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[会计税务] ☆Florian Partners 退税报税,会计帐务培训 悉尼,布里斯班,黄金海岸常年招生☆









Rank: 2Rank: 2

paopao 发表于 2011-8-11 14:10:49
40867 121


2013年我们在原 Level 1 Accounting Training 中 新加入 3门课程 :
Inventory Processing and Year End Stock Take & Adjustment
Accounting System Comparison: Saasu & SAP
Individual Tax Return and Company Tax Return
在原有的课程基础新加入的课程可以让所有的学员在未来职位的选择中更加的灵活, 不论是Commercial Accounting Sector OR Public Accounting Firms, 您都可以有相关的Technical Skills胜任未来的任何职位.
Florian Partners 提供会计培训. 我们提供不同的培训, 包括

  • Bookkeeping Training (针对需要申请AP/AR Clerk工作的童鞋, 真正的不需要会计学位也可以胜任)
  • Level 1 Accounting Training(针对会计专业毕业童鞋,寻找中小型公司会计工作)
  • Level 2 AccountingTraining (针对已经做会计工作童鞋,寻找大型上市公司会计工作)
  • Finance Training (针对金融专业毕业童鞋, 寻找银行,投资等工作)
  • Interview Training (resume撰写, phone/faceto face interview礼仪,技巧)
  • Tax Training (针对想要寻找tax agent工作的童鞋. 如何使用AO做退税报税)

我们的主讲是曾/现任于澳洲上市公司拥有10年Accounting工作经验的CPA讲师和金融精算师来授课. 欢迎大家把自己工作中遇到的问题带到课上向我们的讲师咨询!!

对于会计培训,我们提供免费试听,重听的服务. 保证你听懂为止. Guys, we have a reputation to keep!!

所有报名会计和金融培训的童鞋都将获得6个月internship的机会.我们会提供我们公司真实账目让你练习, 操作, 并且我们的assistant accountant会为您检查和修改你的files.保证你在进入正式工作后在没有人指导的情况下不会出现任何错误. 请注意所有的课程我们都提供ongoing support,所有的intern files都是定时update,我们会努力解决您在工作中遇到的任何有关会计的问题.


如果您有任何问题,欢迎随时联系我们. 我们的联系方式是:

Selina Feng
T: 0430 827 666  
level 6, 138 Albert St,Brisbane City 4000
Openning Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm

Coco Hou
T: 0412 624 948
    02 888 94 111
335/410 Elizabeth St, SurryHills 2010
Openning Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm

请follow我们的新浪微博 http://www.weibo.com/floriancorp

FlorianPartners Accounting Services
As a CPA Public Practice, FlorianPartners致力于为客户提供最优质的服务。我们的专业人员均具备丰富的专业技能及行业知识,并具有多年的实际经验,是您事业成功的伙伴选择。我们拥有专业的会计团队,不论贵公司从事哪种行业,我们的专业人员都可为您及时提供意见。对不同的行业,我们切合贵公司在会计帐务, BAS,税务,工资管理,会计软件,公司创建,财务交易和咨询服务方面的需要提供周全的服务,帮助您合理避税,精确财务管理,提高贵公司的经营效益.
Accounting Services:
Tax Planning
The taxsystem is complex and constantly changing. To make sure you make the most oftax offsets and deductions for your business or personal situation, FlorianPartners can provide such tax planning advice based on proven knowledge andexperience. We offer a full range of taxation services. Our advice is tailoredto individuals and small businesses with a focus on improving tax efficienciesand helping to reduce tax liabilities.
We want thebest for you, our clients. Our philosophy is to assist you in your accountingand finance needs. We pride ourselves on the service and the benefits weprovide to our clients. Our pro-active approach ensures we deliver a consistentservice and build solid relationships which stand the test of time.
Taxation can be a major cost toyour business. We will work in partnership with you to minimise your tax andhelp you achieve your key objectives.
We provide a complete service ofhelp and advice in all of the following areas:
      Preparationof activity statements and advice on payment of tax
      Advice onand implementation of tax effective trust structures for asset protection andtax minimisation
      Managementof any ATO Audits or disputes
Bookkeeping Services
Wouldoutsourcing bookkeeping benefit your business? Florian Partners offers acomprehensive bookkeeping service at the best rates. We provide the best valuequotes in Sydney. This removes all the hassle of handling the accounts so youcan concentrate on what you do best. Florian staff will assist in the reportingof receipts and payables, up to the full preparation of financial andmanagement accounts.
Ensuringyour business maintains compliance with BAS and GST is a time consuming andtricky process. Florian Partners can take away these worries by providing afull BAS and GST service. This includes calculating GST and lodging your BAS tothe ATO. Combined with the bookkeeping service, your business will be freedfrom endless paperwork.
Company Set-up
When it istime for you to start a new venture, Florian can assist you in setting up theright entity whether it is a company, partnership or sole trader. We can alsoadvise you on starting a small business including licensing, registration, anddealing with government agencies.
MYOB Set-up
Having afunctioning accounting system such as MYOB can improve your internal process byproviding up to date management reporting. The benefits of a good accountingsystem are potentially a significant reduction in accounting costs and improvedaccuracy of reporting. Florian Partners can help to install and set up thesoftware to suit your firm.
Payroll Services
Administering your payroll can betime-consuming and divert you from the core activities of your business.Payroll & employment legislation is growing increasingly complex.
We can relieve you of this burdenby providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:
      Administrationof PAYG, statutory sick pay, annual leave etc
      ATO filing
      Summariesand analyses of staff costs
      Administrationof incentive schemes, bonuses and termination payments
Even if you have only a fewemployees, you will make savings by engaging us to administer your payroll.
Our aim isto ensure your business achieves the potential it's capable of. We have theknow how and ex-perience to offer advice to help you run your business moreeffectively.
We arepracticed in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing to therelationship years of experience in business growth. We can identify keyperformance indicators in your business, through which you will see thepositive changes occurring with the help of our professional consultants.
We are ableto check that your business is as competitive, focused, and profitable as itcan be. We then offer flexible strategies, designed to address the issuesaffecting your business.
Let us giveyour business a health check. Take the practical advice we can give to ensurethe continual success of your venture.
Self-managed superannuation funds
There areseveral trust laws and legislative requirements for setting up a self-managedsuperannuation fund (SMSF). Typically you need to:
Obtain atrust deed
Sign atrustee declaration (NAT 71089)
Elect tobecome a regulated fund
Obtain a taxfile number (TFN)
Obtain anAustralian business number (ABN)
At FlorianPartners we provide the professional advice you need to set up your own fundand greatly simplify the process for you.
Cashflow Management
Have youever wondered if you are holding too much inventory? Is this the right time toexpand your business? Are you going to have enough cash to pay all expenses everymonth?
Survival intoday's business climate requires you to spend more time working on yourbusiness rather than in the business.
We canprovide you with accurate, timely and informative cashflow forecasting reports- allowing you to:
Realize andunderstand when cash is available
Plan andprepare for expansion, stock control, and taxes
Analyse andanticipate key expenses
Armed withthis information, we'll work with you to develop action strategies to improveyour bottom line.
Financial Planning
FlorianPartners has a qualified financial adviser to provide financial planning andsuperannuation and investment advice.
A personalfinancial plan can be drafted with implementation, rebalancing and reviewservices. We can also provide advice on improving the structure of yourinvestments and your portfolio, whether it is stocks, managed funds, directproperty and other alternative investments

