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noname 发表于 2012-9-11 16:03:40
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本帖最后由 noname 于 2013-12-26 17:49 编辑

出售,訂購各种正品Johnson & Johnson 嬌生隱形眼鏡(日抛系列).  以及Focus, FreshLook, SofLens,  Maxi Eyes, Biomedics & Lacelle Colors蕾絲的日抛隐形眼镜系列.  新增ColourVUE Big Eye, Inno Color Contact Lenses, 韓國GEO,Color First,Miss Eye,Hyper Size以及Bescon等等的大眼美瞳隐形眼镜系列。持续还会增加月抛和年拋的更多系列,日拋的有任何的度數可以選擇,放大美瞳的Color First,Miss EyeHyper Size和Bescon系列都有任何的度數可選,其他品牌的放大美瞳只有0.00度。欢迎各位查询和订购。謝謝!

意者请联络qq 1520512178 (请注明隐形眼镜)

由於隱形眼鏡的種類繁多,難以存大量的現貨。所以一般都採用訂購的方式,價格都包含了所有的郵費了。如需訂購的一般要5-8個的工作日(某一些品牌的隱形眼鏡會在3-5天內到,韓國Color first,Miss Eye,Hyper Size和Bescon這些品牌需要至少2個星期的郵寄時長,詳情請參考下面的圖解,請各位親查詢瞭解後再下訂單!)。付款方式也要先預付一半的訂金,貨物到後面交再付款另外的一半。(注解:因為樓主曾經碰到,需要訂貨的,但是貨到後就不見蹤影的人。那時候想,一手交貨一手交錢也是合理的,然而就沒有先收訂金的規定,但還是有這樣的人在,那麼的不負責任,這里就不公佈qq號了。樓主要這些不合適的度數也沒有用,所以之後都必須先付訂金。希望顧客能多體諒體諒吧!)

Johnson & Johnson 嬌生 ACUVUE 拋棄型系列

嬌生 1-DAY ACUVUE TruEye每日棄型
比一般1-DAY ACUVUE CON更高透氧,能为双眼提供近100%氧流量,结合专利HYDRACLEAR锁湿科技,让你双眼达至仿佛无配戴隐形眼镜的自然状态。 每日拋棄:每日更換新鏡片以保持健康舒適
1-DAY ACUVUE TruEye ---$45 (30片装)

1-DAY ACUVUE TruEye ---$125 (90片装)

嬌生1-DAY ACUVUE 每日拋棄型   
含水材質好舒服 鏡片服貼更舒適.
1 DayAcuvue -- $35 (30片装)

嬌生1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST 超含氧每日拋棄型
日戴夜拋,無複雜的清潔保養過程,徹底解決蛋白質沉澱,更有防紫外線功\能, 多一層保護,讓雙眼更健康、配戴更舒適
現貨8.00度(2盒, 30片裝)
1 Day Acuvue Moist -- $40 (30片装)

1 Day Acuvue Moist -- $115 (90片装)

嬌生ACUVUE晴漾放大美麗每日拋 (深邃黑,耀眼棕,炫闪晶)  
1 Day AcuvueDefine (Accent, Vivid, Natural Shine) -- $58 (30片装)


1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST for Astigmatism
(售$55.00, 每日拋, 30片/盒 或
售$155.00, 每日拋, 90片/盒)

1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST for Astigmatism Product Information
  • 1-Day Acuvue Moist Contact Lenses for Astigmatism are a daily disposable contact lens designed by Johnson & Johnson
  • 1-Day Acuvue Moist daily disposable toric contacts offer the widest available range in the market for a DD toric lens
  • Acuvue's Accelerated Stabilisation Design results in minimal lens rotation from eye movements, which helps to maintain clear and stable vision all day long
  • LACREON technology retains moisture to keep your eyes moist and comfortable until the end of the day
  • Offers the hygeiene and convenience of a fresh lens every day for individuals who suffer from astigmatism


Additional Information:
1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST for Astigmatism contact lenses are newly available daily disposable toric lenses as of April 2012. Similar to other Acuvue contact lenses, Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contacts use Lacreon technology for all-day moisture and breathability. Additional to incredible comfort, these lenses use unique Accelerated Stabilization Technology to avoid lens rotation, resulting in clear vision all day long

ACUVUE Advance Plus (售$38.00, 1~2星期拋, 6片/盒) 或 (售$108.00, 1~2星期拋, 24片/盒)

