1。其中,值得一提的是具体的年度各职业配额是按照ANZSCO(职业分类代码)的前4位,也即职业大分类来分类的,统一享有一个配额。例如会计,分为Accountant General 221111, Taxation Accountant 221113, Management Accountant 221112, 但在EOI配额系统里面只按照职业代码的前4位分类,也即统一划归为会计,配额为每年10440,数量比较可观。
6.有可能出现某些冷门职业申请人在相对较低的分数段而获得移民部邀请(Invitations) ,而热门职业分数相对高些,反而没有得到邀请申请签证的状况。
Occupation Ceilings
An occupation ceiling may be applied to invitations issued under the points based skilled migration program. This means there will be a limit on how many EOIs are selected for skilled migration from an occupation group. This ensures that the skilled migration program is not dominated by a small number of occupations.
When this limit is reached, no further invitations for that particular occupation group will be issued for that program year. Invitations would then be issued to other EOIs who have nominated available occupations even if they are lower ranking. For the state and territory nominated visas, a state or territory will not be able to nominate you if your nominated occupation has reached its occupation ceiling.
The below table shows the occupation ceiling for the 2012-2013 program year for each occupation on the skilled occupation lists at a four-digit ANZSCO code unit group.
Occupation ceiling
1111 Chief Executives and Managing Directors 4260
1112 General Managers 3300
1211 Aquaculture Farmers 120
1212 Crop Farmers 2640
1213 Livestock Farmers 5400
1214 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmers 1860
1311 Advertising and Sales Managers 7740
1321 Corporate Services Managers 540
1322 Finance Managers 3420
1323 Human Resource Managers 3000
1324 Policy and Planning Managers 1740
1325 Research and Development Managers 540
1331 Construction Managers 4800
1332 Engineering Managers 960
1333 Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers 1560
1334 Manufacturers 1140
1335 Production Managers 3240
1336 Supply and Distribution Managers 1800
1341 Child Care Centre Managers 540
1342 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1260
1343 School Principals 1500
1344 Other Education Managers 780
1351 ICT Managers 2580
1391 Commissioned Officers (Management) 180
1392 Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Members No ceiling
3199 Other Specialist Managers 2400
1411 Cafe and Restaurant Managers 3660
1412 Caravan Park and Camping Ground Managers 180
1413 Hotel and Motel Managers 1380
1414 Licensed Club Managers 480
1419 Other Accommodation and Hospitality Managers 420
1421 Retail Managers 13140
1491 Amusement, Fitness and Sports Centre Managers 360
1492 Call or Contact Centre and Customer Service Managers 1980
1493 Conference and Event Organisers 1620
1494 Transport Services Managers 960
1499 Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers 4020
2123 Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors 660
2124 Journalists and Other Writers 1560
2211 Accountants 10440
2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 960
2222 Financial Dealers 1140
2223 Financial Investment Advisers and Managers 2520
2231 Human Resource Professionals 4500
2232 ICT Trainers 180
2243 Economists 360
2244 Intelligence and Policy Analysts 1620
2246 Librarians 840
2247 Management and Organisation Analysts 2820
2249 Other Information and Organisation Professionals 840
2252 ICT Sales Professionals 900
2253 Public Relations Professionals 1260
2254 Technical Sales Representatives 2220
2311 Air Transport Professionals 660
2312 Marine Transport Professionals 540
2321 Architects and Landscape Architects 1500
2322 Cartographers and Surveyors 780
2323 Fashion, Industrial and Jewellery Designers 600
2324 Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators 3180
2325 Interior Designers 720
2326 Urban and Regional Planners 660
2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers 120
2332 Civil Engineering Professionals 2640
2333 Electrical Engineers 1260
2334 Electronics Engineers 480
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 1620
2336 Mining Engineers 600
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 540
2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 480
2342 Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists 660
2343 Environmental Scientists 1620
2344 Geologists and Geophysicists 840
2345 Life Scientists 540