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回复置顶码: 221348

 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-3-12 10:38:42
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-3-6 09:35:54
Hi Everyone,

We are pleased to inform you that the next round Intensive Training is coming up soon in our Brisbane office.
Please do not hesitate to the ring us on 07 3210 0037 if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,
Premier Accounting Partners
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-2-22 12:28:26
Hi Coco,
How are you? I hope you are well. Just want to let you know that I found a new job as an Assistant Accountant in a non profit organization.
Will start next week. I can say that the training and internship program helped me to be more confident during interviews.
Wishing all the trainess to find a job that they will ejoy!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your words of encouragement! =)
All the best!
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-2-18 15:56:02
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-2-8 12:35:02
Dear Cindy

Happy New Year. Hope you doing great.Thanks for all the support you and Lee gave during the internship.I am grateful to Coco for all the training. It really helped me to get better in the work culture. I have a good news to share with you all that I got a Bookkeeper job in a proprietary company.

I would like to share my interview experience with all of you.The Director took the interview for about half an hour to forty five minutes. He opened his computer and asked me various questions regarding Microsoft excel functions and Internal Control procedures and M YOB such as:

Do I have a good knowledge of Microsoft excel?
This is a large file how you can handle it and made it easier to read?
He showed me the sales sheet and asked me about how to calculate the average monthly sales?
As our customers are paying within 90 days. what do you think is a good practice and how you can make it better?
We are having a huge stock loss how you can help us to improve it?
How you can delete a card file from the card list which is already linked to the transaction?
what is the procedure to chase debtors?
What are the BAS due dates and how you lodge it? can we lodge it from MYOB?
Can we pay wages electronically to the employees via MYOB? Ans: Only if you are registered with the M-powered services online.
What do you know about Payroll Tax?
Which version of MYOB you are using?
How you manage your work ?
Tell me something about yourself?

I believe it help others as well.

Kind regards
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-1-25 13:05:22

Hi Coco,

Fantastic new !!! The job agent just called me and I got the job offer today. The position is Intermediate Accountant with an accounting firm in Brisbane. Thank you sooooo much. I can't express how happy I am and you've been such a great help Coco

I wanna share my interview process with the fellow interns and hope they can find their dream job soon.

So basically I have 2 interviews, first one was a phone interview with the agent, I had the chat with her for about 15 minutes. Interview questions are as following:

1. Tell me about yourself
2. What do you like and dislike about accounting
3. Why did you decide to apply for this position?
4. Have you started your CPA?
5. Why did you leave your last position?