ACUVUE Advance Plus Product Information
  • ACUVUE Advance Plus are 1-2 week disposable contact lenses manufactured by Johnson & Johnson.
  • ACUVUE® ADVANCE® PLUS Brand Contact Lenses feature HYDRACLEAR® Technology for exceptional comfort. HYDRACLEAR® Technology brings together a moisture-rich wetting agent with high performance base materials to form a clear, wettable lens. So all day long, you enjoy a silky, soft and fresh feel. And, since you use a new pair every two weeks, your eyes will keep feeling fresh.
  • The patented HYDRACLEAR technology also blends a remarkable moisture-rich wetting agent with a high-performance silicon hydrogel material to create a lens that feels silky and soft, all day long.
  • These contact lenses from Johnson & Johnson also have increased center thickness for superior comfort.
  • ACUVUE Advance Plus lenses have the highest class of UV protection available in a contact lens and the silicone hydrogel material provides 96% of available oxygen to the open eye.

Additional Information:

Acuvue Advance Plus contact lenses are made with Hydraclear, an internal wetting agent that wets the lens from the inside out. The addition of the moisture rich element provides  wearers with exceptional comfort throughout the day. Acuvue Advance Plus contact lenses offer up to three times more oxygen to the eyes than conventional hydrogel lenses, making them healthier and more comfortable. These lenses are tinted for ease of handling and will not change the color of your eye. The tint is simply designed to facilitate locating the contact lenses in solution. Designed to be worn as a two-week daily wear lens (which means you take the lenses out each night), one lens can be worn for up to 14 days. Be sure to follow your prescribing eye care providers recommended replacement schedule.

ACUVUE OASYS (售$38.00, 1星期拋, 6片/盒)

ACUVUE OASYS Product Information                                                                                                
  • ACUVUE  OASYS is a  weekly disposable contact lens manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (Vistakon).
  • OASYS Brand contacts feature the next generation HYDRACLEAR Plus technology that will keep your eyes comfortable and moist all day long - even in tough surroundings that can make your eyes feel tired and dry.
  • HYDRACLEAR Plus technology permanently embeds a higher volume of moisture-rich wetting agent, resulting in a more wettable lens for all-day comfort - even in challenging environments.
  • Thanks to HYDRACLEAR, these contacts are also lightly tinted blue so you can spot them in your lens case, thus making inserting your contaccts quick and easy every time.


Additional Information:
Today's environments can create tired, dry eyes. With ACUVUE ® OASYS™ IN, Dry is OUT. Whether you're inside or outside, challenging environments can make your eyes feel tired and dry. Even long hours in front of a computer can leave your eyes craving moisture

ACUVUE Oasys for Astigmatism (售$58.00, 1~2星期拋, 6片/盒)

ACUVUE Oasys for Astigmatism Product Information                                                                                                
  • Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism is a 1-2 week disposable contact lens manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (Vistakon).
  • Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism contacts are easy-to-use and comfortable enough to wear for up to 7 consecutive days.
  • They are slightly tinted, so the lens is easier to recognize and handle plus a high level of UVA and UVB Blocking helps to protect portions of your eyes.
  • Patented Hydraclear technology brings together a remarkable moisture rich wetting agent with high performance base materials to form clear, wettable lenses resulting in a unique, silky, soft feel.
  • Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism lenses stays moist all day and the soft and flexible material provides comfort throughout the day.


Additional Information:
ACUVUE OASYS for Astigmatism
  features a unique Accelerated Stabilization design that actively prevents toric lenses from rotating in the eye. Similar to standard Acuvue Oasys, these lenses utilize patented Hydraclear technology which allows for a unique, oxygen rich environment for long-term comfort. FDA approved for extended wear, Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism are the most popular toric contact lenses available.                                                                        

嬌生 ACUVUE Oasys for Presbyopia (售$58.00, 1~2星期拋, 6片/盒)

ACUVUE Oasys for Presbyopia Product Information                                                                                                
  • Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia is a daily disposable contact lens manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (Vistakon).
  • Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia contacts are easy-to-use and comfortable enough to wear for up to 7 consecutive days.
  • They are slightly tinted, so the lens is easier to recognize and handle plus a high level of UVA and UVB Blocking helps to protect portions of your eyes.
  • The Hydraclear Plus technology brings together a remarkable moisture rich wetting agent with high performance base materials to form clear, wettable lenses resulting in a unique, silky, soft feel.
  • Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia lenses stay moist all day and the soft and flexible material provides comfort throughout the day
  • Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia technology promises sharp and clear vision in all situations; short distance, long distance and between as well as at various lighting conditions.


