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    Youth Allowance的问题

    游客  发表于 2013-1-3 17:43:27


    如果一个人在外面自己住, full time uni,19yr ,gov能给多少每周。另外我自己有pt工作income,他们会算吗。

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    smallwhale 发表于 2013-1-3 18:15:30
    XR6 发表于 2013-1-3 19:29:24
    lostinbrisbane 发表于 2013-1-4 10:54:33
    本帖最后由 lostinbrisbane 于 2013-1-4 11:06 编辑

    19 岁还是dependent , 要看你父母的收入。
    可以用online calculator做测试


    Parental Means Test
    If you are deemed as a dependent the Parental Means Test applies to you.
    There are three parts to the Parental Means Test:
    • Parental Income Test
    • Family Assets Test
    • Family Actual Means Test.
    Parental Income Test
    The Parental Income Test includes:
    • combined parental taxable income
    • child support
    • fringe benefits received from employers
    • income from outside Australia
    • reportable superannuation contributions, and
    • net investment losses.
    If your parents’ taxable income for the 2011-2012 financial year is $47,815 or less, your payments will not be affected by the income test. The rate of payment is reduced by 20 cents for every dollar over the threshold.
    If your parents have other dependent children and their income exceeds $47,815, your sibling's circumstances may affect your rate of payment.
    Either the Parental Income Test or the Personal Income Test (if applicable) will be applied depending upon which one has the greater effect on your payment.
    In some circumstances (i.e. when parental income decreases or increases substantially) the Parental Income Test will take into account your parental income in the current tax year.
    Family Assets Test
    The Family Assets Test takes into account personal, business and farm assets. The test is based on how much your family would receive for the assets if they sold them, less any debts or mortgages they owe. A 75 per cent discount is applied to business and farm assets. No payment can be made if your family's assets exceed the threshold of $627,000.
    Family Actual Means Test
    The Family Actual Means Test (i.e. family spending and savings) applies if one or both of your parents in the previous financial year:
    • had an interest in a trust, private company or unlisted public company
    • were self—employed (except as a sole trader engaged wholly or mainly in primary production) or a partner in a partnership
    • earned in excess of A$2,500 (including tax exempt from income) from a source in Norfolk Island or outside Australia
    • were a wage or salary earner who claimed or will claim a tax deduction for a business loss (whether current or carried forward) that does not consist of a net investment loss in partnership income tax returns
    • had an interest in assets held outside Australia in excess of A$2,500, or
    • is a migrant who first entered Australia under a business skills category (business migrant) in the last 10 years.
    Where the Family Actual Means Test applies, details of all personal spending and savings by parents and all dependent family members must be supplied to Centrelink. This assists us to measure what was spent and saved in the previous financial year. Centrelink will add the appropriate level of tax (including the Medicare levy) to the total spent and saved. This figure is the amount used for the Parental Means Test calculation.
    If there has been a substantial decrease in spending and savings, in certain circumstances family actual means in the current tax year may be used.
    *Where a family member receives Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment the Parental Means Test does not apply.

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