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标题: ☆Florian Partners 退税报税,会计帐务培训 悉尼,布里斯班,黄金海岸常年招生☆ [打印本页]

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-11 14:10
标题: ☆Florian Partners 退税报税,会计帐务培训 悉尼,布里斯班,黄金海岸常年招生☆

2013年我们在原 Level 1 Accounting Training 中 新加入 3门课程 :
Inventory Processing and Year End Stock Take & Adjustment
Accounting System Comparison: Saasu & SAP
Individual Tax Return and Company Tax Return
在原有的课程基础新加入的课程可以让所有的学员在未来职位的选择中更加的灵活, 不论是Commercial Accounting Sector OR Public Accounting Firms, 您都可以有相关的Technical Skills胜任未来的任何职位.
Florian Partners 提供会计培训. 我们提供不同的培训, 包括

我们的主讲是曾/现任于澳洲上市公司拥有10年Accounting工作经验的CPA讲师和金融精算师来授课. 欢迎大家把自己工作中遇到的问题带到课上向我们的讲师咨询!!

对于会计培训,我们提供免费试听,重听的服务. 保证你听懂为止. Guys, we have a reputation to keep!!

所有报名会计和金融培训的童鞋都将获得6个月internship的机会.我们会提供我们公司真实账目让你练习, 操作, 并且我们的assistant accountant会为您检查和修改你的files.保证你在进入正式工作后在没有人指导的情况下不会出现任何错误. 请注意所有的课程我们都提供ongoing support,所有的intern files都是定时update,我们会努力解决您在工作中遇到的任何有关会计的问题.


如果您有任何问题,欢迎随时联系我们. 我们的联系方式是:

Selina Feng
E:[email protected]
T: 0430 827 666  
level 6, 138 Albert St,Brisbane City 4000
Openning Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm

Coco Hou
E: [email protected]
T: 0412 624 948
    02 888 94 111
335/410 Elizabeth St, SurryHills 2010
Openning Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm


FlorianPartners Accounting Services
As a CPA Public Practice, FlorianPartners致力于为客户提供最优质的服务。我们的专业人员均具备丰富的专业技能及行业知识,并具有多年的实际经验,是您事业成功的伙伴选择。我们拥有专业的会计团队,不论贵公司从事哪种行业,我们的专业人员都可为您及时提供意见。对不同的行业,我们切合贵公司在会计帐务, BAS,税务,工资管理,会计软件,公司创建,财务交易和咨询服务方面的需要提供周全的服务,帮助您合理避税,精确财务管理,提高贵公司的经营效益.
Accounting Services:
Tax Planning
The taxsystem is complex and constantly changing. To make sure you make the most oftax offsets and deductions for your business or personal situation, FlorianPartners can provide such tax planning advice based on proven knowledge andexperience. We offer a full range of taxation services. Our advice is tailoredto individuals and small businesses with a focus on improving tax efficienciesand helping to reduce tax liabilities.
We want thebest for you, our clients. Our philosophy is to assist you in your accountingand finance needs. We pride ourselves on the service and the benefits weprovide to our clients. Our pro-active approach ensures we deliver a consistentservice and build solid relationships which stand the test of time.
Taxation can be a major cost toyour business. We will work in partnership with you to minimise your tax andhelp you achieve your key objectives.
We provide a complete service ofhelp and advice in all of the following areas:
      Preparationof activity statements and advice on payment of tax
      Advice onand implementation of tax effective trust structures for asset protection andtax minimisation
      Managementof any ATO Audits or disputes
Bookkeeping Services
Wouldoutsourcing bookkeeping benefit your business? Florian Partners offers acomprehensive bookkeeping service at the best rates. We provide the best valuequotes in Sydney. This removes all the hassle of handling the accounts so youcan concentrate on what you do best. Florian staff will assist in the reportingof receipts and payables, up to the full preparation of financial andmanagement accounts.
Ensuringyour business maintains compliance with BAS and GST is a time consuming andtricky process. Florian Partners can take away these worries by providing afull BAS and GST service. This includes calculating GST and lodging your BAS tothe ATO. Combined with the bookkeeping service, your business will be freedfrom endless paperwork.
Company Set-up
When it istime for you to start a new venture, Florian can assist you in setting up theright entity whether it is a company, partnership or sole trader. We can alsoadvise you on starting a small business including licensing, registration, anddealing with government agencies.
MYOB Set-up
Having afunctioning accounting system such as MYOB can improve your internal process byproviding up to date management reporting. The benefits of a good accountingsystem are potentially a significant reduction in accounting costs and improvedaccuracy of reporting. Florian Partners can help to install and set up thesoftware to suit your firm.
Payroll Services
Administering your payroll can betime-consuming and divert you from the core activities of your business.Payroll & employment legislation is growing increasingly complex.
We can relieve you of this burdenby providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:
      Administrationof PAYG, statutory sick pay, annual leave etc
      ATO filing
      Summariesand analyses of staff costs
      Administrationof incentive schemes, bonuses and termination payments
Even if you have only a fewemployees, you will make savings by engaging us to administer your payroll.
Our aim isto ensure your business achieves the potential it's capable of. We have theknow how and ex-perience to offer advice to help you run your business moreeffectively.
We arepracticed in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing to therelationship years of experience in business growth. We can identify keyperformance indicators in your business, through which you will see thepositive changes occurring with the help of our professional consultants.
We are ableto check that your business is as competitive, focused, and profitable as itcan be. We then offer flexible strategies, designed to address the issuesaffecting your business.
Let us giveyour business a health check. Take the practical advice we can give to ensurethe continual success of your venture.
Self-managed superannuation funds
There areseveral trust laws and legislative requirements for setting up a self-managedsuperannuation fund (SMSF). Typically you need to:
Obtain atrust deed
Sign atrustee declaration (NAT 71089)
Elect tobecome a regulated fund
Obtain a taxfile number (TFN)
Obtain anAustralian business number (ABN)
At FlorianPartners we provide the professional advice you need to set up your own fundand greatly simplify the process for you.
Cashflow Management
Have youever wondered if you are holding too much inventory? Is this the right time toexpand your business? Are you going to have enough cash to pay all expenses everymonth?
Survival intoday's business climate requires you to spend more time working on yourbusiness rather than in the business.
We canprovide you with accurate, timely and informative cashflow forecasting reports- allowing you to:
Realize andunderstand when cash is available
Plan andprepare for expansion, stock control, and taxes
Analyse andanticipate key expenses
Armed withthis information, we'll work with you to develop action strategies to improveyour bottom line.
Financial Planning
FlorianPartners has a qualified financial adviser to provide financial planning andsuperannuation and investment advice.
A personalfinancial plan can be drafted with implementation, rebalancing and reviewservices. We can also provide advice on improving the structure of yourinvestments and your portfolio, whether it is stocks, managed funds, directproperty and other alternative investments

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-12 15:03
本帖最后由 paopao 于 2013-1-30 10:47 编辑

Dear Coco, and Jeff

It's Betty. I am writing to let you know that I got an offer *** - Australia's largest cash logistics business. The position is AR Officer, which is 6-month contract role and may become permanent as the business is expanding very quickly. They use SAP, which is a good learning opportunity for me. The base salary is $50,000, a bit lower than my current job, but I am very happy to start from the bottom. I will start on May 30th.

I really want to express my deep appreciation to you people especially Jeff. He leads me to the right way to get a job that I want.

I have seen other trainees shared their job hunting experience. I hope my experience can also help somehow.

Telephone interview (about 20 mins) 10 sec summary is very helpful. But I make a little change based on the position and that’s always what I do.

1st face to face interview (HR person, about 45 mins) All questions are in my expectation. (But all the hands on accounting knowledge is definitely from Florian) Examples are definitely useful. But as Jeff said, every answer and story should be tailored based on the particular question. Make it simple but attractive. It needs us keep practicing again and again.

2nd face to face interview (FC, Financial Accountant, about 30 mins) I prepared possible technical questions including the mock AR follow-up calls. But they didn’t ask me too many technical questions as AR is a quite basic role. This interview was more like a chat. As Jeff said, active eye contact and positive feedback when necessary and suitable are important. I can feel they like talking with me and I am the person that they want.

Then the following are pre-employment medical and 2 reference check.

It has been 4 weeks since I started job searching till I got this offer.  I went to 3 company interviews and 3 agent interviews in total. After I got the offer, I still received 1 company and 2 agent calls. And one agent keeps calling me to see how is my job hunting. To be honest, I don’t think the agent can help us too much to find the entry level job. And cold calls seems don’t work as well. But if you aim at the AA role in the big company, agent plays an important role.

Besides the *** interview, the other 2 company interviews are Spotless and CBA respectively.

It is a 10 month contract AP role in Spotless. I failed after the final interview as they want someone who is more specialized in AP with big company working experience background. The whole process is pretty much as above.

The other one is 3 month internal auditing role in CBA. I went through the agent interview and CBA’s interview. But after consideration, I chose the role in ***.

Anyway, firstly, I don’t think I need to mention any interview questions or techniques, as they are all summarized by Coco and Jeff. The resume after revised by Jeff will be fine. But homework is very important after interview
class. Secondly, make a target for yourself, AP or AR or AA, big company or small to medium company, then work hard on it. Thirdly, be confident, but be ready.  Everything will be paid off.

Thanks again, Coco and Jeff, keep in touch.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-17 12:52
标题: Accounting Services
本帖最后由 paopao 于 2013-1-30 10:48 编辑

Florian Partners

As a CPA Public Practice, FlorianAccounting致力于为客户提供最优质的服务。我们的专业人员均具备丰富的专业技能及行业知识,并具有多年的实际经验,是您事业成功的伙伴选择。我们拥有专业的会计团队,不论贵公司从事哪种行业,我们的专业人员都可为您及时提供意见。对不同的行业,我们切合贵公司在会计帐务,BAS,税务,工资管理,会计软件,公司创建,财务交易和咨询服务方面的需要提供周全的服务,帮助您合理避税,精确财务管理,提高贵公司的经营效益.

Accounting Services:

Tax Planning

The taxsystem is complex and constantly changing. To make sure you make the most oftax offsets and deductions for your business or personal situation, FlorianAccounting can provide such tax planning advice based on proven knowledge andexperience. We offer a full range of taxation services. Our advice is tailoredto individuals and small businesses with a focus on improving tax efficienciesand helping to reduce tax liabilities.

We want thebest for you, our clients. Our philosophy is to assist you in your accountingand finance needs. We pride ourselves on the service and the benefits weprovide to our clients. Our pro-active approach ensures we deliver a consistentservice and build solid relationships which stand the test of time.

Taxation can be a major cost toyour business. We will work in partnership with you to minimise your tax andhelp you achieve your key objectives.

We provide a complete service ofhelp and advice in all of the following areas:

      Preparationof activity statements and advice on payment of tax


      Advice onand implementation of tax effective trust structures for asset protection andtax minimisation

      Managementof any ATO Audits or disputes

Bookkeeping Services

Wouldoutsourcing bookkeeping benefit your business? Florian Accounting offers acomprehensive bookkeeping service at the best rates. We provide the best valuequotes in Sydney. This removes all the hassle of handling the accounts so youcan concentrate on what you do best. Florian staff will assist in the reportingof receipts and payables, up to the full preparation of financial andmanagement accounts.