Additional Information:
ACUVUE OASYS for Presbyopia delivers a number of benefits that include; accelerated stabilization design for clear, crisp vision all day, Hydraclear Plus Technology for unsurpassed comfortClass 1 UV blocking highest available, and they are FDA approved for extended wear.                                                                        

嬌生 ACUVUE 2 (售$35.00, 1~2星期拋, 6片/盒)

ACUVUE 2 Product Information                                                                                                
  • ACUVUE 2 disposable contacts are manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (Vistakon).
  • ACUVUE 2 contact lenses are famous for clear vision and long-term comfort.
  • UV protection helps ward-off the harmful effects of Ultra-Violet light.
  • Visibility tint for ease of handling and an "inside-out" mark so you can insert your lenses correctly every time.
  • Acuvue 2 contacts are also available in a range of exciting colors.


Additional Information:
contact lenses offer high quality comfort and clear vision. With a unique edge design, Acuvue 2 contacts are designed for easy handling and quick application. Renowned for a high level of oxygen permeability, these lenses offer a high level of comfort for moist healthy eyes. According to the manufacturer - more than 70% of people who wear Acuvue 2 Contact Lenses get better than 20/20 vision.                                                                        

嬌生 ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques (售$48.00, 1~2星期拋, 6片/盒, 7色可選)

(sapphire blue)  
(warm honey)     
(hazel green)   
(jade green)
(pearl grey)      
(chestnut brown)
(deep blue)

ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques Product Information                                                                                                
  • Acuvue 2 Colour lenses are designed for two-week daily wear or one-week continuous wear (if approved by your eye doctor) and are manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (Vistakon).
  • Acuvue 2 Colour's thin lens design allows oxygen to be transmitted to the eye, keeping your eyes comfortable all day.
  • Acuvue 2 Colours contacts are easy-to-use and comfortable enough to wear for up to 7 consecutive days (if approved by your eye-doctor).
  • Acuvue 2 Colours Opaques come in sapphire blue, deep blue, pearl grey, jade green, hazel green, warm honey, and chestnut brown.
  • These lenses are ideal for people who want to try something different and have some fun with color.


Additional Information:                                                                                                
ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques have exceptional comfort and superior handling. Whether you're looking for dramatic change or just a little extra sparkle ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques  has just what you need. ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques come in seven colors that completely change any eye color (Chestnut Brown, Sapphire Blue, Hazel Green, Jade Green, Pearl Gray, Warm Honey, and Deep Blue). ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques Contact Lenses are extremely comfortable to wear, natural looking, easy to put on and take off, so they're great for first-time wearers

Biomedics 日抛系列

Biomedics 1 Day日抛隐形眼镜



With Biomedics 1 Day (售$28,30片裝或售$78,90片裝,CooperVision offers an easy-to-use and comfortable contact lens, which is alsoaffordable.

A fresh and new lens every morning is the perfect start into your day. Provento be better for the health of your eyes, daily disposable contact lenses arenot only very convenient but they also provide comfortable and clear vision.

You don’t ever have to worry about cleaning solutions and contact lens casesagain.
Just throw them away before you go to bed.

You only use lenses for sports? Or you just use lenses occasionally?
This is the most flexible way to wear contact lenses - Enjoy superior visionthat adapts to your lifestyle.

Biomedics 1Day Extra 日抛隐形眼镜

Biomedics 1 Day Extra (售$35,  30片裝)is CooperVision's brand new standard for comfortableand affordable daily disposable contact lenses. This easy-to-use contact lensis designed to provide the most natural, comfortable lens wearing experiencefor up to 16 hours a day.

As an upgrade of regular Biomedics 1 Day, Biomedics 1 Day Extra contacts offerthe same flawless quality in vision with even more comfort and less dryness.

Enjoy a fresh start into your day with a new, pollen free lens every morningfor healthier eyes and reduced effects of allergies. No more worrying aboutcleaning solutions, lens cases or pink itchy eyes because of protein build-up.

Whether you wear contact lenses on a daily basis or just occasionally, thisdaily disposable contact lenses is perfect combination of comfort, health,vision quality and affordability.

Biomedics 1-Day Toric (30 Pack / 90 Pack)

Biomedics 1 Day 30 pack and 90 pack (售$48,30片裝 或售$138,90片裝)

Biomedics 1 Day is a daily toric lens that offers the convenience of a contact lens without the need for cleaning solutions for patients that require astigmatic correction. Biomedics 1 Day are also sold as the following brands marketed as Clear Choice 1 Day, Ascend 1 Day, ProView Daily Disposable and SpecSavers Easyvision. Each of these lenses may be branded differently however the material is the same (Ocufilcon D).


