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[Brisbane] Tips on how to be a responsible puppy owner









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awry 发表于 2015-10-7 08:01:16
1934 3


本帖最后由 awry 于 2015-10-7 08:01 编辑

Puppies are cute and will almost alwayssteal your heart, at the very first encounter. However, anyone intending totake on the task of looking after and caring for a puppy must first understand,all about puppy owner commitment.Being well prepared will make things easier and safer for all. Puppies are nottoys, which you can play with and then simply put away, when you tire of the“sport”!
Some of the reasons, puppies are eventuallyabandoned or mistreated include the following:

  • ·      Purchasing or accepting a puppyon a whim
  • ·      Lack of proper physicalplanning to accommodate a puppy
  • ·      Not committed to actuallymaking the puppy part of your life
  • ·      Having a lifestyle thatinvolves a lot of travel
  • ·      Not being mature enough to beresponsible for another “life”

The above are only some of the reasons whythere are so many sad endings, to what initially starts out looking like a goodidea. In order to ensure that you are capable of caring and loving a puppy andto fully understand puppy ownerresponsibility, these following tips might provide a lot of helpful hints:
·      Take some time to really mullover the idea of getting a puppy. Don’t rush into it. Do some research and talkto people with similar lifestyles and really listen, to how they cope withhaving a pet. Pay special attention to all they have to share about the firstfew months with the new puppy.
·      Are you ready for the costsinvolved in taking on a new puppy? There are going to be bills. Those that arecommon and you can prepare for, and the ones that are going to pop up, unwantedand unwelcomed.
·      Pooping and peeing are all partof the natural cycle of any living creature and your puppy is going to be doinga lot of this. Being armed with all the right and relevant information abouthow to toilet train your puppy with the least amount of “hair pulling” isimportant for both you and your little cutie.
·      Explore the idea of spaying orneutering your puppy and find out when would be the most suitable time to havethis done.
·      Have a checklist done on allthe items needed to make a complete and comfortable space in your home for yourpuppy.
·      Understand and plan, for allthe new routines needed to be included into your current lifestyle, so thatyour puppy does not eventually become a burden.
Puppyowner responsibility will seem like a momentoustask at times, and it is certainly not an idea for thefool hardy and faint hearted. Caring for a puppy is not just about sloppykisses and cuddles. Its entails a lot more!
Failing to understand and come to termswith puppy owner commitment and allit entails, will only lead to terrible consequences. This may sound ratherharsh, but in truth, people need to realize, the life changes that need to bemade, so that everyone involved, especially the little puppy does not suffer.
To view more puppy related topic please visit us.

My Dear Puppy 4.JPG (277.2 KB, 下载次数: 43)

My Dear Puppy 4.JPG

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lara28 发表于 2015-10-7 12:28:19
 楼主| awry 发表于 2015-10-8 16:48:27
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