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PUNKCHERRY 发表于 2012-7-18 17:33:01
18497 47


版主本人家里一直猫咪 一只狗狗 猫咪马上2岁 狗狗2岁半

关于一些宠物的知识还有 如何照料宝贝  都算了解些

虽然不是专家吧  但也算是有经验了

开放这个帖子 也欢迎各位有经验的人士 来解决大家的问题


随后 我还会做一些具体的 宠物的食品 还有用品的具体分析和功能

大家提一些比较普遍 很多人共同的问题 而且比较有用的 版主会给酌情加金币奖励

当然 回答的有用的信息 肯定会给予金币奖励

希望大家互动起来 来爱护我们的宝贝们

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 楼主| PUNKCHERRY 发表于 2012-7-20 11:27:09
lara28 发表于 2012-7-20 09:16

哈哈 多谢支持  
kenny218 发表于 2012-7-21 13:34:13
 楼主| PUNKCHERRY 发表于 2012-7-23 22:42:32
kenny218 发表于 2012-7-21 13:34

哈哈 应该不同的性别好些吧 我家狗是女孩 猫是男孩 俩孩子感情还特好 从开始就不打架 有时还亲亲
RippeR_feng 发表于 2012-7-24 22:15:35
crysisbillylee 发表于 2012-7-26 12:49:28
有段时间我想养兔子, 可是政府说养兔子一经发现罚款2万澳币

为什么啊, 而且只是在昆士兰不能养, 别的州都可以
 楼主| PUNKCHERRY 发表于 2012-7-26 18:05:58
crysisbillylee 发表于 2012-7-26 12:49
有段时间我想养兔子, 可是政府说养兔子一经发现罚款2万澳币

为什么啊, 而且只是在昆士兰不能养, 别的州都 ...

Press release July 2003

宠物兔仍然在昆士兰州的非法 Pet rabbits still illegal in Queensland
宠物兔仍然在昆士兰州的非法 Pet rabbits still illegal in Queensland
2003年7月4日 4 July 2003
根据新的土地保护(害虫和联合路由管理)法(2002),仍然保持在昆士兰州的宠物兔非法。 Keeping pet rabbits in Queensland remains illegal under the new Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.  NR&M的虫害管理战略政策官员珍妮沙纳汉说,从3750元至3万元增加2003年7月1日,最高刑罚为保持兔子没有在昆士兰州的许可证。 NR&M pest management strategy policy officer Jenny Shanahan said the maximum penalty for keeping a rabbit without a permit in Queensland has increased from $3750 to $30,000 from 1 July 2003.  “兔子是澳大利亚的主要农业和环境的害虫之一,每年耗资600美元之间亿美元和1亿,沙纳汉女士说。” “Rabbits are one of Australia's major agricultural and environmental pests, costing between $600 million and $1 billion annually,” Ms Shanahan said.  “仅在昆士兰州,兔的控制费用估计超过每年2亿美元的绵羊和牛的行业。” “In Queensland alone, control of rabbits is estimated to cost the sheep and cattle industries in excess of $2 million per annum.”  沙纳汉女士说峰值农业产业群体,地方政府协会,环境和谈话组,支持作为宠物饲养兔的禁令。 Ms Shanahan said peak agricultural industry groups, Local Government associations, and environmental and conversation groups support the ban on keeping rabbits as pets.  “新法案继续认识到野生兔瘟疫威胁,许多农村土地拥有者的生计,包括粮食,蔬菜作物的农业产业造成相当大的损失,”她说。 “The new Act continues to recognise that wild rabbit plagues threaten the livelihood of many rural landholders, causing considerable losses to agricultural industries including grain and vegetable crops,” she said.  “小白兔是引进品种,作为一个整体对环境的一个重大的不利影响和澳大利亚本土的动植物。 “Rabbits are an introduced species that have a major adverse impact on the environment as a whole and Australia's native flora and fauna.  “兔竞争与本土动物和土壤侵蚀的一个主要原因,”她说。 “Rabbits compete with native animals and are a primary cause of soil erosion,” she said.  沙纳汉女士说,组织和企业可申请许可证,以保持科研,公众教育和公众展示的目的兔 - 然而这些许可证有严格的条件。 Ms Shanahan said organisations and businesses may apply for a permit to keep rabbits for scientific research, public education and public display purposes - however these permits have strict conditions.  “幼儿园及其他教育机构将不再被允许保持国内兔,从7月1日起,许可证将不会被饲养宠物兔养殖的兔子发出”她说。 “Kindergartens and other educational institutions will no longer be permitted to keep domestic rabbits from July 1, and permits will not be issued for keeping rabbits as pets or for rabbit farming ” she said.  许可证,以保持兔子的研究,教育或展示目的可以从自然资源和矿业部,有效期长达两年。 Permits to keep rabbits for research, education or display purposes can be obtained from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, and are valid for up to two years. 2003年7月1日以前签发的许可证是有效的,并继续有效,直到2003年12月31日,除另有撤销,吊销或投降。 Permits issued prior to 1 July 2003 are valid and continue to be effective until 31 December 2003, unless otherwise revoked, suspended or surrendered.  为进一步兔信息在昆士兰电话免费电话1800 999 367或星期日&M的网站。 For further information on rabbits in Queensland phone freecall 1800 999 367 or see the NR&M website.  如需进一步信息接触珍妮沙纳汉,虫害管理战略,自然资源和矿业:07 3405 5526,或媒体官员玫瑰Rathborne 07 3405 6961或之后的时间:0422 802 296布雷特·戴维斯。 For further information contact Jenny Shanahan, Pest Management Strategy, Natural Resources and Mines: 07 3405 5526, or Media Officer Rose Rathborne 07 3405 6961 or after hours: Brett Davis on 0422 802 296.
DNR的害虫事实宠物兔 - 最常见的非法宠物。 DNR Pest Facts-Pet rabbits - the most common illegal pet.