Biomedics Toric 2星期拋 (6 pack)

Biomedics Toric (售$58,2星期拋,6片/盒)is the benchmark standard hydrogel lens for patients who need correction for astigmatism and who desire a two-week replacement schedule. This toric contact lenses are known for crisp, clear vision all day long. And, due to its thin, patented edge and extremely stable performance, Biomedics Toric provideds excellent visual acuity and lasting comfort.

  • High stability, low rotation
  • Crisp, clear vision
  • Lasting comfort for those with astigmatism
  • UV blocking protection

Focus 日抛隐形眼镜系列

Focus Dailies 日拋


FocusDailies (售$28, 30片装或售$78,90片装)contactlenses are one of the most popular disposable lenses world wide.
With every blink the AquaRelease agent moisturizes your eyes leading to all aroundcomfort even after long time use.  

For people with allergies Focus Dailies offer the perfect alternative toglasses.
Each new pair of lenses you insert every morning is free from pollen and/orproteins that could irritate your eyes, giving you a new fresh start for yourday ahead.

The daily renewed comfort of Focus Dailies has already convinced millions ofpeople all around the world.


Focus Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus 日拋



Focus Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus (售$30, 30片装 或 售$80, 90片装lenses from Ciba Vision are the first lenses with theunique Triple-Action Moisture Technology for perfect moisturising throughout the wholeday.

Triple-Action means lubrication, moisturising and refreshment. These lenseslubricate in the morning, moisturise throughout the day and refresh every timeyou blink. Comfort until the end of the day.

If you have ever had problems with dry eyes, try Focus Dailies Aqua ComfortPlus contact lenses
and feel the ever refreshing difference.

Focus Dailies Toric 日拋



Focus Dailies Toric (售$35, 30片装 或 售$100, 90片is not only the world's first but also the world’s best selling daily disposable toric contact lens, assuring you both clear andcomfortable vision.

The lens itself is made of an incredible thin material that is especiallydesigned to provide consistent quality and all day pleasant wearing experienceto its wearers.

The AquaRelease moisturizing agent of Focus Dailies Toric is released graduallyas the day wears on
- a little bit each time with every blink.
Also inserting Focus Dailies Toric into your eyes is very easy, supported bythe inversion mark and visibility tint.

If you are looking for a reliable, easy to use and always comfortable dailylens for astigmatism, Focus Dailies Toric contact lenses provide everything youneed.

Sotlens 日抛系列

SofLens OneDay (售$28, 30片装 或 售$78, 90片裝fromBausch & Lomb is a disposable daily contact lens providing clear vision andeasy handling for a reasonable price.

While these lenses are lightly tinted for easier insertion, they will notchange the colour of your eyes nor will be visible once in your eye.

SofLens One Day offer an affordable way to crisp, comfortable, convenient andhealthy vision.
No daily cleaning or storage is required. You wear them for a day, and thenjust throw them away.
Also a carefree solution for sports or traveling.

FreshLook 有色日抛系列

FreshLook One Day 日拋

FreshLook One Day (售$25, 10片裝, 4色可選)is a one day disposable lens that provides a unique 3-in-1 technology, blending three colours into one to create natural depth and beautiful eyes.

Lenses are available in blue(藍色), gray(灰色), green(綠色), and pure hazel(淺褐色).

With FreshLook One Day you can enjoy the comfort of a colourful daily contact lens:

- fresh and clean lenses for everyday
- hassle free handling without the need of cleaning solution or storage
- easy replacement if you lose or rip a lens
- convenience for travelling and occasional wear
- perfect solution if you suffer from allergies

Select your favourite colour according to the best fit for your natural eye colour, hair colour,
skin tone and the type of change you would like. Even if you have dark eyes FreshLook One Day
lenses can change the colour of your eyes.

While the contact lenses alter the colour in which your eyes appear, they will not change
how you see colours or your vision.

FreshLook 深黑色和咖啡色日抛

FreshLookIlluminate Jet Black(售$25, 10片装,  深黑色)- Your choice for big and gorgeous eyes.
Based on the leading colour lens technology of the FreshLook lenses family andCiba Vision’s Focus Dailies contacts this new lens is especially designed toenhance and illuminate dark eye colours.

By using the so called starburst pattern coloured circle and their secondarycolour layer, FreshLook Illuminate Jet Black lenses will give your eyes moredepth and definition for a clear, better defined and impressive look. The largelooking pupil will stand out and your iris will have a gorgeous and cool finish.

