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大白免 发表于 2024-1-25 14:46:30





发布于EST 2024年1月25日星期四下午 1:51







Burke Developmental Road


Lynd River

Gulf Developmental Road

Georgetown / Minnamoolka

Georgetown and 40 Mile Scrub

Gregory Developmental Road

Einasleigh / Mount Surprise

Einalseigh 至 Gulf Developmental Rd.

Einasleigh River洪水泛滥

Burke Developmental Road


Walsh River (Trimble’s Crossing)

Burke Developmental Road


Fergusons Crossing

Gulf Developmental Road

Samwell Street

Blackbull / Croydon

Croydon 至 Croydon Shire 议会边界的道路小心开放

Peninsula Developmental Road (Laura River Bridge)


关闭 -Laura River Bridge

Peninsula Developmental Road (Archer River Bridge)


Archer River Bridge

Peninsula Developmental Road


Hann River Bridge关闭

First Street

North Street

Forsayth / Georgetown

Koolatah Oriners Road

Dixie / Maramie

Koolatah to Oriners

Newtons Crossing Road

Peacock Siding

Road Closed

Hawkins Creek Road

Dalrymple Creek

Dalrymple Bridge

Townsville市内有七个地点可提供沙子和 SES 提供的袋子:

Ross Dam停车场、Upper Ross、公园大院后面

Lou Litster Park,Hermit Park Officeworks 后面

地方灾难协调中心停车场 Dalrymple 路仓库

Bruce Highway & Mt Low Parkway交汇处

Bluewater SES Depot

Rupertswood Rural Fire Shed (14 Progress Rd, Alice River)

