本帖最后由 cherry1227 于 2013-6-16 22:36 编辑
归期将近, 诚心甩卖一些GU课本, 科目涵盖:Bachelor of Business - Human resource Management
Bachelor of Business - Management
Bachelor of Engineering - Civil Engineering
Master of Business - Event Management
声明: 所有TEXT BOOS 都是从学校的BOOK SHOP 购得, 用的不多, 至少都有八成新, 有的就像全新的一样。
Master of Business - Event Management
Course: 7216HSL - Managing Financial Resources inTourism, Event and Sport
Text Book: Guilding, C. (2009). AccountingEssentials for Hospitality Managers. (2nd ed.), Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
Price: 九成新 30刀 (原价72刀)
Course: 7228HSL - Business Event Management
Text Book:Rogers, Tony (2012) Conferences and Conventions: A Global Industry, 2nd ed. Routledge
Price: 30 刀 - 我的是2nd edition, 似乎现在出了 3rd edition. 所以便宜卖了 - 这本书看起来 和新的没有区别。
Bachelor of Business - Human Resource Management
Course:2005EHR - Organisational Behaviour
Text Book: Robbins, S. P.,Judge, T. A., Millett, B., & Boyle, M. (2011) Organisational Behaviour (6thEdition), Frenchs Forest, NSW, Pearson Education (这本书还有一本配套的练习 Self - Assessment Library - Stephen P. Robbins)
Price: 九成新 整个pack 65刀 (原价:149.88)
另外还有一本这门课程的书, 但是版本旧了一届:
Text Book: Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., Millett, B., & Marsh, W. (2010) Organisational Behaviour (5th Edition), Frenchs Forest, NSW, Pearson Education
price: 8.5成新 20刀
Course: 3009EHR - International Human Resource Management (也适用于课程 2013IBA - Managing People in the Global Economy)
Text Book: Dowling,P. J., Festing, M. & Engle Snr, A. D. (2008) International Human ResourceManagement: Managing People in a Multinational Context. 5th edition. Thomson,Melbourne
Price: 九成新 45刀 (原价 104.95)
Course:2001EHR - Management Employment Relations
Text Book: Bray, M., Waring, P.,and Cooper, R., (2010) Employment Relations: Theory and Practice, 1E,McGraw Hill, Sydney
Price: 9.5成新, 现在好像又有新版了所以这本书仅需 20刀
Bachelor of Business - Management
Course: 2008EHR - Business Communication
Text Book: DeJanasz, S.C., Wood, G., Cottschalk, L., Dowd, K.O. & Schneider, B.Z. (2006or later) Interpersonal Skills in Organizations, Australia: McGraw HillAustralia Ltd.
price: 9成新 45 dollar (原价102.95刀)
Course: 3144IBA - Quality Management
Text Book: Beckford, J.L.W 3ed.ed, (2010) Quality: A critical introducation New York, Routledge.
Price: 9.5成新 40刀 (原价 94.64刀)
Bachelor of Engineering (including QIBT)
Course: 1501ENG - Engineering Mechanics
Text Book: Knight,R. D, Jones, B. and Field, S., “College Physics”, Second Edition,Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2007 (加上两本student work Book volume 1+ volume2)
Price: 9.9成新 80刀 (原价170.75)
Course: 1502ENG - Engineering Materials
Text Book: Callister,WD andRethwisch, DG. Materials Science and Engineering:An Introduction 8e, Wiley.
Price: 9.9成新 60刀 (原价 129.95刀)
Course:1004ENG - Computing and Programming with MATLAB
Text Book: Holly Moore, "MATLAB for Engineers",Pearson, 3E, 2011
Price: 9.9成新 50刀 (原价 112.67刀)
另外还有一些版本有点旧的书籍, 10刀一本, 有兴趣的亲也可以看看。
以下书籍 5刀一本。
mobile: 0458233818
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