With FreshLook Illuminate Jet Black you can enjoy perfect comfort and theconvenience of any other daily contact lenses:

- fresh and clean lenses for everyday
- hassle free handling without the need of cleaning solution or storage
- easy replacement if you lose or rip a lens
- convenience for travelling and occasional wear
- perfect solution if you suffer from allergies

FreshLook Illuminate Jet Black- the daily contact lens that provides clearvision, comfort and enhances your look. Your eyes will look bigger, moredistinctive but yet still natural.

The FreshlookFamily’s latest member: Freshlook Illuminate Rich Brown.(售$25,  10片装,咖啡色)Based on Focus Dailies contactlenses and Freshlook’s leading colour lens technology this brand new lens isespecially designed to enhance and illuminate dark eyes.

The so called starburst pattern coloured circle blended together with the rich,friendly and warm brown colour layer of FreshLook Illuminate Rich Brown lenseswill give your eyes a natural, gentle and bright look. Like the darkerFreshLook Illuminate version, the circle of Rich Brown lenses will of coursealso enhance your iris to look bigger and more defined.

Maxi Eyes 有色日抛系列

New design colour contact lenses from Spectroflex: Maxi Eyes Black contact lenses and RichBrown contact lenses (售$48,  30片装,黑色和咖啡色2种颜色可选).

If you wantyour eyes to look bigger, sharper and more appealing Maxi Eyes design colourcontact lenses are exactly what you are looking for. Maxi Eyes Black willoutline your eyes for a fascinating and attractive look while being comfortableand easy to use.

Maxi Eyes Black contact lenses and Rich Brown contact lenses give you a newlook combined with all advantages of a common daily disposable contact lens. Noneed to worry about cleaning solutions and contact lens cases.

With its daily wearing schedule and its very affordable price, this lens isalso perfect if you just want to enhance the look of your eyes for specialoccasions.

These contact lenses are also available with power [0.00] to allow people witha 20/20 vision to benefit from the phenomenal effects Maxi Eyes Black offers.


New designcolour contact lenses from Spectroflex: Maxi Eyes Chocolate Indulgence, Maxi Eyes Colours HazelHeaven & Maxi Eyes Colours Silver Rain(售$55, 30片装,3种颜色可选).

Maxi EyesChocolate Indulgence, Maxi Eyes Colours Hazel Heaven & Maxi Eyes ColoursSilver Rain gives you a new look combined with the convenience, comfort andhassle free handling of a common daily disposable contact lens and is stillvery affordable.

These contact lenses are also available with power [0.00] to allow people witha 20/20 vision to benefit from the phenomenal effects Maxi Eyes ChocolateIndulgence daily offers.

Bausch& Lomb 美瞳日抛系列

Bausch& Lomb NATURELLE 日抛隐形眼镜(30片,2色可選)

Bausch &Lomb Naturelle black (黑色, 售$65,  30片裝)are dailydisposable cosmetically tinted contact lenses, with a black circle to enhanceyour eyes.

The black colour pattern used in the Naturelle circle will give you bigbeautiful eyes and fade the edge of your pupils into "pure black".

Naturelle lenses are especially designed to provide enhancement for darker eyesand lens wearers who search for a certain "je ne sais quoi".

Bausch &Lomb Naturelle Brown (咖啡色,售$65,  30片裝)cosmetically tinted daily disposablecontact lenses naturally enhance the color and size of your eyes with theirrich brown ring.  

Naturelle’s colour circle will give you big beautiful eyes and fade the edge ofyour pupils into their rich brown pattern.

To ensure safety and comfort Naturelle contact lenses are made with a brand newmicro encapsulation technology that individually encloses the pure black colourdrops. Through that your eyes will never be in direct contact with the colourpattern.

Just like other new Bausch & Lomb contacts, Naturelle lenses are alsoequipped with their
"HD optics" - formula for high -quality visual performance.
They reduce halos, blur and glare and even help you to see better in low-lightsituations, sharpening up details and provide a vivid contrast.

With Bausch & Lomb Naturelle you  can enjoy the natural beautyenhancement and perfect visual equity.

Bausch & Lomb LACELLE 日抛形眼 20片裝3色可選

Bausch & Lomb Lacelle are daily disposable colour circle lenses withunique lace patterns to enhance the natural beauty of your iris.

Bausch & Lomb Lacelle($58,  20片裝, 3色可選)come with 3 different colours, ModestBlack, Cool Gray and Tender Brown .

Compared to other colour contact lenses, Lacelle are very comfortable and youwon't even feel that they are there. Through their high water content andnon-ionic coating, these lenses naturally reduce protein build up, whichprevents any discomfort or itchy feel resulting in long lastig wearing comfort.
The lace colouring itself is made only with FDA approved material to provide amaximum in safety.