Cungulla Community Centre


Abergowrie State School

5 Venables Road, Abergowrie, 4850

* Airville State School

920 Old Clare Road, Airville, 4807

* Aitkenvale State School

67-85 Wotton Street, Aitkenvale, 4814

* Annandale State School

Cnr Oleander Street & Yolanda Drive, Annandale, 4814

* Ayr State High School

Cnr Edwards & Wickham Streets, Ayr, 4807

* Ayr State School

141 Graham Street, Ayr, 4807

* Belgian Gardens State School

43 Potts Street, Belgian Gardens, 4810

* Bluewater State School

Buckby Street, Bluewater, 4818

* Bohlevale State School

Bohlevale School Road, Burdell, 4818

* Bowen State High School

1-9 Argyle Park Road, Bowen, 4805

* Bowen State School

29 Kennedy Street, Bowen, 4805

* Brandon State School

Drysdale Street, Brandon, 4808

* Burdekin School

159 Young Street, Ayr, 4807

* Bwgcolman Community School

Creek Road, Palm Island, 4816

* Cannonvale State School

56 Coral Esplanade, Cannonvale, 4802

* Clare State School

Larkin Street, Clare, 4807

* Cleveland Education and Training Centre

Old Common Road, Rowes Bay, 4810

* Collinsville State High School

Walker Street, Collinsville, 4804

* Collinsville State School

Devlin Street, Collinsville, 4804

* Cranbrook State School

Alice Street, Cranbrook, 4814

* Currajong State School

140 Palmerston Street, Gulliver, 4812

* East Ayr State School

43-73 Ross Street, Ayr, 4807

* Forrest Beach State School

40 Pandanus Street, Forrest Beach, 4850

* Garbutt State School

76 Chandler Street, Garbutt, 4814

* Giru State School

45-51 Luxton Street, Giru, 4809

* Gumlu State School

De Salis Street, Gumlu, 4805

* Halifax State School

17 Victoria Terrace, Halifax, 4850

* Hamilton Island State School

Hamilton Island, Whitsundays, 4803

* Hayman Island State School

Hayman Island, Whitsundays, 4802

* Heatley Secondary College

Cnr Hanlon Street & Fulham Road, Heatley, 4814

* Heatley State School

410 Fulham Road, Heatley, 4814

* Hermit Park State School

Cnr Surrey & Sussex Streets, Hyde Park, 4812

* Home Hill State High School

First Street, Home Hill, 4806

* Home Hill State School

113 Fourteenth Avenue, Home Hill, 4806

* Ingham State High School

12 Menzies Street, Ingham, 4850

* Ingham State School

28 McIlwraith Street, Ingham, 4850

* Jarvisfield State School

Rita Island Road, Jarvisfield, 4807

* Kalamia State School

Lilliesmere Road, Brandon, 4808

* Kelso State School

Yvette Street, Kelso, 4815

* Kirwan State High School

Hudson Street, Kirwan, 4817

* Kirwan State School

21 Burnda Street, Kirwan, 4817

* Macknade State School

79 Farrell Drive, Macknade, 4850

* Magnetic Island State School

10-16 Mandalay Avenue, Nelly Bay, 4819

* Maidavale State School

Maidavale Road, Airville, 4807

* Merinda State School

Bergl Street, Bowen, 4805

* Millaroo State School

Cunningham Street, Millaroo, 4807

* Mount Fox State School

2957 Mt Fox Road, Mount Fox, 4850

* Mundingburra State School

77 Ross River Road, Mundingburra, 4812

* Mutarnee State School

School Road, Mutarnee, 4816

* North Shore State School

9 Langford Street, Burdell, 4818

* Northern Beaches State High School

Meranti Street, Deeragun, 4818

* Oonoonba State School

Fairfield Waters Drive, Idalia, 4811

* Osborne State School

Kirknie Road, Osborne, 4806

* Paluma Environmental Education Centre

53 Mt Spec Road, Paluma, 4816

* Pimlico State High School

Fulham Road, Gulliver, 4812

* Proserpine State High School

4 Ruge Street, Proserpine, 4800

* Proserpine State School

33 Renwick Road, Proserpine, 4800

* Queens Beach State School

39 Tracey Street, Bowen, 4805

* Queensland Pathways State College - Townsville Campus

1B Core Street, Gulliver, 4812

* Railway Estate State School

39 Railway Avenue, Railway Estate, 4810

* Rasmussen State School

Allambie Lane, Rasmussen, 4815

* Rollingstone State School

Fred Williams Drive, Rollingstone, 4816

* Scottville State School

21 Eleventh Avenue, Scottville, 4804

* The Willows State School

Bilberry Street, Kirwan, 4817

* Thuringowa State High School

26 - 54 Vickers Road South, Condon, 4815

* Toobanna State School

Bruce Highway, Toobanna, 4850

* Townsville Central State School

4 Warburton Street, North Ward, 4810

* Townsville Community Learning Centre - A State Special School

78 Thompson Street, Mundingburra, 4812

* Townsville South State School

78 Tully Street, South Townsville, 4810

* Townsville State High School

36 Boundary Street, Railway Estate, 4810

* Townsville West State School

Wilson Street, West End, 4810

* Trebonne State School

71 Stone River Road, Trebonne, 4850

* Victoria Plantation State School

244 Forrest Beach Road, Victoria Plantation, 4850

* Vincent State School

280 Palmerston Street, Vincent, 4814

* Weir State School

592 Ross River Road, Thuringowa Central, 4817

* William Ross State High School

Mervyn Crossman Drive, Annandale, 4814

* Woodstock State School

Woodstock Avenue, Woodstock, 4816

* Wulguru State School

Edison Street, Wulguru, 4811

Independent school closures:

* Annandale Christian College (Annandale)

104-156 Yolanda Drive, Annandale, 4814

* Burdekin Christian College (Melbourne St - Ayr)

2-12 Melbourne Street, Ayr, 4807

* Calvary Christian College (Mount Louisa)

569 Bayswater Road, Mount Louisa, 4814

* Carinity Education - Shalom (Condon)

190 Hervey Range Road, Condon, 4815

* Eaton College (Mount Louisa)

593 - 615 Bayswater Road, Mount Louisa, 4814

* Enkindle Village School (Douglas)

James Cook Drive, Douglas, 4814

* Hinchinbrook Christian School (Ingham)

77 Halifax Road, Ingham, 4850

* Indie School, Logan (Thuringowa Central)

