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    textbook for sale!卖教科书









    Rank: 20Rank: 20

    ASJMOTORS 发表于 2010-9-4 08:52:37
    490 0


    有些版本可能不太一样,但是各个 EDITION 其实内容95%+一样的。 有需要告诉我。

    Textbookfor sale

    For business accounting/finance/managementetc.

    1. Communication in Business 3rd ed by Judith Dwyer
    2.Business Law 3rd ed by Andy Gibson and Douglas Fraser
    3. Marketing Core Concepts & Applications byPride/Elliott/Rundle-Thiele/Waller/Palladino.Ferrell
    4. Accounting 4 edition by Horngren harrison Bamber
    5. Banking Law and the Financial System in Australia by W S Weerasooria FifthEdition
    6. Management A Pacific Rim Focus Enchanced Edition by Bartol Tein MatthewsMartin
    7. Fundamentals of Information Systems 3rd Edition  by Ralph Stair/GeorgeReynolds Published by Thomson Course Technology
    8. Microsoft Office Excel 2003 2nd Edition by June Jamrich Parsons
    9. Microsoft office Access 2003 by Joseph K. Adamski
    10. Learning Statistics and Excel in Tandem by Saroja Selvanathan and AntonySelvanathan
    11. International Financial Management 3rd edition by Eun/Resnick
    12. Fundamentals of Management 2nd Pacific Rim edition by Danny Samson andRichard L. Daft
    13, Legal issues for managers for 2007PPP for Griffith Uni compiled from:Business Law 4E Gibson and Fraser
    14. Fundamentals of Business Law Customised Fifth edition for 2105AFEintroduction to Business law and 7105AFE Principles of Business law(Author M.L.Barron)
    15. Modern Auditing & Assurance Services 3rd edition BY Leung/Coram/Cooper

    16. Modern Auditing & Assurance Services Study Guide 3rd edition by Robyn Cameron

    17. Corporate Accounting in Australia3rd edition by Gaffikin &Dagwell & Wines

    18. Accounting Essentials for hospitality Managers by Chris Guilding

    20. Successful Service Operations Management 2nd Edition by Metters/King-Metters/Pullman/Walton

    21. Global Business Today by Charles W.L. Hill
      22. Accounting information for Business Decisions by Billie M. Cunninghan & Loren A. Nikolai & Hohn D. Bazley

    23. Principles of Economics by Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Robin Stonecash

    24. Financial institutions and markets 4th edition  by Ben Hunt and Chris Terry

    25. Australian Financial Accounting  3rd edition by Craig Deegan

    26. Management a Pacific Rim Focus 4th Edition by Bartol & Tein & Matthews & Martin

    27. Fundamentals of futures and options markets 5th Edition by John C. Hull

    28. Accounting: An introductory Framework by L. Kirkwood & C Ryan & J Falt

    29. Study Guide for CQU students ECON20023 Economics for Business Study Guide

    30.  Study guide for CQU LAWS20028 Business Law

    Tourism and hospitality Subject texbooks
    1.Tourism Management Third Edition by David Weaver and Laura Lawton
    2. Meetins, Expositions, Events, and Conventions - An introduction to theIndustry by George G. Fenich
    3. Hospitality Marketing compiled by Ceridwyn King for Griffith University

    4. Accounting Essentials for hospitality Managers by Chris Guilding

    4. Event Management for Tourism, Cultural, Business and Sporting events by Lynn Van Der Wagen

    Engineering/Maths/Physics Textbook

    Queensland Physics Study Guide byNigel K Cope

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