Choose your favourite colour and enjoy the brand new look that Bausch &Lomb contact lenses give to your eyes.

Lacelle Modest Black (黑色lenses will give you impressive largeand bright eyes.
Lacelle Cool Gray 灰色 lenses give your eyes a charming, cool andrefreshing look.
Lacelle Tender Brown contacts to emphasise your gentle, friendly andnatural side with their coffee brown colour.

Bausch & Lomb LACELLE COLORS 日抛隐形眼镜 (20片裝,2色可選)

Bausch &Lomb Lacelle Colors daily disposable colour circle lenses (售$58,20片裝,金色和灰色可選)enhance the natural beauty of your eyeswith their unique and colourful lace pattern circle to give you a new andfascinating look.

Lacelle Colors lenses not only make you look but also feel better as they areeven more comfortable then other colour contacts.

To further support long lasting wearing comfort even after sundown, theselenses have a high water content and a special surface coating to reduceprotein build up and prevent red and itchy eyes.

With Bausch & Lomb Lacelle Colors you can have an amazing colourful lookthe comfortable way, with just the blink of an eye.

Choose from two beautiful colours to find the right fit for you personality2色可選,如下):

- Sparkling Gold 閃亮金:
Sparkling bright coffee brown colour lenses will give your eyes a stunningshining effect.
- Frozen Grey冷凍灰:
With frozen grey you can show your cool site and have your iris look even moreattractive.

Splash Contact Lenses 系列

Splash Illusion Black/Brown 日拋隱形眼鏡 (售$48.00,30片/盒, 黑色/咖啡色)

  (Splash Illusion Black,黑色)

Splash Illusion Black (黑色) contact lenses are affordable daily disposable colour contact lenses that enhance your natural look by featuring a dark outer ring in black. The outer ring enhances the colour of your eyes by increasing the size of your iris. With their aspheric design and aberration control, these high-definition daily wear colour contact lenses allow you to experience your day to day life in ultimate comfort while still combating against any unnecessary blurriness! Splash Illusion contact lenses offer the highest UVA and UVB protection available and feature a blue handling tint which allows for effortless insertion and handling.

Splash Illusion Brown (咖啡色) contact lenses are affordable daily disposable colour contact lenses that enhance your natural look by featuring a dark outer ring in brown. The outer ring enhances the colour of your eyes by increasing the size of your iris. With their aspheric design and aberration control, these high-definition daily wear colour contact lenses allow you to experience your day to day life in ultimate comfort while still combating against any unnecessary blurriness! Splash Illusion contact lenses offer the highest UVA and UVB protection available and feature a blue handling tint which allows for effortless insertion and handling.

Product Details
Base Curve 8.6 Diameter 14.2
Methafilcon A. 44%
30 lenses per box

Splash of Color 2 (售$38.00,每星期拋,6片/盒,多色可選)


Splash of Color 2 are affordable weekly wear colour contact lenses that will enhance your natural look with a variety of rich, vibrant colours. Warm colours: Amber Ambition and Brown Bombshell. Cool colours: Aqua-tic Allure, Blue n Brazen and Grey Storm. Vibrant colours: Green Envy and Violet Venom.

Product Details
Base Curve 8.6 Diameter 14.2
Polymacon 62%
6 lenses per box

Color First Contact Lenses 系列 (*需要至少2個星期時間的郵寄)

Color First Grace series (售$78.00,每半年拋,2片/盒,4色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:Color First商品规格:2片/套抛弃类型:半年抛厚度:0.02
含 水 量:48%直径:16.0mm基  弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国



Color First Poly series (售$78.00,每半年拋,2片/盒,5色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:Color First商品规格:2片/套抛弃类型:半年抛厚度:0.02
含 水 量:48%直径:16.0mm基弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国



Color First Poly series (售$78.00,每半年拋,2片/盒,3色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:Color First商品规格:2片/套抛弃类型:半年抛厚度:0.02
含 水 量:48%直径:16.0mm基弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国


韓國Miss Eye Contact Lenses 系列 (*需要至少2個星期時間的郵寄)

Miss Eye銀河系列 (售$39.00/片[$78.00/對],拋,1片/盒,6色可選,任何度數可選)

[url=]品  牌:miss eye[/url][url=]商品规格:1片/瓶[/url][url=]抛弃类型:年抛[/url][url=]厚  度:0.025[/url]
[url=]含 水 量:42%[/url][url=]直  径:14.5mm[/url][url=]基  弧:8.6mm[/url][url=]产  地:韩国[/url]


