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标题: 免费分享UQ大学 商科部分科目 电子书 [打印本页]

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-3-22 15:42
标题: 免费分享UQ大学 商科部分科目 电子书

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-4-7 16:33
Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day. 即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-4-12 15:24
Time is a bird for ever on the wing. 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-4-13 15:21
Real dream is the other shore of reality. 真正的梦就是现实的彼岸。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-4-14 16:35
There will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength.
作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-4-19 18:45
You must always have faith in who you are!
作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-4-23 16:29
You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.
作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-5-25 18:08
Children are what themothers are.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-5-26 16:11
Across the hill, there is spring waiting ahead.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-5-29 18:47
There is no lack of sadness in life. If you cry, you have to be stronger.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-5 16:07
Look at every one equally, irrespective of rich or poor, noble or of low caste.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-9 16:51
Life a chain of moments of enjoyments; noy only about survival. 生活是一串快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-12 17:21
Care and diligence bring luck.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-13 18:08
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-14 17:46
A happy family life is a wonderful asset for any one. 快乐家庭生活对每个人都是很大的一笔财富。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-15 17:37
Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have. 除非你能和真实的自己和平相处,否则你永远不会对已拥有的东西感到满足。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-16 15:41
Every body is a star in the sky. 每个人都是天空中的一颗星。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-19 15:50
Never give up, never lose the opportunity to succeed. 不放弃就有成功的机会。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-20 15:28
No one can call back yesterday; Yesterday will not be called again. 昨日不复来。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-21 15:20
Don't let dream just be your dream. 别让梦想只停留在梦里。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-25 15:33
Many hands make quick work. 人多干活快。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-26 15:12
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. 生活是一门没有橡皮擦的绘画艺术。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-27 16:54
You can go as far as you want to go. 心有多远,你就能走多远。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-28 17:12
Good advice is beyond all price. 忠告是无价宝。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-29 17:24
A bold attempt is half success. 勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-6-30 17:06
God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-3 17:14
It's never too late to mend. 过而能改,善莫大焉。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-5 17:36
Eyes not to tears. 眼睛不是用来装眼泪的。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-6 15:29
True love never gets old. 真正的爱情永远不会变老。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-10 17:52
The world is not so much a fairy tale.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-11 15:03
Better to forgive others, don’t let others to forgive you.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-13 15:54
Do what you say, say what you do.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-14 15:22
Life is not all beer and skittles.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-18 16:39
No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, belive, that happiness is waiting. 不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-19 15:32
No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, belive, that happiness is waiting. 不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-20 15:20
Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-26 18:31
A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-27 17:36
A young idler, an old beggar.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-28 17:34
Experience is the best teacher.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-7-31 17:43
One never lose anything by politeness.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-8-1 17:28
A guest should suit the convenience of the host.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-8-2 15:31
Behind the mountains there are people to be found.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-8-3 14:59
Sow nothing, reap nothing.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-8-4 16:26
Variety is the spice of life.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-8-8 17:31
Other man live to eat, while I eat to live. 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-8-9 18:13
So many men, so many minds.人心各不同。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-9-12 17:01
Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. 品德可能仅仅在于有勇气作出抉择。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-8 16:55
Nothing can ever replace you .

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-14 15:50
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-15 15:30
Gods determine what you're going to be. 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-16 16:10
You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-17 15:29
An open enemy is better than a hollow friend. 宁有公开的敌人,不要虚伪的朋友。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-20 15:06

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times,if one remembers turn on the light.


作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-22 15:17
Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-23 15:53
One of the best things in the world is when someone you love holds your hand.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-27 16:20
Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-28 15:14
Life is  a series of hellos and goodbyes!

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-29 16:06
All glory is fleeting.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-11-30 15:27
Shallow men believe in luck. Self-trust is the first secret of success.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-1 16:29
If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. 太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-4 17:40
Getting out of bed in winter is one of life's hardest mission. 冬天,将自己从被窝掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-5 18:34
Some love, far to enjoy. Some feelings, keep smiling, pass by!
有些喜欢, 远远地欣赏就好。有些感情, 保持微笑, 路过就好!

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-6 16:19
Time is a bird for ever on the wing. 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-7 16:49
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-8 15:35
Genius only means hard-working all one's life. 天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-11 18:35
If the heart is simple and pure, all things are beautiful.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-12 15:10
One today is worth two tomorrows.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-13 15:52
Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-14 15:16
Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-15 15:17
Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-18 16:14
Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival. 人生应该由一串串快乐的时光组成,不应当只为生存而生存。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-20 16:51
Those who are good at using time will always find plenty of time.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-21 15:33
Work with an optimistic mood and treat people with a kind heart.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-22 15:10
Don't forget the past when you succeed, and remember the future when you fail.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-25 16:40
The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-26 16:42
A person's attitude determines his height. 一个人的态度,决定他的高度。

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-27 15:39
We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-28 15:09
A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2023-12-29 16:20
Pure of heart, life is full of sweet and joy.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2024-1-2 16:09
Reading a good book, like and many noble people talk.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2024-1-3 16:09
Cease to struggle and you cease to live.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2024-1-4 16:09
Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2024-1-5 16:10
Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.

作者: yoyostudy0728    时间: 2024-1-8 16:59
Nurture passes nature.

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