Ensuringyour business maintains compliance with BAS and GST is a time consuming andtricky process. Florian Accounting can take away these worries by providing afull BAS and GST service. This includes calculating GST and lodging your BAS tothe ATO. Combined with the bookkeeping service, your business will be freedfrom endless paperwork.

Company Set-up

When it istime for you to start a new venture, Florian can assist you in setting up theright entity whether it is a company, partnership or sole trader. We can alsoadvise you on starting a small business including licensing, registration, anddealing with government agencies.

MYOB Set-up

Having afunctioning accounting system such as MYOB can improve your internal process byproviding up to date management reporting. The benefits of a good accountingsystem are potentially a significant reduction in accounting costs and improvedaccuracy of reporting. Florian Accounting can help to install and set up thesoftware to suit your firm.

Payroll Services

Administering your payroll can betime-consuming and divert you from the core activities of your business.Payroll & employment legislation is growing increasingly complex.

We can relieve you of this burdenby providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:


      Administrationof PAYG, statutory sick pay, annual leave etc

      ATO filing

      Summariesand analyses of staff costs

      Administrationof incentive schemes, bonuses and termination payments

Even if you have only a fewemployees, you will make savings by engaging us to administer your payroll.


Our aim isto ensure your business achieves the potential it's capable of. We have theknow how and ex-perience to offer advice to help you run your business moreeffectively.

We arepracticed in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing to therelationship years of experience in business growth. We can identify keyperformance indicators in your business, through which you will see thepositive changes occurring with the help of our professional consultants.

We are ableto check that your business is as competitive, focused, and profitable as itcan be. We then offer flexible strategies, designed to address the issuesaffecting your business.

Let us giveyour business a health check. Take the practical advice we can give to ensurethe continual success of your venture.

Self-managed superannuation funds

There areseveral trust laws and legislative requirements for setting up a self-managedsuperannuation fund (SMSF). Typically you need to:

Obtain atrust deed


Sign atrustee declaration (NAT 71089)

Elect tobecome a regulated fund

Obtain a taxfile number (TFN)

Obtain an Australianbusiness number (ABN)

At FlorianAccounting we provide the professional advice you need to set up your own fundand greatly simplify the process for you.

Cashflow Management

Have youever wondered if you are holding too much inventory? Is this the right time toexpand your business? Are you going to have enough cash to pay all expensesevery month?

Survival intoday's business climate requires you to spend more time working on yourbusiness rather than in the business.

We canprovide you with accurate, timely and informative cashflow forecasting reports- allowing you to:

Realize andunderstand when cash is available

Plan andprepare for expansion, stock control, and taxes

Analyse andanticipate key expenses

Armed withthis information, we'll work with you to develop action strategies to improveyour bottom line.

Financial Planning

FlorianAccounting has a qualified financial adviser to provide financial planning andsuperannuation and investment advice.

A personalfinancial plan can be drafted with implementation, rebalancing and reviewservices. We can also provide advice on improving the structure of yourinvestments and your portfolio, whether it is stocks, managed funds, directproperty and other alternative investments

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-18 12:00
Tricky questions that been asked during the interview, we are here to share with all of you.

1.        The Financial Controller has been called away unexpectedly, is not contactable and the accounts are due to the shareholder. What do you do?

·Firstly, acknowledge the shareholders of FC’s absence and see whether they can lose the payment term for this one-off scenario;
·If not, try to liaise with someone higher up in the company and your bank manager to have the authorisation done, such as company’s CEO or CFO who the FC reports to to have the payment approved;

2.        What are the bookkeeping entries required for a deposit taken from a potential client that is refundable?
·When the deposit has been received, I will record as :
Dr   Cash (deposit from client)   
Cr   Liability-refundable deposit
·If the deposit has been refund, the entries will be:
Dr   Liability-refundable deposit
Cr   Cash (deposit from client)
·When the further pmt was received
Dr Liability
Cr Revenue

Good luck,
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-19 12:59
Dear Coco,

This is Jack. I went for the interview this morning.

The interviewer asked me to leave two referees on a form. But she did not clearly say that she is going to check the reference. She told me that she will have the EKKA holiday for the next few days, and probably get back to me on next monday.

Here is some feedback to share with trainees.

About the interview questions, as this is an employer's interview, it is pretty simple.

What qualifications do you have?

Tell something about their company.

why do you apply for this position?

what can you do for this company?

did you ever give any recommendation or do something to improve previous company's system and policy?

What did you get from your current position?

Technical question:

She gave me an supplier's invoice and asked me to point out the problems that the invoice may have.


作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-23 14:39
Hi Kydie,

Thanks very much for the sharing. I am gonna preparing the answers for these questions now lol.
Wish Jack the best of luck! Thank him for the precious sharing.


作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-25 14:13
Hi Kydie
This is Alan. I received the resume from you already and it seen that the consultant has done a great job.

Thanks you.

Best Regards
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-8-31 12:40
Hello Coco

First of all I would like to say huge thank you for all your help. Secondly I would like to say that I am sorry that I did not make a write up straight after I got a job. However from today’s perspective I can say that this is good as I can give you a wider overview of my job and duties.

To start with, I was not expecting the company to get back to me as the advertisement I applied for was already removed at the time they contacted me. The company name is theXXX, the one that hosts various events in Queensland. Surprisingly I only had one interview with the HR manager and the financial controller. The position is the Finance Officer – 6 months contract with probability of being  extended.  During the interview I was mostly asked general accounting questions on AR and AP like invoice input speed, familiarity with accounting packages  as well as general  questions about previous company work experience, team and working environment, so that was really not a tough one I must admit. Another side of the interview was about personality and expectations. I said that I would like to work hard, gain as much experience as possible and bring value to the company. One tip on answering such questions is to tell how much you enjoy your team in the current company, that you are very friendly, sociable and helpful, and that you are looking forward to work in similar friendly and professional environment.

A few words about the position itself. Finance officer is more than just AR or AP as you are asked to do whatever needs to be done in both areas and beyond. So during first 2 months I was doing all payables procedures, banking and invoicing side of the receivables and was asked to do balance sheet and P&L reconciliations (that was quite difficult for me being in the company for only 1 month or so). Over last month I was concentrated only on accounts payable due to separation of duties in order to be more effective during the tough Ekka times and ENORMOUS amounts of invoices to be paid. I am handling the payables for the whole company myself with the casual person helping out during the Ekka. The level of reporting is quite extensive compared to any companies that use MYOB. We use Microsoft Dynamics Navision that has a lot of software issues and needs to be maintained and fixed quite often. Nonetheless it is an ERP piece of software which is very good for my personal experience.

In conclusion, I want to say that I am very glad I came across Florian and very thankful to Coco for the help and guidance. I do wish all the best to the company and current interns. Thank you a lot for helping out people like myself to get on track!

Kind regards

Paul Belan
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-1 09:15
Trainee's feedback

Hi Coco,

I've just read your email. Yes it was good to see you too. I did not know you were doing the training that week;) The internship is really good. I like how practical and useful it is and more importantly I am finding it fun. Well I better enjoy dealing with numbers and counting people's money if I want to be a good Accountant. haha.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-2 15:43
Hi Coco & Kydie,

First of all, I'd like to say thank you to Coco for doing the reference check for me, so that I can secure this role of Accounts Officer. I was interviewed by Executive Officer and Finance Manager. Here are the questions I was asked in the interview:

1. Do you know about our company?

2. What do you do in your current job? Describe a day.

3. How do you work in your current team? What is your role?

4. Do you think you are a detail-oriented person?

5. Tell us how do you communicate with your clients?

6. How many tax invoices you do per week?

7. What do you want to achieve in the future?

After these work related questions, they started to ask me about myself, such as 'Where are you from? How long have you been in Australia? Are you here yourself? Do you go back to meet your parents often? etc." It is a good sign if they start to be interested in your personal stuff.

And then they asked if I have any questions would like to ask, I came up  two as follows:

1. What are the key challenges of the role, particularly in the firt 6 months?

2. Could you tell me how many people are in my team, what are their roles?

The whole interview lasted about 1 hour. I was requested to give referee's information by email after interview.

Some thoughts from my experience:

1. Get prepared with the background of the firm you are going to be interviewed.

2. Try to give the example to the question.

3. Ask something particularly relate to the work.

4. Follow-up is important. (call and make sure they have received your email and express your interests again)

Best wishes to everyone!

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-6 16:22
Hi Coco,

I had two interviews with 2 companies this week. Below is questions have been asked during the interviews:

The 1st company:

1.     Tell me about yourself? I said I from Vietnam, I had Accounting background in my country (pls find my CV attachment)

2.    How do you do credit card reconciliation?

3.    Can you handle pressure? I said I handle pressure very well.

4.    Can you stay late in the office to finish your job?

5.    How many invoices you process a day?

6.    Are you able to collect payment from debtor?

The 2nd company

He did not ask me much about questions related to accounting but he only asked 2 questions when he called to arrange for interview.

1.       What is accrual? Is it a liability or asset?

2.       What are employee’s entitlements?

I came seeing him this morning Friday. He told me about his company and checked my qualification and transcript. He asked:

1.       Tell me about yourself?

Very much appreciated.

Best Regards,

Catherine Hoang
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-7 15:05
Hi Kydie,

Thanks for the reference letter that you have sent to me and I appreciate your assistance & support given for me to complete the course so fast. Also I would like to give my gratitude and appreciation towards Coco for her best courage and guidance given towards this course.

I will definetly inform you about my job hunting progress and also will post some more interview queries that I came across in the interviews. I will keep in touch with you.

Thanks again & have a nice afternoon,

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-8 14:00
Hi Coco,

I've just read your email. Yes it was good to see you too. I did not know you were doing the training that week;) The internship is really good. I like how practical and useful it is and more importantly I am finding it fun. Well I better enjoy dealing with numbers and counting people's money if I want to be a good Accountant. haha.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-9 14:33
Hi Coco,
Thank you for your email.  I am doing well.
Starting last week I started a new role at the Express Delivery Company Head Office as a Commercial Analyst with better income. In March 2011 came out an opening for this position and I was quite fortunate that after 3 times interview upto the G.M. of Commercial Division, he gave me a chance to perform for this role. Therefore please let me perform for this role as another good stepping stone.
Thank you very much for the update, Coco.  Your program is very good and helps so many candidates.
I wish you all the very best. Good Luck.

Kind Regards,
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-15 16:46
Hi All,

Good news!

Yet another of our Sydney trainees, Joyce, has successfully landed an Accounts Assistant position last week with one of Asia’s leading luxury watch retailers.

During her time at Florian Accounting, Joyce undertook our Level 1, Internship and Interview Coaching Programs. These programs combined helped her to improve her technical and interview skills, and equipped her with the relevant working skills and experience to be able to fulfil an accounting-related role. This was a major part of her being able to get this role.