86 Thuringowa Drive, Thuringowa Central, 4817

* Kutta Mulla Gorinna Special Assistance School (Mackay)

133 Alfred Street, Mackay, 4740

* Mungalla Silver Lining School (Mutarnee)

Spiegelhauer Road, Mutarnee, 4816

* Riverside Adventist School (Aitkenvale)

59 Leopold Street, Aitkenvale, 4814

* Silver Lining School (Cluden)

16 Jurekey Street, Cluden, 4811

* Tec-NQ (Douglas)

54 Discovery Drive, Douglas, 4814

* The Cathedral School of St Anne and St James (Mundingburra)

154 Ross River Road, Mundingburra, 4812

* Townsville Christian College (Vincent)

210 Palmerston Street, Vincent, 4814

* Townsville Grammar School (Annandale)

1 Brazier Drive, Annandale, 4814

* Townsville Grammar School (Burdell)

Cnr Erskine Place & North Shore Boulevard, Burdell, 4818

* Townsville Grammar School (North Ward)

45 Paxton Street, North Ward, 4810

Catholic school closures:

* Burdekin Catholic High School (Ayr)

45 Gibson Street, Ayr, 4807

* Gilroy Santa Maria College (Ingham)

17 Chamberlain Street, Ingham, 4850

* Good Shepherd Catholic School (Rasmussen)

65 Allambie Lane, Rasmussen, 4815

* Holy Spirit Catholic School (Cranbrook)

Hatchett Street, Cranbrook, 4814

* Ignatius Park College (Cranbrook)

368-384 Ross River Road, Cranbrook, 4814

* Marian Catholic School (Currajong)

198 - 208 Hugh Street, Currajong, 4812

* Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School (Ingham)

18 Abbott Street, Ingham, 4850

* Ryan Catholic College (Kirwan)

59 Canterbury Road, Kirwan, 4817

* Southern Cross Catholic College (Townsville)

Gartrell Drive, Annandale, 4814

* St Anthony’s Catholic College (Veales Rd - Deeragun)

Veales Road, Deeragun, 4818

* St Anthony’s Catholic College (Veales Rd and Joanne St - Deeragun)

Cnr Veales Road and Joanne Street, Deeragun, 4818

* St Augustine’s School (Mossman)

Grogan Street, Mossman, 4873

* St Benedict’s Catholic School (Shaw)

890 Dalrymple Road, Shaw, 4818

* St Catherine’s Catholic College The Whitsundays (Proserpine)

96-114 Renwick Road, Proserpine, 4800

* St Clare’s Catholic School (Burdell)

Burdell Drive, Burdell, 4818

* St Colman’s Catholic School (Home Hill)

Eleventh Avenue, Home Hill, 4806

* St Francis Catholic School (Ayr)

99 Edwards Street, Ayr, 4807

* St John Bosco Catholic School (Collinsville)

25 Blake Street, Collinsville, 4804

* St Joseph’s Catholic School, The Strand (North Ward)

Fryer Street, North Ward, 4810

* St Joseph’s School (Mundingburra)

65-75 Ross River Road, Mundingburra, 4812

* St Margaret Mary’s College (Hyde Park)

1-9 Crowle Street, Hyde Park, 4812

* St Mary’s Catholic School (Bowen)

39 Poole Street, Bowen, 4805

* St Michael’s Catholic School (Palm Island)

Banfield Highway, Palm Island, 4816

* St Patrick’s College Townsville (Townsville)

45 The Strand, Townsville, 4810

* St Peter’s Catholic School (Halifax)

15-17 Anderssen Street, Halifax, 4850

* St Teresa’s College (Abergowrie)

3819 Abergowrie Road, Abergowrie, 4850

* Townsville Flexible Learning Centre (Cunningham St - Ayr)

1-45 Cunningham Street, Ayr, 4807

* Townsville Flexible Learning Centre (West End, Townsville)

26 Ingham Road, West End, Townsville, 4810

如需紧急援助,请致电昆州应急服务电话 (SES) onupda 132 500(如需风暴破坏、洪水上涨、树木倒塌或屋顶损坏方面的援助)。

​图文来源:The Dailytelegraph

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