this offer.

The first interview was a phone interview by the HR manager. Questions she asked were as follows:

1.    Have u experience any other accounting software? How about SAIG (which is commonly used in London)?

2.    What is your career goal? ( I told her that I would like to become a qualified CPA)

3.    Do you have any sales experience?

4.    The job also includes PA to the owner, ordering meals, booking for flight ticket, so do you think you can handle them as well?

5.    Have u ever experience in any foreign currency transactions?

Then she asked me for reference check, which was a bit strange procedure.

I find follow up is very important as in this job hunting experience I almost followed up every step.
So one week after the phone interview and reference check, I called the HR again and got a face to face interview.
Questions involved in the face to face interview were:

1.    Tell me about yourself?

2.    In this role, it would be only you as an accounting person, how would you do if something is new to you?

3.    If we have the cashflow problem, which we couldn’t get enough cashflow for this week, however,
we have a bill due this week and the supplier was asking for the money, how would you do?

4.    How far are you away from becoming a CPA?

5.    Any questions you want to ask me?
(I asked a few accounting related questions which she was not quite sure about the answers, but she said I could ask the accountant next time.)

One week after, I called her and followed up again, then she arranged the final interview with the owner and the accountant.
The last interview went on very smooth, I asked the accountant a few accounting and work related questions before I met the owner.
Then the owner and I discussed a few marketing and international business issues which I had exposed to during my bachelor degree studies.

The second interview was Assistant Accountant position in a Charity association and I was interviewed by the Financial Director, and HR manager.
I didn’t make it successfully, however the feedback they gave me was very helpful.
They praised my resume, my interview performances and my personality;
however, as my lack of experience was a vital drawback for that position, they ended up with selecting someone else with more experience.

They had this 3-page questions list to ask during the interview.

1.    Run me through your resume. (This is similar to the question like: tell me about yourself.)

2.    What financial functions have you done during your FA experience?
(I told them I do AP/AR on daily basis, monthly Credit card and bank reconciliation, month end preparation: FAR, Prepayment, Accruals/ BAS.
Also exposed to Cost centre and P&L analysis)

3.    Have you experienced in GL Reconciliation? How far have you been exposed to GL reconciliation?
(FAR, Prepayment, Bank reconciliations, and credit card.)

4.    What do you know about GST?
(I told them in FA we deal with GST, FRE, N-T, and INP transactions. I also told them how to calculate the GST and PAYG on BAS.
This question was out of my expectation so didn’t answer well).

5.    How do you get the data for your BAS lodgment?
(GST Summary report in MYOB and Payroll summary report from MYOB.)

6.    What are the things that you like most and dislike most in your current job?

7.    What would you do if your colleagues’ mistake has impact on your work?

8.    What is your work ethic? Do you talk a lot?

9.    What would you do if your colleagues become cranky?

10. How would you make sure the financial data you are provided with are reliable?

11. What values you can bring to our organization?

12. What is your salary expectation?

I would like to encourage everyone who is still struggling looking for a job to do follow-ups because it shows how passionate you are about the job and make sure you fully understand the job descriptions before you go to an interview.
Try to sell the strengths that are matching the job description.

Finally, best of luck for everyone!




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