2346 Medical Laboratory Scientists 1260
2347 Veterinarians 480
2349 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 600
2411 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 1680
2412 Primary School Teachers 7620
2413 Middle School Teachers 60
2414 Secondary School Teachers 7020
2415 Special Education Teachers 840
2421 University Lecturers and Tutors 2280
2422 Vocational Education Teachers 2160
2491 Education Advisers and Reviewers 660
2492 Private Tutors and Teachers 1920
2493 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 180
2511 Dietitians 480
2512 Medical Imaging Professionals 1080
2513 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals 1860
2514 Optometrists and Orthoptists 360
2515 Pharmacists 1380
2519 Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals 480
2521 Chiropractors and Osteopaths 240
2522 Complementary Health Therapists 480
2523 Dental Practitioners 720
2524 Occupational Therapists 720
2525 Physiotherapists 840
2526 Podiatrists 300
2527 Speech Professionals and Audiologists 420
2531 Generalist Medical Practitioners 3000
2532 Anaesthetists 120
2533 Internal Medicine Specialists 360
2534 Psychiatrists 300
2535 Surgeons 300
2539 Other Medical Practitioners 780
2541 Midwives 1020
2542 Nurse Educators and Researchers 360
2543 Nurse Managers 900
2544 Registered Nurses 13380
2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts 1800
2612 *** Specialists and Web Developers 420
2613 Software and Applications Programmers 5160
2621 Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists 2400
2631 Computer Network Professionals 1740
2632 ICT Support and Test Engineers 360
2633 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 480
2711 Barristers 420
2712 Judicial and Other Legal Professionals 420
2713 Solicitors 3480
2721 Counsellors 1080
2722 Ministers of Religion 900
2723 Psychologists 1440
2724 Social Professionals 720
2725 Social Workers 1260
2726 Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts Workers 1800
3111 Agricultural Technicians 120
3112 Medical Technicians 1800
3113 Primary Products Inspectors 180
3114 Science Technicians 1200
3121 Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians 3360
3122 Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 660
3123 Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 480
3124 Electronic Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 420
3125 Mechanical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 420
3126 Safety Inspectors 180
3129 Other Building and Engineering Technicians 1620
3131 ICT Support Technicians 3060
3132 Telecommunications Technical Specialists 360
3211 Automotive Electricians 420
3212 Motor Mechanics 5160
3221 Metal Casting, Forging and Finishing Trades Workers 180
3222 Sheetmetal Trades Workers 600
3223 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4860
3231 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers 780
3232 Metal Fitters and Machinists 7500
3233 Precision Metal Trades Workers 360
3234 Toolmakers and Engineering Patternmakers 120
3241 Panelbeaters 960
3242 Vehicle Body Builders and Trimmers 240
3243 Vehicle Painters 660
3311 Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1920
3312 Carpenters and Joiners 7140
3321 Floor Finishers 420
3322 Painting Trades Workers 2940
3331 Glaziers 600
3332 Plasterers 1620
3333 Roof Tilers 540
3334 Wall and Floor Tilers 1140
3341 Plumbers 5100
3411 Electricians 9000
3421 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1560
3422 Electrical Distribution Trades Workers 600
3423 Electronics Trades Workers 2160
3424 Telecommunications Trades Workers 960
3511 Bakers and Pastrycooks 2040
3512 Butchers and Smallgoods Makers 1380
3513 Chefs 4920
3514 Cooks 1800
3611 Animal Attendants and Trainers 780
3612 Shearers 240
3613 Veterinary Nurses 660
3621 Florists 420
3622 Gardeners 4140
3623 Greenkeepers 900
3624 Nurserypersons 360
3911 Hairdressers 3960
3921 Binders, Finishers and Screen Printers 300
3922 Graphic Pre-press Trades Workers 180
3923 Printers 720
3931 Canvas and Leather Goods Makers 120
3932 Clothing Trades Workers 420
3933 Upholsterers 180
3941 Cabinetmakers 1440
3942 Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers 420
3991 Boat Builders and Shipwrights 360