In her below email, she shares with us those interview questions she was asked during her screening process. As for her reference check, the main questions asked of us related to her work ethics, punctuality, technical skills (incl. Excel), ability to meet deadlines and prioritize her workload, main strengths and weaknesses, and her ability to follow through with instructions under minimum supervision.

Let’s all wish her the best of luck in her new job and heads up for those of our current trainees.

Their financial manager and accountant conducted the interview.

They asked me questions based on my resume

Tell me about Florian accounting

What did you do in Florian ?

Your strengths and weaknesses
what do you like about Florian
What you leave florian
He also asked me about my key achievements in Florian
How do you work under pressure
how do I know about them
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-20 16:59
Hi Coco,
How are you? Really want to share this exciting moment with you.finally i got job offer from company i applied for the role of Accounts Officer.starting work there from Monday.
want to thank you for everything,your training,your guidance,your support and reference check.i am sending you my interview detail so it can help other trainees as well.

i had one phone interview,two face to face interview and finally they said me to come for trial approximately for 2 hours.

Ist round was phone interview

1.How long u been doing internship at Florian?

2.what do you do there?

3.Do you have admin experience as well?

and she said if i will be successful for next stage i will get call in next 24 hours.Finally i successful and went for face to face interview.

2nd round with Business operational Manager.

1.Tell me about your self.

2.Tell me about your internship in Florian.

3.What do you do on daily basis?

4.where you used to work before?

5.She asked me some personal questions like my background,how long you been here.

6.Any question for me.

then she told me about company and my role,and said Senior Accountant is on holiday coming back next week,so when you can come for another interview with her in next week?

3rd round with Sr. Accountant

1.Again whats you do in your current intern role?

2.What is cost center analysis?

3.How do you handle pressure?

4.whats your expectation from this role?

5.few questions from my previous job.

Finally she said you are amazing can you come for trial (they wanted to see how comfortable i am with this role) and  after Trial they said they have few more candidates and they will let me know by tomorrow and  next morning finally they said we  are going to check your references.And finally offered me job.Guys it took my 2 weeks quite long time from first round to final looks funny now but that time i was nervous,but Coco was there for me,she said if i need help i can ring her any time,soooooooo supportive.

Many Many thanks Coco.

I will come and see you,want to thank you personally.


Amita Narwal
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-21 15:52
Hi Coco,
How are you? I hope you are well. Just want to let you know that I found a new job as an Assistant Accountant in a non profit organization.
Will start next week. I can say that the training and internship program helped me to be more confident during interviews.
Wishing all the trainess to find a job that they will ejoy!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your words of encouragement! =)
All the best!
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-23 15:03
Hi CoCo,
Our company is currently using MYOB and I have only basic knowledge about this software, if I take the course, can I handle the BAS and GST myself after I finish it?
-- Yes, you will have the full knowledge preparing and lodging Business Activity Statements and IAS. If you need help, you can bring your company’s case and I will be more than happy to have a look through the accounts and assist you.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-9-27 13:41
Dear CoCo,

Last week I had my interview with Hays and they sent me to a local manufacturing company here in Adelaide which is a branch of a multinational company. After the first and second interview, they offered me an Assistant Accountant Position.

The first interview was conducted by company's finance manager and financial controller from ***. I was asked a few technical questions from Finance Manager as the followings:

What is bank reconciliation?
What is the volume of your company's bank reconciliation?
Which items are included in the general ledger reconciliation?
Which items are included in BAS?
What is intercompany transaction and how do you do intercompany transaction reconciliation?
What accounting software did you use before?
Do you lodge BAS quarterly or monthly for your company?
Did you do any budget or auditing before and tell me your experience in these areas.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-5 09:10
The financial controller also asked me lots of behavior questions like

What is your 5 years career plan?
How do you meet the deadline?
How do you prioritize your tasks?
How do you handle stressful situation and deal with conflicts?
Can you please tell me about yourself and what do you like to do in your spare time?
Why do you leave your last position and what do you like the most from your last position?
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-6 16:40
The second interview was conducted by finance manager and company's Managing Director. They prepared 2 pages journal entry tests. It covers topics like Gain or Loss on Foreign Currency Exchange, Accrual, Deferred Tax Assets
and Liability, sales and accounts receivable, Prepayment,
GST etc. They also tested my SAP and QuickBooks skills in computer.

I am very excited about this amazing opportunity and feel that it's going to be a good
progress of my career. I attend in level one accounting training in Florian and I feel
that everything I learnt from the class is a great help for me to
pass my interview. I am not scared of
any technical
or behavior question anymore. Although I still have 3 months probation time in the new company, Florian’s accounting and practical training improves my confidence greatly to start this challenging position.

Thank you again.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-7 11:31
Hi Coco,

I’m so glad that I got my first accounting job and had successfully passed my probation period.
Your well designed training course really boosted my opportunity to start my professional career!
Many many thanks!
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-11 16:08
Hi Coco
About my experience, I had a lot of interviews so far, some interviewers are very prepared and some dont ask too many questions so it is important to make as many questions yourself
There is a few behavioral questions that I had quite a few times on interviews
Tell me about a time when you:
-Improved efficiency in your work
-Had a problem to meet a deadline
-Solved a problem
Answering this question with a specific examples and with confidence is important.  
I hired a professional to remake my resume, and later on, i had some assistance in how to perform better in interviews.  It cost a little bit of money but it did help me in getting more calls, and to be more prepared for job interviews so I think it was a good investment.
I think the program was very useful and Kydie have been always very helpfull to answer any questions I may have and provide support on the internship.
I hope I had some good news about the job very soon.  Thanks Coco.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-13 14:52
Great news!!!

Florian Accounting has created an Interview Tigs Blog,

Welcome to post your interview questions and we will come back with a suggested answer so everyone can benefit from that.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-14 15:13
Accounting training and internship!!!!!
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-25 10:56
Dear Coco,

First of all I would like to thank you for your kindness and for doing the reference check for me so that I can secure this role. I would like to thank Kydie as well for her help during the internship. I have been through two interviews which I would like to share with everyone.

The first one is also the one I got offered is Accounts Manager which is basically doing everything in Accounts. I have been through three interviews and a trial before them giving me this offer.

The first interview was a phone interview by the HR manager. Questions she asked were as follows:

1.    Have u experience any other accounting software? How about SAIG (which is commonly used in London)?

2.    What is your career goal? ( I told her that I would like to become a qualified CPA)

3.    Do you have any sales experience?

4.    The job also includes PA to the owner, ordering meals, booking for flight ticket, so do you think you can handle them as well?

5.    Have u ever experience in any foreign currency transactions?

Then she asked me for reference check, which was a bit strange procedure.

I find follow up is very important as in this job hunting experience I almost followed up every step.
So one week after the phone interview and reference check, I called the HR again and got a face to face interview.
Questions involved in the face to face interview were:

1.    Tell me about yourself?

2.    In this role, it would be only you as an accounting person, how would you do if something is new to you?

3.    If we have the cashflow problem, which we couldn’t get enough cashflow for this week, however,
we have a bill due this week and the supplier was asking for the money, how would you do?

4.    How far are you away from becoming a CPA?

5.    Any questions you want to ask me?
(I asked a few accounting related questions which she was not quite sure about the answers, but she said I could ask the accountant next time.)

One week after, I called her and followed up again, then she arranged the final interview with the owner and the accountant.
The last interview went on very smooth, I asked the accountant a few accounting and work related questions before I met the owner.
Then the owner and I discussed a few marketing and international business issues which I had exposed to during my bachelor degree studies.

The second interview was Assistant Accountant position in a Charity association and I was interviewed by the Financial Director, and HR manager.
I didn’t make it successfully, however the feedback they gave me was very helpful.
They praised my resume, my interview performances and my personality;
however, as my lack of experience was a vital drawback for that position, they ended up with selecting someone else with more experience.

They had this 3-page questions list to ask during the interview.

1.    Run me through your resume. (This is similar to the question like: tell me about yourself.)

2.    What financial functions have you done during your FA experience?
(I told them I do AP/AR on daily basis, monthly Credit card and bank reconciliation, month end preparation: FAR, Prepayment, Accruals/ BAS.
Also exposed to Cost centre and P&L analysis)

3.    Have you experienced in GL Reconciliation? How far have you been exposed to GL reconciliation?
(FAR, Prepayment, Bank reconciliations, and credit card.)

4.    What do you know about GST?
(I told them in FA we deal with GST, FRE, N-T, and INP transactions. I also told them how to calculate the GST and PAYG on BAS.
This question was out of my expectation so didn’t answer well).

5.    How do you get the data for your BAS lodgment?
(GST Summary report in MYOB and Payroll summary report from MYOB.)

6.    What are the things that you like most and dislike most in your current job?

7.    What would you do if your colleagues’ mistake has impact on your work?

8.    What is your work ethic? Do you talk a lot?

9.    What would you do if your colleagues become cranky?

10. How would you make sure the financial data you are provided with are reliable?

11. What values you can bring to our organization?

12. What is your salary expectation?

I would like to encourage everyone who is still struggling looking for a job to do follow-ups because it shows how passionate you are about the job and make sure you fully understand the job descriptions before you go to an interview.
Try to sell the strengths that are matching the job description.

Finally, best of luck for everyone!

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-26 10:35
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-27 08:41
Hi all,

First, please join me in congratulating both Samantha Xiao & Frances Zhou for getting their new accounting jobs last week. More importantly, they both have got 2 offers so they each had to turn one of them down. They are both permanent roles. Isn’t it great to be able to be picky and choosy? Thanks girls for giving the feedback so that everyone can share the successful experience.

Just would like to encourage all of you to conduct your job hunting more diligently. You hard work will be paid off. Also, Frances is still in her professional year study, which indicates that PR is not necessarily your stumbling block. You just have to stay positive and be persistent.

Here are some new feedback from their interview process:

Technical Questions:

What is the short cut on MYOB for Accounts? – Ctrl + 1;
What is the short cut on MYOB for Sales? – Ctrl + 2;
Samantha even took a typing test – Her performance is 40 wpm and the employer is very happy with it. Well done, Sam.
Frances went through numerous rounds of practical tests regarding Payroll tax, Super employer contributions, PAYG calculation and payment;

Behavioral Questions:

Similar to what we’ve updated before, such as why you wanted to leave Florian, How you met your deadlines, etc. According to Frances, all the behavioral questions she came across have been covered in Jeff’s interview class.

Important Points to Note:

1.                   I’ve been receiving employer reference phone calls very frequently recently. To those who have gone through second round interviews, please send me an sms to notify me so that I can look out for it; - Please help me to help you out;

2.                   For those who have changed their names on their resumes after Jeff’s interview course, please let me know the name that you quoted to your future employer so that I know how to respond to it.

3.                   For those trainees who still haven’t received any phone calls or interviews, I strongly recommended you to take Jeff’s interview course. All those trainees who were called for interviews or found jobs recently have totally done up their resumes to a professional level through the course. This course will focus on your own life experience and make your resumes more tailored. That is how it can make a difference. Resumes are your sales documents, please do not underestimate it importance.

4.                   For those who received the rejection letters, please do not give up or feel discouraged. Everyone receives rejection letters and it is silly to get emotional about it. Please learn to get over it and move on quickly. That is a winners’ attitude.

