Kenz 发表于 2010-7-30 09:19:25
3042MKT: Strategic International Marketing: Fletcher, R and Brown, L., 2008, International Marketing – 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, NSW $60
3006MKT and 7206MKT Services Marketing - and a Asia Pacific and Australian Perspective 4th Edition by Lovelock,Patterson,Walker $60
1102AFE Accounting -an introduction 4th Edition By Artrill, $60
Other Marketing Books:
Advertising and Promotion-An integrated marketing communication perspective Belch $50
Strategic Marketing Management Pacific Rim Edition by Aaker, Mills $30
Global Marketing Management 2nd Edition by Lee, Carter $60
Consumer Behaviour 3rd Edition Implication for Marketing Strategy by Hawkins $30
Plz contact Ken: 0433886429 (3g) |
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