为什么要控制饲养兔? Why control the keeping of rabbits?
兔子是澳大利亚的最具破坏性的介绍害虫。 The rabbit is Australia's most destructive introduced pest. 野兔每年造成超过1亿美元的损害已经造成,并继续造成严重的土地退化和水土流失。 Wild rabbits cause more than $100 million damage every year and have caused and continue to cause severe land degradation and soil erosion. 野兔威胁本土野生动物的许多珍稀和濒危物种的生存。 Wild rabbits threaten the survival of many rare and endangered species of native wildlife. 饲养宠物是许多野生兔瘟疫的威胁生计的农村地主的强烈反对。 The keeping of pets is strongly opposed by many rural landholders whose livelihood is threatened by wild rabbit plagues. 许多人担心会引起广泛的作为宠物兔饲养那些野猫经历类似的问题。 Many people fear the widespread keeping of rabbits as pets would cause similar problems to those being experienced with the feral cat.

饲养兔子的限制 Restriction on keeping rabbits
兔子(所有品种,包括国内品种)是整个昆士兰宣布害虫根据“1985年农村土地保护动物。 The rabbit (all varieties, including domestic breeds) is a declared pest animal throughout Queensland under the Rural Lands Protection Act 1985. 它是一项罪行,以保持任何种类作为宠物兔。 It is an offence to keep a rabbit of any variety as a pet. 最高刑罚为罚款30,000元。 The maximum penalty is $30,000.

宠物兔的法律地位 Legal standing on pet rabbits
被认为是在1994年的提案合法化绝育国内兔,​​但由初级产业,环境和文物及地政总署拒绝。 A proposal to legalise desexed domestic rabbits was considered in 1994 but was rejected by the Departments of Primary Industries, Environment and Heritage and Lands. 也反对一些地方政府和放牧组的建议。 The proposal was also opposed by several local governments and grazier groups. 目前对宠物兔的禁令尚未解除,所有的兔子作为宠物饲养(国内或以其他方式)在昆士兰州仍然非法。 The present ban on pet rabbits has not been lifted and the keeping of all rabbits (domestic or otherwise) as pets remains illegal in Queensland.

