本帖最后由 234designstudio 于 2015-1-16 18:23 编辑
Plasti Dip是一種用途廣泛,容易使用的人造橡膠塗層。只需要在物件噴上6-8層塗層,等4個小時就可使用。Plasti Dip有不同的特性,我們可以因應自己不同需求而進行噴,刷或浸漬。Plasti Dip的特點還包括防潮、抗酸,耐摩擦和防腐蝕。最重要就是如果你不滿意效果,你可以把Plasti Dip剝去並不會對物件原來上的油漆做成損害。
Plasti Dip is a multi-purpose, air dry, specialty rubber coating. It can be easily applied by dipping, brushing, or spraying. It protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, and skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. Plasti Dip remains flexible and stretchy over time, and will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions. Lastly, the unique thing about Plasti Dip is it can be peeled off easily if the user is bored of the colour or want to go back to the original look.
Plasti Dip is a multi-purpose, air dry, specialty rubber coating. It can be easily applied by dipping, brushing, or spraying. It protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, and skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. Plasti Dip remains flexible and stretchy over time, and will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions. Lastly, the unique thing about Plasti Dip is it can be peeled off easily if the user is bored of the colour or want to go back to the original look.
Colour List:
White, Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Blaze Blue, Blaze Orange, Smoke, Glossfier......
Rim Print from: 160
other parts from: 60
plz feel free to ask for more information
WeChat: lazysydney
Whatsapp/MSG: 0402 606 729
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