韓國Bescon Contact Lenses 系列 (*需要至少2個星期時間的郵寄)

Bescon星磚系列 (售$49.00/片[$98.00/對],拋,1片/盒,7色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:BESCON商品规格:1片/盒抛弃类型:年抛厚  度:0.06
含 水 量:38%直  径:14.00mm基  弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国




Bescon三色潤系列 (售$39.00/片[$78.00/對],拋,1片/盒,4色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:BESCON商品规格:1片/盒抛弃类型:年抛厚  度:0.04
含 水 量:38%直  径:14.0mm基  弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国




韓國Hyper Size Contact Lenses 系列 (*需要至少2個星期時間的郵寄)

Hyper Size大美目凝思系列 (售$78.00/半年拋,2片/盒,4色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:大美目商品规格:2片/盒抛弃类型:半年抛厚  度:0.025
含 水 量:42%直  径:15.8mm基  弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国

Hyper Size大美目凝思系列绚丽棕真人佩戴前效果图

Hyper Size大美目凝思系列绚丽棕真人佩戴後效果图


Hyper Size大美目丝韵系列 (售$78.00/半年拋,2片/盒,6色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:大美目商品规格:2片/盒抛弃类型:半年抛厚  度:0.025
含 水 量:42%直  径:15.8mm基  弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国

Hyper Size大美目丝韵系列紫真人佩戴前效果图

Hyper Size大美目丝韵系列紫真人佩戴後效果图


Hyper Size大美目溢彩系列 (售$78.00/半年拋,2片/盒,6色可選,任何度數可選)

品  牌:大美目商品规格:2片/盒抛弃类型:半年抛厚  度:0.025
含 水 量:42%直  径:15.8mm基  弧:8.6mm产  地:韩国

Hyper Size大美目溢彩系列棕真人佩戴前效果图

Hyper Size大美目溢彩系列棕真人佩戴後效果图


ColourVUE Contact Lenses 系列

ColourVUE Big Eye Contact Lenses 系列 (售$50.00 (一對), 3個月, 多色可選,只有0.00度

Contains 2 contact lenses usable for 3mths after opening (贈送 A free lens case)

ColourVUE Contact Lenses, a breakthrough in disposable colour contact lenses is made from a newly developed Hydrogel material. Manufactured with precision lathe cut and cast moulding method which results in ultra thin design. This prevents damage to cornea and remarkably comfort on eyes as a result of excellent oxygen permeability. The colour layers are sandwiched to prevent the colour substance from coming in contact with the eye, ensuring safe contact lens wearing without side effects.


~Newly developed Hydrogel material
~Excellent oxygen permeability and superior comfort
~Perfect blends of colour technology
~Precision cast moulding and lathe cut process
~Ultra thin design ( 0.06mm)
~Sandwiched colour layers, safe from side effects
~Designs that suit dark and light coloured eyes
~European CE approved
~ISO9001 and GMP certified manufacturing facility

Colourvue 3 Tones Lenses (售$50.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,


ColourVue 3 tones has a perfect colour blend technology and provide the most natural looking 3 tones ever.  It would be difficult for an onlooker to discover that you were even wearing lenses.

~ Beautiful 3 Tone designs for Dark and Light eyes
~ Patented HYDROGEL material
~ High Oxygen Permeability
~ European CE Approved, ISO9001
~ Available in Violet, Blue, Gray and Brown. Green coming soon!
~ Exceptional comfort that lasts for full day wear
~ Beautiful natural looking 3 Tone designs

Inno Color Coloured Contact Lenses 系列

Inno Color One Tone Aqua Coloured Contact Lenses (售$25.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,


* Suitable for dark and light coloured eyes!

* Non-Prescription(No Prescription Needed)!

* Can be worn for up to 3 months!

Discover a dramatic depth to your eyes with new natural looking colors!

Any one of the 7 eye-catching colors will add a glamourous shimmer to your eyes and transform your appearance by complimenting any outfit and make-up.

Material: Polymacon/Tetrafilcon A
Water Content: 38% / 43%
Base Curve: 8.6mm / 8.7mm
Diameter: 14.0mm / 14.2mm
Power: 0.00D
Center Thickness: 0.06 - 0.12mm
Manufacturing Technology: Cast Mold

Inno Color Tri Tone Elegance Aqua Coloured Contact Lenses (售$30.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,


* Suitable for dark and light coloured eyes!

* Non-Prescription(No Prescription Needed)!

* Can be worn for up to 3 months!