Keep the positive energy flowing.

Have a great week.

Coco Hou

Senior Accountant

Florian Corporation

Syd  02 8889 4111
Syd  0412 624 948
Bne 0430 827 666
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-28 13:03
Hi Rae,
I just got called for an interview tmrw morning for bookkeeper/accounts position, so i won't be able to make it to the fixed assets class, just letting you know in case another student wanted to attend.
It's my first interview for this type of position, do you or coco have any advice on how to handle and best prepare the interview or potential tricky questions that could be asked. I think it is for a printing company.
The positions main duties include:

bank reconciliations, chasing up creditors and debtors, general office duties.

I will re-read my class notes and previous emails relating to interviews but if you can offer anything more that would be great.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-10-29 10:10
Hi all,
Just a quick update about the interviews some of our trainees have had recently.

For the Westpac role, Frances has already gone through the first round interview. Similar to Samantha’s interview process that I updated before, a written test was also required. There were no technical questions asked, and the whole process was purely focused on behavioral questions. The details are listed below,
The written test is an apology email. Your staff or the system made a mistake which was spotted later. You are required to calm the clients and apologize for what happened;
Why did you relocate in Sydney?
Where do you see yourself in the next one year?
Are you currently proactively looking for jobs?

The above are just some new questions. For other behavioral questions, we’ve already discussed before during classes, emails and mostly interview classes.

Cat is going through quite a few interviews. They are all accounts clerk roles. She recommended going through private advertising rather than through agencies, as less commitment is often required through these roles.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-1 10:06
Hello Coco

First of all I would like to say huge thank you for all your help. Secondly I would like to say that I am sorry that I did not make a write up straight after I got a job. However from today’s perspective I can say that this is good as I can give you a wider overview of my job and duties.

To start with, I was not expecting the company to get back to me as the advertisement I applied for was already removed at the time they contacted me. The company name is theXXX, the one that hosts various events in Queensland. Surprisingly I only had one interview with the HR manager and the financial controller. The position is the Finance Officer – 6 months contract with probability of being  extended.  During the interview I was mostly asked general accounting questions on AR and AP like invoice input speed, familiarity with accounting packages  as well as general  questions about previous company work experience, team and working environment, so that was really not a tough one I must admit. Another side of the interview was about personality and expectations. I said that I would like to work hard, gain as much experience as possible and bring value to the company. One tip on answering such questions is to tell how much you enjoy your team in the current company, that you are very friendly, sociable and helpful, and that you are looking forward to work in similar friendly and professional environment.

A few words about the position itself. Finance officer is more than just AR or AP as you are asked to do whatever needs to be done in both areas and beyond. So during first 2 months I was doing all payables procedures, banking and invoicing side of the receivables and was asked to do balance sheet and P&L reconciliations (that was quite difficult for me being in the company for only 1 month or so). Over last month I was concentrated only on accounts payable due to separation of duties in order to be more effective during the tough Ekka times and ENORMOUS amounts of invoices to be paid. I am handling the payables for the whole company myself with the casual person helping out during the Ekka. The level of reporting is quite extensive compared to any companies that use MYOB. We use Microsoft Dynamics Navision that has a lot of software issues and needs to be maintained and fixed quite often. Nonetheless it is an ERP piece of software which is very good for my personal experience.

In conclusion, I want to say that I am very glad I came across Florian and very thankful to Coco for the help and guidance. I do wish all the best to the company and current interns. Thank you a lot for helping out people like myself to get on track!

Kind regards

Paul Belan
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-1 16:32
Hi Coco,
Thank you for your email.  I am doing well.
Starting last week I started a new role at the Express Delivery Company Head Office as a Commercial Analyst with better income. In March 2011 came out an opening for this position and I was quite fortunate that after 3 times interview upto the G.M. of Commercial Division, he gave me a chance to perform for this role. Therefore please let me perform for this role as another good stepping stone.
Thank you very much for the update, Coco.  Your program is very good and helps so many candidates.
I wish you all the very best. Good Luck.

Kind Regards
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-2 09:22
Hi Kydie,

Thanks for the reference letter that you have sent to me and I appreciate your assistance & support given for me to complete the course so fast. Also I would like to give my gratitude and appreciation towards Coco for her best courage and guidance given towards this course.

I will definetly inform you about my job hunting progress and also will post some more interview queries that I came across in the interviews. I will keep in touch with you.

Thanks again & have a nice afternoon,

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-3 09:04
Hi Coco,
Thank you for your email.  I am doing well.
Starting last week I started a new role at the Express Delivery Company Head Office as a Commercial Analyst with better income. In March 2011 came out an opening for this position and I was quite fortunate that after 3 times interview upto the G.M. of Commercial Division, he gave me a chance to perform for this role. Therefore please let me perform for this role as another good stepping stone.
Thank you very much for the update, Coco.  Your program is very good and helps so many candidates.
I wish you all the very best. Good Luck.

Kind Regards,
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-3 16:10
Hi Coco
About my experience, I had a lot of interviews so far, some interviewers are very prepared and some dont ask too many questions so it is important to make as many questions yourself
There is a few behavioral questions that I had quite a few times on interviews
Tell me about a time when you:
-Improved efficiency in your work
-Had a problem to meet a deadline
-Solved a problem
Answering this question with a specific examples and with confidence is important.  
I hired a professional to remake my resume, and later on, i had some assistance in how to perform better in interviews.  It cost a little bit of money but it did help me in getting more calls, and to be more prepared for job interviews so I think it was a good investment.
I think the program was very useful and Kydie have been always very helpfull to answer any questions I may have and provide support on the internship.
I hope I had some good news about the job very soon.  Thanks Coco.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-4 10:30
Hi Coco,

Sorry to get back to you after a long time. Actually suddenly, I've found myself really busy and I remember you saying "Enjoy your last week" just before the week I started work. I am writing this email to acknowledge the cooperation, assistance and guidance provided by Florian team during my time at Florian.

During the month of September, I went through couple of interviews and luckily was able to secure a position of Junior Accountant with one company. Some of the questions asked during the interview were as follows:

1) Tell me something about yourself.

2) What are your strengths and weakness?

3) Describe your experience at Florian.

4) Do you want to commence CA studies?

5) Describe your level of technical skills?

All the interviews I had were really short ranging from 10 to 20 minutes. My boss told me that, me and one other guy were shortlisted for the second round interview. The guy was more experienced than me, but I was successful because of my communication skills. So, I think confidence and effective communication skills are must in an interview.

Coco, I would like to thank you especially for helping me to calm my nerves before each interview and guiding me to make the right decision as well as answering all my queries in no time. I wish Florian all the best for further success and growth.


作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-4 16:30
Dear Coco,
Thank you very very much for doing a reference check for me really appreciate it, to be honest even i didnt know that they are going to do the reference check . I had an interview with recruitment consultant on 3rd of august and when i filled the form as per their requirement i request her to let me know if they are going to do reference check but she didnt. Anyway hopefully you didnt mind sorry again.
As i had a reference check today thats sign of good news and  all thanks to you and florian. I would like to share some of my experiences during my period in florian.
Decision of joining florian has proved one of the wisest decision that i have ever made . Both level one training and interview classes are very beneficial in searching for the job and getting job interviews done. Before joining florian i did had some interviews but all not that sucessful and i still remember that nervousness and scary feeling that i used to have but after training and interview classes all of those nervousness and scary feelings are replaced by positive attitute and confidence. Coco the way you explain the MYOB procedures in class is outstanding and interview classes are really very beneficial in building selfesteem and confidence. All thanks to you.
During my interview knowledge i gain from level one training helped me a lot. here is some of the questions they asked me,
Tell us something about yourself and florian
How do you do bank and credit card reconciliation and how often you do it.
What is the minimum KPI's
What are your strenght and weeknesses
What do you want to be in future
How do you cope with challenges and difficulties at work
what are your hobbies.
sorry its been more than a month i went for interview so i couldnt remember much of the questions but hopefully whatever i wrote here will help.      

Alina Tuladhar.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-5 11:23
Hi Coco,

I would like to first thank you for the help you have provided me. Sorry for the late reply as I am stressed out with my time allocations. I'm literally going to have 9am~9pm monday to friday due to full time study and work.
The role I managed to secure is titled Account Executive Assistant.
The process that I went through to get my job was slightly different than to the average recruitment process.
I first applied to this company at the beginning of the year around March. I was interviewed by their HR who I have managed to leave a good impression with.
The HR person didn't ask alot of complicated questions besides;
Things regarding my CV
My career plans and how would I feel with a career in the insurance broking industry after having provided me with an overview of the company.
However I wasn't able to secure a position that time as the division manager made up his decision before the HR could recommend me.
Six months down the track, in late July I applied again as new vacancies became available.
The HR lady still remembered me and I had an interview with the division manager without having to go through HR again.
During that interview, they indicated they looked at my CV and noticed I am also still studying and asked how they might impact with the job if I was to work. I told them that I will prioritise work and adjust my study schedule to fight with work.
They also asked me why I wanted to be in the insurance industry and the usual "tell me about yourself?"
The interview it self was really relaxed and casual and went on for 40min with half the time myself asking about the division and how it sits in the company as a whole.
From what I have gathered, they were looking for someone with an open personality who is able to work well with others (lots of client based and team work) and possess a positiive attitude.
This isnt quite an accounting job but I hope it can still help with the interview aspect.

Thank you very much for your help Coco.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-8 09:19
Dear Coco,

This is Jack. I went for the interview this morning.

The interviewer asked me to leave two referees on a form. But she did not clearly say that she is going to check the reference. She told me that she will have the EKKA holiday for the next few days, and probably get back to me on next monday.

Here is some feedback to share with trainees.
About the interview questions, as this is an employer's interview, it is pretty simple.
What qualifications do you have?
Tell something about their company.
why do you apply for this position?
what can you do for this company?
did you ever give any recommendation or do something to improve previous company's system and policy?
What did you get from your current position?

Technical question:

She gave me an supplier's invoice and asked me to point out the problems that the invoice may have.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-9 15:05
hi selina,

the interview i got is about 70 percent behaviour question or open questions, 30 percent is technical question?

i was having an interview with the boss and the accountant who is leaving the company. The boss asked:

1. what type of friends you have?
2 why our company?
3 why do we employ you but not others?
4 if you found your mistake at 3pm Friday afternoon, you have to spend 10 hours to fix it but the clients need it on schedule date, say Monday. What will you do if i am not contactable.

5 Same sceniro as above,but you are working alone by yourself.

Tec qs: when you receive money from clients what will u doin myob? do u know automatic key in? do you know how to reform the invoice? what do u do daily?

thanks selina for your last minute help. Please say hi for me to coco, it has been a long battle since i was the first florian genration in Brisbane.

