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标题: 6年婚礼婚纱团队 - 7次国际摄影奖- 誉满昆士兰 [打印本页]

作者: willex    时间: 2017-3-24 09:59
标题: 6年婚礼婚纱团队 - 7次国际摄影奖- 誉满昆士兰
艺扬摄影 - 布里斯班&黄金海岸婚纱婚礼摄影工作室

布里斯班、黄金海岸 婚纱摄影首选机构!


艺扬影像】(Willidea Photos & Video) 位于布里斯班,黄金海岸的婚纱摄影摄像工作室,提位专业婚纱摄影,婚纱照,婚礼跟拍,婚礼录像和爱情微电影. 我们成立于2011,从化妆造型、摄影摄像,场地介绍,场地布置,手捧花订制一条龙贴心的服务.

现工作室拥有2500平米的大型实景摄影基地, 超过200平米的办公接待区域, 包括独立的化妆间, 会议间, 客人休息室以及超过100平米的婚纱展示厅,100套的婚纱礼服和男服,我们拥有专业的摄影团队,视频团队,后期处理团队,同时摄影团队获得3大全球摄影机构认证,2015年还荣获4次国际婚礼摄影大奖。


我们还会继续不断的努力提高, 让昆士兰的华人以亲民的价格享受高素质的摄影摄像服务.

Willidea Photo & Video Studio

As a Brisbane based photography and videography studio, Willidea Photography and Videography Studio has been providing wedding photography and wedding videography services in South East Queensland from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich to Toowoomba since 2011.

Our team consists of Willidea has a team of 4 highly experienced Brisbane based wedding photographers and videographers who have attended over 500 weddings and specialize in capturing the precious and stunning moments for you through multiple cameras from various angles in every single moment.

Our Willidea’s aspiration is to tell a vivid story of the cherished moments momentous event of your life, and our passion is to create artistic images in an atmospheric, fresh and aesthetic style which you will treasure cherish and enjoy forever.

Web :  ( 婚纱摄影网站 )
Web :  ( 婚礼跟拍网站  )
Web : ( 儿童孕妇摄影网站 )

Email : [email protected]
Phone : 0430 395 383  | 0423 340 946

wechat : willidea

Web :  ( 婚纱摄影网站 )
Web :  ( 婚礼跟拍网站  )
Web : ( 儿童孕妇摄影网站 )

Email : [email protected]
Phone : 0430 395 383   |  0423 340 946

wechat : willidea

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