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标题: Southern Cross University 本科教材出售 [打印本页]

作者: 落寞熊猫    时间: 2012-9-28 16:06
标题: Southern Cross University 本科教材出售
Auditing TextBook --- All together $120:
Auditing--- a practical approach, 2011, 1st Edn;
Author:  Robyn Moroney, Fiona Campbell, Jane Hamilton;
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd
The Lakeside Company Case Study in Auditing, 2008, 11th Edn
Author:John M. Trussel, J Douglas Frazer
Publisher:Pearson Education Ltd
Auditing and Assurance Hand Book, 2012
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd
BusinessFinance Text Book --- $40:
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2007,4th Edn (the same asthe latest edition, only the exercise numbers are different)
Author:Stephen Ross, Spencer Thompson, Mark Christensen, Randolph Westerfild etc.
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Irwin Pty Ltd
ManagingOrganisations in a Global Context Text book --- $50
Management Foundations andApplications, 2011, 1st  Asia Pacific edn
Author:John R. Schermerhorn et al.
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd
Business InformationSystem Text book --- $50
Accounting Information System, 2012, 12thedn
Author:Marshall B. Romney & Paul J. Steinbart
Publisher:Pearson Education Ltd
ManagementAccounting Text Book --- $70
Cost Accounting --- a managerialemphasis, 2011, 1st Edn
Author:Charles T. Horngren, Monte Wynder et al.
Publisher:Pearson Education Ltd
ManagementAccounting Text Book --- $30
Cost Accounting --- a managerialemphasis, 2009, 13th Edn
Author:Charles T. Horngren, Monte Wynder et al.
Publisher:Pearson Education Ltd
Economics --- alltogether $30
Principles of Economics, 2008, 2nd Edn
Author:John Sloman & Keith Norris
Publisher:Pearson Education Ltd
Principles of Economics Study Guideto Accompany, 2008, 2ndEdn
Author:John Sloman & Keith Norris
Publisher:Pearson Education Ltd
Food andBeverage Management Text Book (2 books available) --- $30 each
Food and Beverage Management, 2008, 4th Edn
Author:BernardDavis, Andrew Lockwook et al.
Contact Number: 0422197747 Ivy

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