Samuel Lam
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-10 15:36
Hi Coco,

I would like to first thank you for the help you have provided me. Sorry for the late reply as I am stressed out with my time allocations. I'm literally going to have 9am~9pm monday to friday due to full time study and work.
The role I managed to secure is titled Account Executive Assistant.
The process that I went through to get my job was slightly different than to the average recruitment process.
I first applied to this company at the beginning of the year around March. I was interviewed by their HR who I have managed to leave a good impression with.
The HR person didn't ask alot of complicated questions besides;
Things regarding my CV
My career plans and how would I feel with a career in the insurance broking industry after having provided me with an overview of the company.
However I wasn't able to secure a position that time as the division manager made up his decision before the HR could recommend me.
Six months down the track, in late July I applied again as new vacancies became available.
The HR lady still remembered me and I had an interview with the division manager without having to go through HR again.
During that interview, they indicated they looked at my CV and noticed I am also still studying and asked how they might impact with the job if I was to work. I told them that I will prioritise work and adjust my study schedule to fight with work.
They also asked me why I wanted to be in the insurance industry and the usual "tell me about yourself?"
The interview it self was really relaxed and casual and went on for 40min with half the time myself asking about the division and how it sits in the company as a whole.
From what I have gathered, they were looking for someone with an open personality who is able to work well with others (lots of client based and team work) and possess a positiive attitude.
This isnt quite an accounting job but I hope it can still help with the interview aspect.

Thank you very much for your help Coco.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-15 16:23
Hi Coco
About my experience, I had a lot of interviews so far, some interviewers are very prepared and some dont ask too many questions so it is important to make as many questions yourself
There is a few behavioral questions that I had quite a few times on interviews
Tell me about a time when you:
-Improved efficiency in your work
-Had a problem to meet a deadline
-Solved a problem
Answering this question with a specific examples and with confidence is important.  
I hired a professional to remake my resume, and later on, i had some assistance in how to perform better in interviews.  It cost a little bit of money but it did help me in getting more calls, and to be more prepared for job interviews so I think it was a good investment.
I think the program was very useful and Kydie have been always very helpfull to answer any questions I may have and provide support on the internship.
I hope I had some good news about the job very soon.  Thanks Coco.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-11-16 16:28
本帖最后由 paopao 于 2011-11-16 16:30 编辑

hi selina,

the interview i got is about 70 percent behaviour question or open questions, 30 percent is technical question?

i was having an interview with the boss and the accountant who is leaving the company. The boss asked:

1. what type of friends you have?
2 why our company?
3 why do we employ you but not others?
4 if you found your mistake at 3pm Friday afternoon, you have to spend 10 hours to fix it but the clients need it on schedule date, say Monday. What will you do if i am not contactable.

5 Same sceniro as above,but you are working alone by yourself.

Tec qs: when you receive money from clients what will u doin myob? do u know automatic key in? do you know how to reform the invoice? what do u do daily?

thanks selina for your last minute help. Please say hi for me to coco, it has been a long battle since i was the first florian genration in Brisbane.

Samuel Lam
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-7 10:02
Dear Coco,

Thank you so much Coco!! Here are some of the interview questions I have been asked for an Assistant Accountant postion:


Tell me about your background
Tell me about your responsibilites
Who do you report to?
Why do you want to work in accounting


What are the turnovers of your clients?
How many clients do you handle?
Do you have experience in month end reporting?
How to do P&L analysis?
Tell me about the AP & AR procedure
Have you done any tax return?
Can you use MYOB?

They are 100% related to what I have learnt and done in the Lv 1 & 2 trainings, tax training and internship!! I feel it is neccessary to complete all the programmes as the knowledge in accounting is so board and interesting. Coco has made sure I can gain expereince in the important areas in accounting and taxation. She gave me the full support in searching the full time accounting role. She gave up her spare time and helped me to prepare for the interview!! Without Coco, I would not have the neccessary skills for an accounting job!!

Once again, thank you so much Coco!!



作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-10 13:03
Dear Coco,
Thank you very very much for doing a reference check for me really appreciate it, to be honest even i didnt know that they are going to do the reference check . I had an interview with recruitment consultant on 3rd of august and when i filled the form as per their requirement i request her to let me know if they are going to do reference check but she didnt. Anyway hopefully you didnt mind sorry again.
As i had a reference check today thats sign of good news and  all thanks to you and florian. I would like to share some of my experiences during my period in florian.
Decision of joining florian has proved one of the wisest decision that i have ever made . Both level one training and interview classes are very beneficial in searching for the job and getting job interviews done. Before joining florian i did had some interviews but all not that sucessful and i still remember that nervousness and scary feeling that i used to have but after training and interview classes all of those nervousness and scary feelings are replaced by positive attitute and confidence. Coco the way you explain the MYOB procedures in class is outstanding and interview classes are really very beneficial in building selfesteem and confidence. All thanks to you.
During my interview knowledge i gain from level one training helped me a lot. here is some of the questions they asked me,
Tell us something about yourself and florian

How do you do bank and credit card reconciliation and how often you do it.
What is the minimum KPI's
What are your strenght and weeknesses
What do you want to be in future
How do you cope with challenges and difficulties at work
what are your hobbies.
sorry its been more than a month i went for interview so i couldnt remember much of the questions but hopefully whatever i wrote here will help.      

Alina Tuladhar.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-13 10:43
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-14 14:06

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-15 14:30

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-16 14:47
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.

作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-21 15:04
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2011-12-22 14:40

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-10 13:02

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: yellow1985131    时间: 2012-1-10 13:20
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-12 13:17
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-13 14:20

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-17 12:16
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-18 14:45
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-19 16:37

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-26 10:47
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-27 16:03

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-1-31 15:02
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-2-2 16:15

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-2-7 13:40
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-2-15 15:12
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-2-20 11:39
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: crystal-jj    时间: 2012-3-10 20:13
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-4-20 15:09

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-4-25 20:00

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-5-4 14:50
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-5-24 15:48
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-6-20 16:35
please visit our blog:

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-6-28 10:03
Hi all,  
Hope you have all been enjoying your time with Florian so far.
I’ve got some really exciting news from two our trainees: Renee and Samantha. They both got the same role with the same company as Junior Accountants and they both will start this week. The company is using SAP system and they both will be trained up how to use it.
They provided very detailed feedback regarding their interview process. You all will soon receive the feedback from both of them. Prior to that, I would like to share some experience from my end as a referee.
They applied the roles with the company directly. There are 3 rounds interview: first two rounds face to face with different groups and the last round technical test.  
I was notified by Renee beforehand that I might need to do a reference check for her. Not long later, I receive a phone call from the company’s financial controller. Surprisingly, he also mentioned Samantha to me, who is also an intern from Florian. He also ask me whether I can vouch for Samantha as well. It was the first time that I had to do two reference check at the same time over the phone.
We had a chat over the phone for more than half an hour. The conversation covered the following areas:
•         What does Florian Accounting do? – As you all know, we are an accounting firm that provides accounting and taxation services to the general public;
•         What do interns do during the internship? – They handled Florian Accounting internal accounts and some external tax clients’ accounts;
•         The Financial Controller was well aware the internship program is an unpaid program, which explains perfectly why interns need to move on to a full time position from Florian;
•         How does Florian ensure the quality of interns’ work? – The internship tasks are all arranged by depth. The degree of difficulty is increasing gradually. When interns complete one task, the assistant accountant and accountant will check their work and give written feedback before they move on to the next task. By the end of the internship, interns will have very good knowledge how to perform to a high standard as an Assistant Accountant.
•         Both interns personality, punctuality, major strengths and weaknesses.
•         During the conversation, I also realised that there were around 200 applications were received by the company. After the two rounds interview, only a handful were shortlisted and two of them are from Florian. They had really outstanding performance in their technical tests. The financial controller even mentioned that our two interns even beat a lot of candidates with a number of years of experience in the test with only 3-6 months internship experience.
•         There is only one position available, who would I recommend? – This question was really tricky. As far as I understand, they are equally competent and it would be a pity to let any of them go. I did give a few examples of how impressive they both are during the internship.
•         Towards the end, the financial controller expressed how amazed he was with Florian interns technical skills. He believed this program is really beneficial for those candidates without sufficient local accounting experience.
This morning, I got the good news from Samantha - the company TOOK THEM BOTH ON BOARD! How exciting!
I also want to take this opportunity to thank both Renee and Samantha for showing the employer how competitive Florian interns can be. Also, it should help dismiss the concerns of some trainees that the work experience has to be over 2 years and has to be fully paid employment. Understand that it is not the nature of the experience that decides whether you can get the role or not, it is what you have done and what you can deliver that really counts.
You all will receive their feedback regarding what kind of behavioural and technical questions were asked during their interview.
Good luck everyone.
Keep the positive energy flowing.

Coco Hou CPA
Senior Accountant
Florian Accounting
(02) 8889 4111

Renee and Samantha both got the offer. Below is Samantha’s feedback on her interview process.

From: samantha xinjie zhang
Sent: Thursday, 7 June 2012 10:50 PM
To: Coco Hou
Subject: 2nd round interview feedback

Dear Coco:

My 2nd round interview is mainly about MYOB test and accounting skill, there are three interviewers, two from acc team, one is managing director. the question they ask:

1. what's your daily routine?

2. please show me how to issue an invoice?

3. How to make purchase for stationary you bought from Officework, please also code this under right GL code

4. Please run A/R Aging report, once you got this report, what will you do?

5. If there is amount due over 90 days, what should you do?

6, If you have already chased up the overdue amount for many times, but they still not make payment to you, what will you do?

7. Then they pass me a paper, ask me to recognise it is a sales order or invoice?-------- it is sales order actually

8. Can you tell me is there any thing we need to pay attention on this sales order?-----------2 things I noticed, first one, this sales order bill to XXX (which is a distributor), but the end user is another company call XXenterprise, because they ask me who is the end user.
2ndly, the amount is in US dollar, not in australian dollar.

Then they start to ask me the job responsibilities I listed on the resume in Florian, especially for FAR, Accruals, prepayment., cost center analysis. Obviously, those two ladies from acc team don't know anything      g about FAR, Accrual, Prepayment, So they keep chanlleaging me
with a lot of questions, even i have already explained to them again and again. questions like why you need to do accrual, why you reverse that accrual journal entry etc... It seems like they still don't understand, probably because their role do not require those part. But I feel very awful at that time, because the managing director was there looking at three of us keep arguing... that is bad thing...i think..
anyway, i suggest that all the trainees should be fully prepared, then nobody can chanllege you...

Good Luck!


Renee and Samantha both got the offer. Below is Renee’s feedback on her interview process.

From: Renee CAO
Sent: Monday, 11 June 2012 9:03 PM
To: Coco Hou
Subject: the feedback after offer

Dear Coco,
How are you?
Thank you so much for the reference check. The amazing news is that the company provided Junior Accountant offer both to me and Samantha. This shows that although the competition of job hunting market is fierce, trainees from Florian Accounting are competitive. We will start SAP training for the next following two weeks and get involved in the financial year.

This company is a software wholesaler as well as service provider, and my position includes AP,AR and Bank Reconciliation. It also involves some sales support such as customer relationship maintenance and products quotation to customer.

