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标题: 中文儿童书 [打印本页]

作者: skipy    时间: 2012-1-30 12:50
标题: 中文儿童书

作者: alenacheung    时间: 2012-1-31 21:37
I think the only places you can find Chinese books for juniors/ toddlers are from the state library.  I live on the Gold Coast and visit the GC library regulary and they have quite a wide  range of children books translated in two languages such as one page of English with accompany page of Chinese with colorful pictures.  As for buying kids books,   why don't you try ebay or amazon /alibaba to buy on line to have them sent to your address.  The nearest bookstore that I saw selling chinese books for kids are located in Sydney and may not be viable for some people.

Hope it helps.

作者: skipy    时间: 2012-2-1 11:12
我到EBAY 上逛一下,希望你的宝宝健康快乐
作者: alenacheung    时间: 2012-2-1 23:06
Actually, I found a great  website for you for buying children books in chinese.  Do a google search for  ' amazon + international site) , then choose the china site, then there are hundreds of items or categories of chinese kids books.   However, you need to pay for the postage fees as they will be sent from overseas.   They do post out to australia.  I have never tried it myself but one of my friends did and she said there was no problem at all.   I went to see the ebay site in hk, they seem selling a lot of engllish books.

作者: skipy    时间: 2012-2-14 11:03
thanks a lot .
作者: christina76    时间: 2012-2-14 17:45
作者: 提拉米苏    时间: 2012-2-17 23:17
可以淘宝上买,让朋友带过来,或者找EMS 5折邮寄过来,大不了走海运也只是等一个多月呗
作者: 笑澳江湖    时间: 2012-4-21 22:59

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