许可证 Permits
发出的许可证,不能被任何任何私人目的的各种宠物兔。 A permit cannot be issued for keeping of pet rabbits of any variety for any private purpose.

保持在昆士兰州一只兔子许可证只能在批准的,如果动物被保存为经批准的公共目的: A permit to keep a rabbit in Queensland can only be approved if the animal is being kept for an approved public purpose:
  - 公众教育 - 学校和大学的目的是提高对野兔的影响的认识 - public education - schools and universities which aim to raise awareness of the impact of wild rabbits

只有注册动物园 - 公开展览 -  - public exhibition - registered zoos only

  - 公共娱乐场所 - 注册娱乐业 - public entertainment - registered entertainment businesses only

  - 科学和研究的目的 - 大学和医学实验室 - scientific and research purposes - universities and medical laboratories

品种兔许可证只颁发给公认的科研机构。 Permits to breed rabbits are only issued to recognised scientific institutions. 为任何其他目的家兔育种是一项罪行。 Breeding of rabbits for any other purpose is an offence.

一般资料 General Information
国内品种和各种兔的野生(灰色)是同一品种,虽然国内品种已大量通过多年的杂交育种和选择修改兔子爱好者。 The domestic varieties and the wild (grey) variety of rabbits are the same species, although the domestic varieties have been heavily modified via years of cross-breeding and selection by rabbit enthusiasts. 虽然国内最逃脱的兔子可能是由野生的猫,狗和狐狸被杀,有证据表明,一小部分逃出女性家庭兔生存和成功繁殖与野生雄兔。 Although most escaped domestic rabbits are probably killed by feral cats, dogs and foxes, there is evidence that a small proportion of escaped female domestic rabbits will survive and breed successfully with wild male rabbits.
野兔最初于1859年进入澳大利亚进口和释放在维多利亚狩猎的目的。 Wild rabbits were originally imported into Australia in 1859 and released for hunting purposes in Victoria. 因为野兔已经遍布澳大利亚最。 The wild rabbit has since spread over most of Australia. 有可能超过400万在澳大利亚的野兔。 There may be over 400 million wild rabbits in Australia today. 大鳄缺席的岛屿上,建立了国内品种兔的小菌落。 Small colonies of domestic rabbit varieties have established on islands, where predators are absent.

进一步的信息 Further Information

从耕地保护人员,自然资源部008 803 788(本地电话),可提供您最近的办公室电话号码。 Is available from Land Protection Officers, Department of Natural Resources 008 803 788 (local call) can provide the telephone number for your nearest office.

由农村保障基金手册党(原文如此)。 Brochure party (sic) funded by Rural Protection Fund.
PA的1996年11月15日,昆士兰州土地保护小组 PA 15 November 1996 The state of Queensland Produced by Land Protection Sub
计划Agdex ISSN 1327-5402 Program Agdex ISSN 1327-5402

 楼主| PUNKCHERRY 发表于 2012-7-26 18:09:46
RippeR_feng 发表于 2012-7-24 22:15

像garden city宠物店有卖猫咪 有时候sunnybank也有 建议先去找找论坛有没有需要领养的猫咪 或者去RSCPA那里申请下·· 貌似第一针是宠物店包的芯片的话好像就几十刀吧· 或者是有宠物店包  去gumtree上面找下看看··  desex的话 价钱不贵 好像8 90的样子
 楼主| PUNKCHERRY 发表于 2012-7-26 18:12:59
RippeR_feng 发表于 2012-7-24 22:15

http://bbs.ozyoyo.com/thread-313057-1-1.html 刚看到这里有转让的
ththfish 发表于 2012-7-29 21:46:14 来自手机
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