There are infact three rounds of interviews for this position. I will list as follows:

The first round is actually a questionaire whenyou submit your resume.( This is quite smart because they are testing how much effort and your attitude toward this position, at the same time, it is a filter that brings the person they are looking for)
The questions are :    Describe a situation where you had to look for the underlying causes in order to solve a problem.
                                Describe a situation where the standard of work was not acceptable and you needed to act to improve it.
                                Describe the most complex accounting project that you have worked on. What was your role?
                                Describe the most complex budgeting process with which you’ve been involved
All these questions , you have to think really hard back to your experience and your attitude so that you are able to draw their attention.

The second round is the first interview with sales in charge and Managing Director respectively, which in total took me one and half hours.
They did not ask many professional questions but normal chat with your background and experiences.  They are quite interested in the sales job I did in China, and tried to persuade me to do the junior sales position. I did not say no directly,but I told them at this moment, I am focusing on the accounting career, and if I get the offer, in the future I do not mind doing any sales assistance for the company. They also asked some information about Florian Accounting, the company background, who are the customer and what I did in Florian Accounting.
There is one questions I hope guys will pay attention to,because I did not think my answer was quite persuading and I did not prepare such a question like that.
They asked me why I chose my accountin major, is that because of the immigration or it is because I really like accounting.  They asked that because they do not want to hire someone who gets the job, but fells bored soon. Therefore, the answers should be persuading, sincere, organised, and do not make the employer that you are not stable person.

The third round was technical test. Three persons interviewed me, two accountants and Managing Director. They asked me to finish some transactions in Myob and gave me one PO from their customer asking me to point out the features of that document.The whole process took also one and half hour.
The transactions are:
Entering a sales order
Transfer sales order to invoice.
Allocate the income
Run the bank reconciliation and what if the balance is not zero , what will you do?
Tell me how to do the FAR.
Tell me how to look at how much we owe our supplier.
If you receive one invoice from your supplier sayingi this invoice has been overdue for a long time, what will you do??
Have you done any debts chase?? What is the procedures?
How do you do P&L analysis??

They gave me an paper, which is actually from their customer. I replied with several points:
First of all, it is a purchase order other than invoice because there is only PO number without any invoice title.
Second, the company issuing this invoice is not the end user, actually they resells the software to another company.
Third, there is no GST on this PO. When they asked me why I did not asnwer it well. Because the currency is USD, it is actually an export to America, so there is no currency. (  Please pay attention to all the details!!!!!!!)

From all the questions above, it is obvious that most of them are covered by our training, so take note and getting practice in every details are so important,because you never know where you are going to be tested. I really appreciatd the training because it provides me with the proper procedures in dealing with the situations, and I am able to see the big picture of how a company is running.

I have been applied for accountin positions for almost three months, and I took record of every application I sent. For several weeks, no responses at all, and it was a really frustrated period. I consulted some of my friends, edited my cover letter and resumes as they suggest, and I started to receive feedback again. Meanwhile, I try to practice Myob transactions every day, and make myself in the accounting mood.

I fully understand that keeping applying job for long period is really hard,and somtimes I feel lost, and do not know what to do. However, there is no other options but insistance, practising and improving yourself during every feedback every interview you have.

Thank you again for all the help Florian Accountin has given me, and wish everyone good luck.

Yours sincerely,
Renee Cao

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-7-1 12:07

We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-7-5 12:18
Dear Coco,

First of all I would like to thank you for your kindness and for doing the reference check for me so that I can secure this role. I would like to thank Kydie as well for her help during the internship. I have been through two interviews which I would like to share with everyone.

The first one is also the one I got offered is Accounts Manager which is basically doing everything in Accounts. I have been through three interviews and a trial before them giving me this offer.

The first interview was a phone interview by the HR manager. Questions she asked were as follows:

1.    Have u experience any other accounting software? How about SAIG (which is commonly used in London)?

2.    What is your career goal? ( I told her that I would like to become a qualified CPA)

3.    Do you have any sales experience?

4.    The job also includes PA to the owner, ordering meals, booking for flight ticket, so do you think you can handle them as well?

5.    Have u ever experience in any foreign currency transactions?

Then she asked me for reference check, which was a bit strange procedure.

I find follow up is very important as in this job hunting experience I almost followed up every step.
So one week after the phone interview and reference check, I called the HR again and got a face to face interview.
Questions involved in the face to face interview were:

1.    Tell me about yourself?

2.    In this role, it would be only you as an accounting person, how would you do if something is new to you?

3.    If we have the cashflow problem, which we couldn’t get enough cashflow for this week, however,
we have a bill due this week and the supplier was asking for the money, how would you do?

4.    How far are you away from becoming a CPA?

5.    Any questions you want to ask me?
(I asked a few accounting related questions which she was not quite sure about the answers, but she said I could ask the accountant next time.)

One week after, I called her and followed up again, then she arranged the final interview with the owner and the accountant.
The last interview went on very smooth, I asked the accountant a few accounting and work related questions before I met the owner.
Then the owner and I discussed a few marketing and international business issues which I had exposed to during my bachelor degree studies.

The second interview was Assistant Accountant position in a Charity association and I was interviewed by the Financial Director, and HR manager.
I didn’t make it successfully, however the feedback they gave me was very helpful.
They praised my resume, my interview performances and my personality;
however, as my lack of experience was a vital drawback for that position, they ended up with selecting someone else with more experience.

They had this 3-page questions list to ask during the interview.

1.    Run me through your resume. (This is similar to the question like: tell me about yourself.)

2.    What financial functions have you done during your FA experience?
(I told them I do AP/AR on daily basis, monthly Credit card and bank reconciliation, month end preparation: FAR, Prepayment, Accruals/ BAS.
Also exposed to Cost centre and P&L analysis)

3.    Have you experienced in GL Reconciliation? How far have you been exposed to GL reconciliation?
(FAR, Prepayment, Bank reconciliations, and credit card.)

4.    What do you know about GST?
(I told them in FA we deal with GST, FRE, N-T, and INP transactions. I also told them how to calculate the GST and PAYG on BAS.
This question was out of my expectation so didn’t answer well).

5.    How do you get the data for your BAS lodgment?
(GST Summary report in MYOB and Payroll summary report from MYOB.)

6.    What are the things that you like most and dislike most in your current job?

7.    What would you do if your colleagues’ mistake has impact on your work?

8.    What is your work ethic? Do you talk a lot?

9.    What would you do if your colleagues become cranky?

10. How would you make sure the financial data you are provided with are reliable?

11. What values you can bring to our organization?

12. What is your salary expectation?

I would like to encourage everyone who is still struggling looking for a job to do follow-ups because it shows how passionate you are about the job and make sure you fully understand the job descriptions before you go to an interview.
Try to sell the strengths that are matching the job description.

Finally, best of luck for everyone!


作者: Danielxu    时间: 2012-7-8 22:58
作者: VodafoneMos    时间: 2012-7-8 23:40
Looks good, keep up with the good work guys =D
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-7-13 09:28
Dear everyone,

Please join me in congratulating Yu-Yu’s new position as finance assistant with a hotel in Brisbane!  Yu-Yu has been with us for only one month and he already got a role in Accounting field! It is really kind of him to provide the interview questions and also this company is using a different accounting software called “Sun System”. For those trainees who interested in this system you can do some search online. Yu-yu is still holding a temporary visa at the moment. If you are not a permanent resident of Australia, please remember that it doesn’t means you can never get a proper position in Australia. We have quite a lot of examples secure a position without permanent residency.

In the meanwhile, if you have any question regarding interview or any accounting, please feel free to post your question on our blog:
We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Kind Regards,

Selina Feng                        

Florian Accounting (Training) (Accounting Services)
Brisbane Office: Suite 2, Level 6, 138 Albert St, Brisbane City, QLD, 4000 Tel: 0430 827 666
Sydney Office: Suite 335, 410 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Tel: 02 8889 4111, 0412 624 948

From: Yu-Yu Chen [mailto:]
Sent: Friday, 6 July 2012 11:46 AM
To: selina
Subject: Interview feedback

Hi, Selina

I have received their call just know. They decide to offer me the finance assistant role.

Thank you so much

Please have a look the interview feedback as below:

The interview took about 30-40 minutes; there were a finance controller, an assistant accountant and HR officer. The process was really relaxed. The company is using SUN System; I did some research before I went to the interview.
Lots of behaviour questions and less technical questions during the interview, but I had answered all the behaviour questions and tried to relate all questions to my past working experiences.

The list below is what questions I had during the interview
1.       Can you please tell us about yourself?  
2.       Why did you leave your last position?
3.       Why did you want to apply for this position?
4.       Are you a team player
5.       Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor
6.       Tell me about your ability to work under pressure
7.       How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience
8.       How do you react when you realize that you have made a mistake
9.       Where do you see yourself 5 years from now
10.   Where do you see yourself in the long term
11.   Describe a difficult problem you had to sort out in your last job
12.   What do you know about Our Company?
13.   Do you have any questions for me
14.   What challenges are you looking for in this position?
15.   What is GST
16.   What is liabilities / account payable
17.   What is three way matching of invoice?
18.   What items of information do you need before you can approve an invoice for payment?
19.   Tell us about your experience in accounts payable.
22Why do you think you would do well at this job?

Yu-Yu Chen

Bachelor of Commence, Major in Accounting and Finance

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-7-13 09:28
VodafoneMos 发表于 2012-7-8 23:40
Looks good, keep up with the good work guys =D


作者: paopao    时间: 2012-7-27 15:58
Dear everyone,

Please join me in congratulating Sarah’s new position in a chartered Accounting firm!  It is really kind of her to provide the interview questions and also her answer to those question. She put them in a document but I just attached it at the end of this email for everyone. The whole interview goes for 30mins and most of the questions are behaviour questions. Please read her interview feedback as it is really detailed and can definitely help you in your job seeking in the future!

In the meanwhile, if you have any question regarding interview or any accounting, please feel free to post your question on our blog:
We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Kind Regards,

Selina Feng                        

Florian Accounting (Training) (Accounting Services)
Brisbane Office: Suite 2, Level 6, 138 Albert St, Brisbane City, QLD, 4000 Tel: 0430 827 666
Sydney Office: Suite 335, 410 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Tel: 02 8889 4111, 0412 624 948

From: [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2012 10:07 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Reference Check- Chartered Accountant-Sarah Zhang

Hi Selina,

The attachment is my resume and the interview questions they asked me and my answer.

Thank you very much for all the help.