3992 Chemical, Gas, Petroleum and Power Generation Plant Operators 660
3993 Gallery, Library and Museum Technicians 420
3994 Jewellers 300
3995 Performing Arts Technicians 780
3996 Signwriters 360
3999 Other Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers 1020
4116 Massage Therapists 840
4117 Welfare Support Workers 3120
4411 Defence Force Members - Other Ranks 0
4412 Fire and Emergency Workers 960
4413 Police 3000
4421 Prison Officers 840
4422 Security Officers and Guards 3180
4512 Driving Instructors 240
4513 Funeral Workers 240
4517 Travel Attendants 720
4518 Other Personal Service Workers 720
4523 Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials 1980
4524 Sportspersons 900
5111 Contract, Program and Project Administrators 6420
5121 Office Managers 9600
5991 Conveyancers and Legal Executives 600
5992 Court and Legal Clerks 720
5996 Insurance Investigators, Loss Adjusters and Risk Surveyors 300
5999 Other Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers 1080
6111 Auctioneers, and Stock and Station Agents 120
6112 Insurance Agents 540
6121 Real Estate Sales Agents 5100
6392 Retail and Wool Buyers 240
7122 Drillers, Miners and Shot Firers 3060
1111 Chief Executives and Managing Directors 4260
1112 General Managers 3300
1211 Aquaculture Farmers 120
1212 Crop Farmers 2640
1213 Livestock Farmers 5400
1214 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmers 1860
1311 Advertising and Sales Managers 7740
1321 Corporate Services Managers 540
1322 Finance Managers 3420
1323 Human Resource Managers 3000
1324 Policy and Planning Managers 1740
1325 Research and Development Managers 540
1331 Construction Managers 4800
1332 Engineering Managers 960
1333 Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers 1560
1334 Manufacturers 1140
1335 Production Managers 3240
1336 Supply and Distribution Managers 1800
1341 Child Care Centre Managers 540
1342 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1260
1343 School Principals 1500
1344 Other Education Managers 780
1351 ICT Managers 2580
1391 Commissioned Officers (Management) 180
1392 Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Members No ceiling
3199 Other Specialist Managers 2400
1411 Cafe and Restaurant Managers 3660
1412 Caravan Park and Camping Ground Managers 180
1413 Hotel and Motel Managers 1380
1414 Licensed Club Managers 480
1419 Other Accommodation and Hospitality Managers 420
1421 Retail Managers 13140
1491 Amusement, Fitness and Sports Centre Managers 360
1492 Call or Contact Centre and Customer Service Managers 1980
1493 Conference and Event Organisers 1620
1494 Transport Services Managers 960
1499 Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers 4020
2123 Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors 660
2124 Journalists and Other Writers 1560
2211 Accountants 10440
2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 960
2222 Financial Dealers 1140
2223 Financial Investment Advisers and Managers 2520
2231 Human Resource Professionals 4500
2232 ICT Trainers 180
2243 Economists 360
2244 Intelligence and Policy Analysts 1620
2246 Librarians 840
2247 Management and Organisation Analysts 2820
2249 Other Information and Organisation Professionals 840
2252 ICT Sales Professionals 900
2253 Public Relations Professionals 1260
2254 Technical Sales Representatives 2220
2311 Air Transport Professionals 660
2312 Marine Transport Professionals 540
2321 Architects and Landscape Architects 1500
2322 Cartographers and Surveyors 780
2323 Fashion, Industrial and Jewellery Designers 600
2324 Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators 3180
2325 Interior Designers 720
2326 Urban and Regional Planners 660
2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers 120
2332 Civil Engineering Professionals 2640
2333 Electrical Engineers 1260
2334 Electronics Engineers 480
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 1620
2336 Mining Engineers 600
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 540
2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 480
2342 Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists 660
2343 Environmental Scientists 1620
2344 Geologists and Geophysicists 840 |
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