Now you can change the color of your eyes as easily as you change your clothes or your hairstyle.

These striking lenses and their harmony of three colors will add depth to your beautiful eyes and create a distinctive fresh look with a gentle hint of color.

Elegance expresses a graceful beauty and natural feeling.

Material: Polymacon/Tetrafilcon A
Water Content: 38% / 43%
Base Curve: 8.6mm / 8.7mm
Diameter: 14.0mm / 14.2mm
Power: 0.00D
Center Thickness: 0.06 - 0.12mm
Manufacturing Technology: Cast Mold

Inno Color Diamant Aqua Coloured Contact Lenses (售$30.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,只有0.00度)


* Suitable for dark and light coloured eyes!

* Non-Prescription(No Prescription Needed)!

* Can be worn for up to 3 months!

These fantastic color lenses are specially designed for the confidence of a new generation. Bring out the princess or the angel in you and live your fairy tale as every wink of your eyes releases sparkling light like a diamond.

The incredible light is captured in your eyes, so you can live and feel your dreams!


Material: Polymacon/Tetrafilcon A
Water Content: 38% / 43%
Base Curve: 8.6mm / 8.7mm
Diameter: 14.0mm / 14.2mm
Power: 0.00D
Center Thickness: 0.06 - 0.12mm
Manufacturing Technology: Cast Mold

Big Eyes 系列

Big Eyes Series (售$38.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,只有0.00度)

Passionate Purple
Lustrous Green
Lovely Grey
Defined Ring
Charming Brown
Beautiful Blue
Awesome Black

The big eyes contact lenses allow you to make your eyes look wider. They are colored and they utilize a black center for the purpose of creating the appearance of a glossy, large and doll-like pupil. These lenses make your eyes appear larger and more defined resulting in a fantastic adorable appearance.

Diva Series (售$38.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,


The diva contact lenses enable you to show everyone that you can be very demanding. These contact lenses are beautiful and they cover even the darkest eyes allowing anyone to become a diva. When you wear them for the first time, you will feel different and have a new sense of confidence. There is a wide selection of Diva lenses to choose from.

Natural Series (售$38.00(一對), 3個月, 多色可選,




Natural contact lenses offer the benefit of being ideal to use regardless of one’s eye color. They offer great results on all types of eye colors be it dark grey, blue, green or brown. They have vibrant colors that show up very well on all kinds of eyes and clever shading that allows you to make most out of your eye color.


GEO Princess Mimi Cafe Series (售$38.00/一對, 年拋,


Cappucino Brown
Latte Brown
Waffle Grey
(Macchiato Brown)
Cappucino Grey

Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38% - 42%
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.7
Power: plano
Duration: 1 year disposable

GEO Xtra Dream Series (售$38.00/一對, 年拋, 只有0.00度)

Nova Purple
Dream Grey
Dream Brown
Dream Green
Dream Blue
Dream Purple

Power Range: 0.00 to -10.00
Diameter: 15.0mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Type: 1 Year Disposal

3-Tone Contact Lenses系列

3-Tone Contact Lenses (售$48.00/一對, 每月拋,



3 TONE COLOUR Three colour design giving you the most vivid colour changes to truly stand out.


    * Made from FDA approved pigments to ensure your safety.
    * Highest water content of any cosmetic colour contact lenses in the market today giving you superior comfort.
    * Special thin-edge design provides maximum comfort.
    * Colour pigment is enclosed within the lens
    * Aspheric base curvature offers an excellent fitting.
    * Unique free-Formed lens surface keeps you feeling fresh after long periods of use.
    * Easy to insert and remove.
lenses are tested and safe for up to 30 days of wear.

Exotic 3-Tone Contact Lenses (售$48.00/一對, 每月拋,



Exotic 3 TONE COLOUR Three colour design giving you the most vivid colour changes to truly stand out.


    * Made from FDA approved pigments to ensure your safety.
    * Highest water content of any cosmetic colour contact lenses in the market today giving you superior comfort.
    * Special thin-edge design provides maximum comfort.
    * Colour pigment is enclosed within the lens
    * Aspheric base curvature offers an excellent fitting.
    * Unique free-Formed lens surface keeps you feeling fresh after long periods of use.
    * Easy to insert and remove.
lenses are tested and safe for up to 30 days of wear.

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 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-11 17:48:06
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-11 18:05:37
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-11 18:36:49
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-12 01:49:01
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-12 13:36:21
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-12 14:24:50
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-12 15:01:32
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-12 16:15:58
 楼主| noname 发表于 2012-9-12 23:47:56
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