Interviewer: Ms. K M (partner of  the company)
Interview time: 9:30 @ 06/07/2012 for 30 mins
Interview questions:
1.        Please introduce yourself.
I come from China four years ago, and for the first two years, I was studying in the University of Queensland, and my major was Master of Commerce in Professional Accounting and Applied Finance. After graduated from UQ, I took half year back to China to meet my parents and travel. And since Dec 2010, I worked with an agent and got a chance to have an internship in Hilton Surfers Paradise for half a year. And from June 2011, I joined Florian Accounting as a part-time trainee assistant accountant.
2.        What is your weakness?
I would say that when I come across a problem that I don’t understand, I tend to spend a little bit more time to work it out by myself first. If I really can’t figure out, I will ask for someone’s help. Although I haven’t missed a deadline, it is still an effort for me to work and know when to move on.
3.        What does Florian Accounting do?
Florian Accounting is a franchisee of Aussie Tax Time, and provides accounting services to general public. The head office is in Sydney, and there is a branch in Brisbane.
4.        What do you do in Florian Accounting?
I started from AP/AR, and now currently I am doing month end process for the Florian Corporation, such as FAR, prepayment, accruals, and assisting the accountant to do P&L analysis.
5.        Why do you want to leave Florian Accounting?
I am currently doing month end process for Florian Corporation. But I want to access more to the client and deal with government agencies. Also I am doing part-time at this moment, and I think I am ready to look for a full time position.
6.        Do you have experience of customer service?
Yes, I do. When I was study in UQ, I was a receptionist in a busy massage shop located in the city shopping mall. My main responsibilities were greeting the customers, talking with the customers to understand their major problems, preparing the roasters of the masseuses, dealing with customer complains, and co-ordination.
7.        Who do you report to?
I report to the accountant in Brisbane branch, and also the senior accountant and partner in Sydney.
8.        If I do a reference check with Selina, how would she say about you?
I think she would say that I am a hard and careful worker, pay attention to detail, and have strong time management skills. I also have the enthusiasm to accounting and will do whatever it takes to achieve success.
9.        How is Selina?
She is someone who I can communicate well and learn a lot of things from. It is a close-neat team in Brisbane office, including one branch manager, and two part-timers. And we are all very good friends. Sometimes we have lunch together, and even a movie.
10.        What did Selina teach you?
She told me a lot of things, for example always pay attention to details. So now when I do the data entry, I always double check and set a checking point to make sure what I did was right. For example, when I update the FAR, I will make sure the opening balances in MYOB and Excel are match. And after I update the data, I will check the closing balance again. And she also told me to put everything on paper to protect yourself. She is a good teacher.
11.        What is your biggest achievement?
When I was study in UQ, I was admitted to Dean’s Honor Roll for outstanding academic performance. To achieve this, I had to have an average GPA above 6 for each semester. My challenge was: for the whole month of May in the last semester, I had three goals to achieve: pass my mid-term exams, pass my English test for immigration and my part-time job. It was a very intensive month with a lot of pressure. I had to study until very late after my part-time job, and woke up early to study a little bit before my classes or part-time job. But I actually can do better under pressure. I passed my mid-term exams and the English test in that month. And I got my permanent residency after graduation straight away. Most of my classmates were waiting until the graduation and started to study for the English test, and they normally got the permanent residency half year later than me.
12.        What do you normally like to do?
I like karaoke, which is a good chance to catch up with friends. And I also like to see movies and work out a little bit at the gym.
13.        Do you have any other questions?
What is the difference between me and your ideal candidates?

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-8-17 09:32
We have answered some interview and internship related questions on our blog. They cover the below topic:
•        How to show your interest in different accounting areas in the interview;
•        Accounts Payable reconciliation related procedures
It will be really beneficial for you. If you are having the same queries in those areas, please feel free to have a look at the website.
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-10-12 15:03
Dear Coco,

I am writing to thank you and Florian team and give a brief introduction of my interview. It was in this afternoon and I  got the offer at the end of interview. The position is Audit Associate of a small Singapore audit firm.  

Before the commencement of the interview I was asked to finish a quiz about some transaction journals. The interviewer took away my quiz paper after I finished, so when I was filling the Application Form he was reviewing my quiz paper.  At the beginning of the interview, I was asked to introduce myself.  Even though I practiced my self- introduction many times, I was still very nervous. In the self-introduction I emphasized my internship experience with Florian. I said that I learned how to apply accounting knowledge into real business situations during this internship and I took accruals as an example. I also mentioned that it enhanced my knowledge of  MYOB Accounting Software and Microsoft Excel.  The interviewer told me he knew I did rehearsal and he would like to give me some credits.
Then he told me I did well in the quiz and discussed the mistakes I made. Later he asked me some questions regarding Singapore Accounting Standards. Very fortunately, I started to study ACCA paper P2 (Corporate Reporting- Singapore Variance) three weeks ago so I managed to provide solutions.  The interviewer pointed out that they wanted to hire a Singaporean or PR but he still arranged this interview because of my academic result in UNSW.  He said he rarely gave offers straight away but he was really impressed by my performance in the interview and quiz.  So he offered me this position at once.  I will start work after the Singapore immigration office issued the work Consent letter to me which probably will take one week.

Again, Coco, thank you for modifying my resume and the wonderful training you provide.  



作者: paopao    时间: 2012-11-14 13:08
Hi Coco, Jeff and Jane,

I am happy to let you know that I have been able to secure a position of Bookkeeper with a reupted

transport & logistics company in sydney's west. It has been a tough battle for me getting through

the interview process and finally get the appointment letter.

Even though the position says Bookkeeper, the responsibilities actually involves that of the Assistant Accountant.

For example I am also responsible for processing Payroll, Lodging BAS and preparing end of month journals

, apart from A/P , A/R and Recoonciliations.

My training at florain has been the key to getting this job. Right from building a professional resume to the job hunting

and interview process , it's all about having solid structure, which has been provided by Florain.  Like Coco mentioned,

its immensly important that you keep records of the jobs you have been applying, so when you get called for interview

you know which one it is.

Few things that I want to share from my experience that may be of help to other interns;

Keep records of job you apply and check if you get response.

Dont only count on Seek and Career one, try all different sorts of, like I got this job from daily telegraph.

Make sure the jobs you are applying are within a resonable travelling distance from you.

I hope this helps. All the best to you all

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-12-5 16:20
Hi Coco,
Thanks you very much for doing reference check for me. I got the call on Friday afternoon that the company offered me Accounts Officer job.
Since i graduated from university I have been looking for an Accounting job. but due to i lack of work experiences, i didn't get any call to interview. Since i took the level 1 training program, i have learnt a lot from Florian Accounting. I have more confident in looking for an accounting jobs.
I had a few interviews so far. Here are the experiences that i obtained from those interviews and i hope i could share my experience with other interns. wish they could get the ideal job for them as well.
1. never give up looking for the job.
there is a period i had applied so many jobs but i didn't get any call from any agents or companies. i felt so desperately. But i just kept applying and finally i got interview calls.
2. Be prepared.
prepare interview question according to the job description. Also prepare some workplace examples that u might be able to use during the interview such as teamwork example, challenges, accomplishments ect.
3. Be flexible.
I believe most of the interviewers will prepare lots of interview questions, but during the  nterview, interviewees might ask different questions. then you need to be flexible, some answers can be used for other questions as well.
those are job hunting experiences, hopefully, it will help others in their job hunting.
On last Wednesday, i got the phone interview from the company first, during the phone interview, she asked me a few questions:
1.     tell me your internship responsibilities in FA.
2.     Describe your experiences in AP and AR
3.     what if your manager calls you to help him while you are doing your own work? (i just gave her an example)
4.     strengths and weaknesses
5.     how do you handle stress and pressure?
After phone interview, she said she will contact me before Friday no matter i get the job or not.
On Thursday, i got the call from the company to ask me to go interview. the position is a Accounts officer. In the beginning of the interview, they gave me a small quiz relating to Excel, MYOB and Accounting. it was a very simple quiz, all covered in level 1 training. You gotta review level 1 training material before going to interview.
and then questions they asked me were:
1.     what did you do in Florian Accounting.
2.     AP process, AR process in Florian Accounting and the debt collection process in FA. what application did you use? (they all covered in level 1 Training)
3.     what is your weakness and strength?
4.     why should we hire you?
5.     Have you ever handle a upset client or customer? what did do? outcome? what would do to make it better if it happens next time?
6.     what is the most difficult report you have ever done in your job or study? what challenges?  what did you do? outcome?
7.     what is your excel level? have you ever use excel to generate report? how did get it done?
8.     have you had experience in payroll? what application did you use?
9.     how does super, PAYG work?
10.  how do you pay Payroll tax, prepare BAS?
11.  the volume of tax invoices you process every week?
12.  can you work under pressure?
13.  describe your level of pay attention to detail ability.
14.  you said you are well-organized person, give me an example!
15.  any questions you want to ask me?
The interview was around 1 hour, i prepared a lot before i went to interview, so it went quite well.  Thanks again to Coco and Florian Accounting. I hope all the interns will get the job soon.
Best wishes

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-12-5 16:21
本帖最后由 paopao 于 2012-12-6 09:08 编辑

Hi Selina.
I was looking for a job I had 2 interview with different companies. The first one was a small Chartered Accouting firm and they were looking for a casual person to assist with the tax returns when the peak period starts. They did not ask me any technical questions as they expected to train me. The questions were mostly related to my studies, future plans (if I plan to do CA/CPA studies) and work experience including internship tasks in Florian. I am still actually waiting for them to get back to me as they advised that decision will be made around 10 March.
Anyway, I have already got a job as assistant accountant with a small manufacturing company. The interview process was very challenging there yet exciting. Apart from standard questions about qualification and experience I was asked to do journal entries for 6 different problems. They include: purchase of materials on credit, Payment for the purchase using Amex credit card with a surcharge 3%, sales on credit, receipt of deposit and partial payment, reimbursement of personal expenses, writing off a bad debt. And also I had to determine  the right GST amount. Though I have not done everything right, I showed the ability to think logically and when we discussed every step together it was not hard. The second task I was given a small table which I had to put in Excel and calculate the percentage change and perform What if Analysis. And the final test, I was given a customer account statement which I had to reconcile, determine the amount outstanding, and draft the email to the client explaining the situation and ask politely for money. And after it had been done, there was a short  role-play. I had to call to the next room where another person was playing the customer and explain professionally the situation, amount and ask for money. It was fun and probably the easiest task for me, as they tested my communication skills.
Florian training and internship helped me a lot with the technical part of the interview, but it turned out that people skills can play a vital part.
I was not asked any of the behavioural questions during this interview.
Kind regards,


作者: paopao    时间: 2012-12-6 09:08
Florian Accounting Today Interview Tips:
Super on entitlements
Hi Florian
Do we need to pay Super on the employees holiday like annual leave and sick leave as well ?
How about  unused annual leave  ? Thanks heaps.

Florian Accounting
Thanks for the question Angela

Super Guarantee Contribution (SGC)is only payable on ordinary time earnings. This means it is payable for annual leave and sick leave payments as they form ordinary time earnings.

SGC is not payable for overtime payments. Also, if there is unused annual leave payments, and the person is terminated, SGC is not payable.

Good luck

作者: paopao    时间: 2012-12-7 14:26
Trainee's Feedback!

Hi Coco,

Thanks you very much for doing reference check for me. I got the call on Friday afternoon that the company offered me Accounts Officer job.

Since i graduated from university I have been looking for an Accounting job. but due to i lack of work experiences, i didn't get any call to interview. Since i took the level 1 training program, i have learnt a lot from Florian Accounting. I have more confident in looking for an accounting jobs.

I had a few interviews so far. Here are the experiences that i obtained from those interviews and i hope i could share my experience with other interns. wish they could get the ideal job for them as well.

1. never give up looking for the job.
there is a period i had applied so many jobs but i didn't get any call from any agents or companies. i felt so desperately. But i just kept applying and finally i got interview calls.