The second face to face interview was with the manager of the firm and the job agent. Interview questions are as the following:

1. Tell me about your past experiences
2. Show me an example of your time management skill/work prioritisation
3. Show me an example of your communication skill
4. What is your long-term career goal?
5. What do you know about our company?
6. How many CPA modules have you done so far? What's the result?
7. Tell me about one of the achievements in your past work
8. What do you do in your free time?
9. Then he asks me some technical interview questions in regards to doing tax for different entities/ prepare financial report
10. Do you have any question for me ?

Please also be prepared to fail the first 2 or 3 interviews. It's a tough market out there and it's hard for everyone.  But my advice is to never give up, and have a positive attitude all the time.  Be prepared for the interview as well and remember to use work example to back up for your points in the interview. Also make sure that you know all the level 1 and tax course materials conducted by Coco well before you attend the interview.

My other advise is when you ask the interviewer questions, while they are giving you the answer, try to find something in common with their answer and discuss with them, instead of just listening to what they say. Also start your CPA asap if you haven't  because you will have the advantage over other applicants. I'm doing my third CPA module now.

Finally, I highly recommend the Interview Class conducted by Jeff, it's really helpful and all the interview questions are covered in his class. Moreover, Coco's tax class is very helpful as well.


Best regards,
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-1-18 11:46:10
Hi Coco,

Fantastic new !!! The job agent just called me and I got the job offer today. The position is Intermediate Accountant with an accounting firm in Brisbane. Thank you sooooo much. I can't express how happy I am and you've been such a great help Coco

I wanna share my interview process with the fellow interns and hope they can find their dream job soon.

So basically I have 2 interviews, first one was a phone interview with the agent, I had the chat with her for about 15 minutes. Interview questions are as following:

1. Tell me about yourself
2. What do you like and dislike about accounting
3. Why did you decide to apply for this position?
4. Have you started your CPA?
5. Why did you leave your last position?

The second face to face interview was with the manager of the firm and the job agent. Interview questions are as the following:

1. Tell me about your past experiences
2. Show me an example of your time management skill/work prioritisation
3. Show me an example of your communication skill
4. What is your long-term career goal?
5. What do you know about our company?
6. How many CPA modules have you done so far? What's the result?
7. Tell me about one of the achievements in your past work
8. What do you do in your free time?
9. Then he asks me some technical interview questions in regards to doing tax for different entities/ prepare financial report
10. Do you have any question for me ?

Please also be prepared to fail the first 2 or 3 interviews. It's a tough market out there and it's hard for everyone.  But my advice is to never give up, and have a positive attitude all the time.  Be prepared for the interview as well and remember to use work example to back up for your points in the interview. Also make sure that you know all the level 1 and tax course materials conducted by Coco well before you attend the interview.

My other advise is when you ask the interviewer questions, while they are giving you the answer, try to find something in common with their answer and discuss with them, instead of just listening to what they say. Also start your CPA asap if you haven't  because you will have the advantage over other applicants. I'm doing my third CPA module now.

Finally, I highly recommend the Interview Class conducted by Jeff, it's really helpful and all the interview questions are covered in his class. Moreover, Coco's tax class is very helpful as well.


Best regards,
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-1-11 10:50:06
Dear Cindy

Happy New Year. Hope you doing great.Thanks for all the support you and Lee gave during the internship.I am grateful to Coco  for all the lectures. It really helped me to get better in the work culture. I have a good news to share with you all that I got a Bookkeeper job in a pty company.

I would like to share my interview experience with all of you.The Director took the interview for about half an hour to forty five minutes. He opened his computer and asked me various questions regarding Microsoft excel functions and Internal Control procedures and M YOB such as:

Do I have a good knowledge of Microsoft excel?
This is a large file how you can handle it and made it easier to read?
He showed me the sales sheet and asked me about how to calculate the average monthly sales?
As our customers are paying within 90 days. what do you think is a good practice and how you can make it better?
We are having a huge stock loss how you can help us to improve it?
How you can delete a card file from the card list which is already linked to the transaction?
what is the procedure to chase debtors?
What are the BAS due dates and how you lodge it? can we lodge it from MYOB?
Can we pay wages electronically to the employees via MYOB? Ans: Only if you are registered with the M-powered services online.
What do you know about Payroll Tax?
Which version of MYOB you are using?
How you manage your work ?
Tell me something about yourself?

I believe it help others as well.

Kind regards
Khushboo Duggad
 楼主| paopao 发表于 2014-1-9 13:43:02
Hi Coco,
Please be informed that I have successfully secure an offer from EY Sydney for an audit role. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the assistance given to me during the Internship program. Special thanks to Coco for your positive feedback during the reference check.
As requested, please find below some of my relevant interview questions:
1.    What can you offer to the firm
2.   What are the challenges you face in your previous job and how do you solve it
3.    How do you deal with difficult clients
4.    Describe the process involved in audit planning
5.   How do you manage multiple datelines
6.    What is your definition of success
7.    What makes a good team player
8.    How do you manage disagreements with your superiors
9.    What do you do outside of work
10. How do you manage stress

I wish the Firm and the team all the best in your future endeavors.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
Best regards,
Aaron Tan



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