2. Be prepared.
prepare interview question according to the job description. Also prepare some workplace examples that u might be able to use during the interview such as teamwork example, challenges, accomplishments ect.

3. Be flexible.
I believe most of the interviewers will prepare lots of interview questions, but during the interview, interviewees might ask different questions. then you need to be flexible, some answers can be used for other questions as well.

those are job hunting experiences, hopefully, it will help others in their job hunting.
On last Wednesday, i got the phone interview from the company first, during the phone interview, she asked me a few questions:
1.      tell me your internship responsibilities in FA.
2.      Describe your experiences in AP and AR
3.      what if your manager calls you to help him while you are doing your own work? (i just gave her an example)
4.      strengths and weaknesses
5.      how do you handle stress and pressure?
After phone interview, she said she will contact me before Friday no matter i get the job or not.

On Thursday, i got the call from the company to ask me to go interview. the position is a Accounts officer. In the beginning of the interview, they gave me a small quiz relating to Excel, MYOB and Accounting. it was a very simple quiz, all covered in level 1 training. You gotta review level 1 training material before going to interview.

and then questions they asked me were:
1.      what did you do in Florian Accounting.
2.      AP process, AR process in Florian Accounting and the debt collection process in FA. what application did you use? (they all covered in level 1 Training)
3.      what is your weakness and strength?
4.      why should we hire you?
5.      Have you ever handle a upset client or customer? what did do? outcome? what would do to make it better if it happens next time?
6.      what is the most difficult report you have ever done in your job or study? what challenges?  what did you do? outcome?
7.      what is your excel level? have you ever use excel to generate report? how did get it done?
8.      have you had experience in payroll? what application did you use?
9.      how does super, PAYG work?
10.  how do you pay Payroll tax, prepare BAS?
11.  the volume of tax invoices you process every week?
12.  can you work under pressure?
13.  describe your level of pay attention to detail ability.
14.  you said you are well-organized person, give me an example!
15.  any questions you want to ask me?
The interview was around 1 hour, i prepared a lot before i went to interview, so it went quite well.  Thanks again to Coco and Florian Accounting. I hope all the interns will get the job soon.

Best wishes
作者: paopao    时间: 2012-12-11 08:44
Interview Tips:

Hi Florian,

I went to an interview last week, and came across a question which is "Have you experience a full function of Accounts Payable".

My question is: is there something particularly should be paid attention when you process the payment? Also, what does a remittance advice look like (eg, the structure, the content)?

Best regards,


作者: paopao    时间: 2012-12-11 08:44
Hi Sarah,

When processing the payment, you should look out for the following:

· Correct banking detail – always double check this as vendor might change the banking details, especially during the transition period when the business is sold to another party;

· Using right reference – it could be the invoice number or account number. Vendors usually would specify such info as part of the payment requirement.

· Sending out remittance advice – the vendor will do their bank rec so that both sides will keep the same outstanding records.

· Doing bank rec more frequently – in this case, you will know whether the payment has been bounced back or gone to the right account;

Also for reference, a remittance advice is a kind of a receipt after you make the payment. MYOB can generate a remittance advice for you so you don’t need to create your own format. you can open your MYOB file – Pruchases-Print/ Email remittance advice, and choose if you want to print or email remittance advice for the selected tax invoice.

Hope that helps.

作者: paopao    时间: 2013-1-30 11:25
Hi Selina.

I was looking for a job I had 2 interview with different companies. The first one was a small Chartered Accounting firm and they were looking for a casual person to assist with the tax returns when the peak period starts. They did not ask me any technical questions as they expected to train me. The questions were mostly related to my studies, future plans (if I plan to do CA/CPA studies) and work experience including internship tasks in Florian. I am still actually waiting for them to get back to me as they advised that decision will be made around 10 March.
Anyway, I have already got a job as assistant accountant with a small manufacturing company. The interview process was very challenging there yet exciting. Apart from standard questions about qualification and experience I was asked to do journal entries for 6 different problems. They include: purchase of materials on credit, Payment for the purchase using Amex credit card with a surcharge 3%, sales on credit, receipt of deposit and partial payment, reimbursement of personal expenses, writing off a bad debt. And also I had to determine  the right GST amount. Though I have not done everything right, I showed the ability to think logically and when we discussed every step together it was not hard. The second task I was given a small table which I had to put in Excel and calculate the percentage change and perform What if Analysis. And the final test, I was given a customer account statement which I had to reconcile, determine the amount outstanding, and draft the email to the client explaining the situation and ask politely for money. And after it had been done, there was a short  role-play. I had to call to the next room where another person was playing the customer and explain professionally the situation, amount and ask for money. It was fun and probably the easiest task for me, as they tested my communication skills.
Florian training and internship helped me a lot with the technical part of the interview, but it turned out that people skills can play a vital part.
I was not asked any of the behavioural questions during this interview.

Kind regards,


作者: paopao    时间: 2013-2-15 09:23
Hi Coco,
thanks very much for the reference check. They offered methe job today and was happy to accept it. As promised below are details of myinterview experience.
I had to go through a psych test before the interview (50Questions). The interview was conducted by the HR Manager and the CFO. Itlasted about 30 mins. Below are some of the questions they asked.
- Tell me about yourself
- What do you know about our company
- Describe your role in florian
- Describe the role in your previous company
- The Manager described the position & I told him howI fitted the role
- Are you a hands-on person?
- How do you prioritize tasks?
- Are you good in computers? (I told them my familiaritywith software and systems)
- They also asked accounting packages I'm familiar withand do I know SAP. (I told them about my SAP experience in previous job)
- Have I had any experience in making improvements toaccounting systems & was required to give an example.
I went over the job decription, resume and things thatwere covered in the interview class in florian before the actual interviewwhich proved to be useful.
Thanks for the support and help.
Best Regards

作者: paopao    时间: 2013-2-28 00:18
Hello Coco,

Thank you for the reference check. I'm writing to provide my interview feedback for the position national accounts claim coordinator in a liquor importer/distributor. The funny thing is they posted their job on Seek as accounts assistant but when they call they told me the job title was changed but the responsibility would be similar so I thought what the heck, always worth a shot! However, it turned out the role isn't really accounting related but they promised future training and possibility to transfer to finance, so I accepted their offer.

My first round of interview was with HR and she asked the following questions:

Tell me about your internship/Florian accounting.
What do you know about our company?
What is your career goal?
What can you bring to the table?
If someone come to you with a question but you don't know the answer to it, what would you do?
How do you prioritize your tasks?

The second round of interview was with the General manger and the hiring manager. Most of the time they did the talking so there weren't so many questions but they did ask me about my experience with Florian Accounting(as would in any interviews).

I didn't have any experience at all prior to Florian accounting but I still got in to different interviews so I'd say the training definitely helped. I guess my advice would be keep positive and (try to) keep smiling during the interviews. Best wishes for all!


作者: paopao    时间: 2013-5-3 11:20
Hi Coco,

I thought that I should drop a few lines for you and to be thankful again. As you know that i got the job and doing great.

I did my level one training program at Florian Accounting in 2011 and soon after enrolled for internship program. While i was doing level one program, I did my very best to get all important points across in all the modules. Some modules I did twice to be more familiar with.  Meantime, I worked hard on improving my excel skills as well. I think that it very important to have advanced excel skill. I get a lot of helps from Coco on that. Consequently, I finished Internship very easily and very quickly.  Then i started to apply jobs and started getting phone interviews. Initially I was a bit hesitant how to respond   and then I did an interview session with Coco. Then I knew exactly what they expecting from me. After a few disappointment interviews, finally i got a job with SQ in 2012 after reference check with of Coco.  I had to learn SAP and got training in Singapore.  Then I joined my current place and now i have to do all my assistant accountant duties as same as which i did in internship. To make it more easily, now i am working with MYOB.  I am very thankful to Coco and her well structured Internship program which gives all practical knowledge is needed in job .

Best Regards,
作者: paopao    时间: 2013-5-10 11:35
Hi Coco,

I would like to personally thank you for helping me out with my position as a Payroll Officer at this Drivers recruitment company.I wish to tell you that you guys are amazing and that this internship worked wonders on preparing me for the interview as well as the job. So thanks a trillion again. :)

About this Drivers recruitment company, its a medium sized company dealing with recruitment of commercial truck drivers carrying variousgrades of licenses. The head office is located in Brisbane at Underwood where the main operations, IT, technical, Payroll and Accounts are based. I am in the payroll division as a Payroll Officer and closely work with the Accounts payable Officer, Senior Accountantand Operations Manager.

The job description for a new comer like myself is to first familiarize with the system which is an in house developed software called DriverPop that is comprehensiveand quite user friendly. I won't shy away from saying that it is very different from Myob and to get used to it takes quite a bit of time, but once the flow is reached, it becomes easier. The tasks are on time constrained and everyday the work is cut out forme like every other job.

The interview was informal and brief with generic and behavioral questions like why would you like to be in this job? how do you behave in a conflict environment?Would you consider yourself to be detail oriented person? etc. The answers are not definitive and they differ from person to person. My mantra was not to say yes to everything, but mix a largely positive answer with a bit of negative so that they can understandthat you are not perfect but are willing to learn. For eg: The interviewer asked me that what was the most negative aspect about myself? and I said "Confidence". It was the truth but also the right answer because I would like to sharpen my confidence and peopleskills more. My questions were not very much accounting based but even generic questions can be the decisive factor.

Lastly, I would like to wish you all the very best for future prospects and again, a tremendous thanks to Coco especially for everything. :)

Take care and best regards,


作者: paopao    时间: 2013-5-17 11:19
Hi Florian,
I am happy to let you know that I have been able to secure a position of Bookkeeper with a reputable transport & logistics company in sydney's west. It has been a tough battle for me getting through the interview process and finally get the appointment letter.

Even though the position says Bookkeeper, the responsibilities actually involves that of the Assistant Accountant.
For example I am also responsible for processing Payroll, Lodging BAS and preparing end of month journals, apart from A/P, A/R and Recoonciliations.

My training at florian has been the key to getting this job. Right from building a professional resume to the job hunting
and interview process , it's all about having solid structure, which has been provided by Florain.  Like Coco mentioned, its immensly important that you keep records of the jobs you have been applying, so when you get called for interview you know which one it is.

Few things that I want to share from my experience that may be of help to other interns;
Keep records of job you apply and check if you get response.
Don't only count on Seek and Career one, try all different sorts of, like I got this job from daily telegraph.
Make sure the jobs you are applying are within a resonable travelling distance from you.

I hope this helps. All the best to you all

作者: paopao    时间: 2013-5-28 12:22
Hi Coco,

Thank you very much for the reference check the good news is I have been offered the role.
I do have some feedback for the trainee which are as follows:

I had to go through few phases of interview and my first interview was with an agent in page personnel and they shortlisted me and send my CV to the company. My second interview was with AP/AR manager and then i had to give an online test of psychological and numerical test and finally I had a final interview with the Financial Officer.

Here are few questions that i was asked

Tell me about yourself?
Mention your strengths and weakness
do you need any improvements?
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
How do you get update with the new information?
What is your biggest accomplishment so far?

There were more behavior based questions which are as follows:

How do you handle stress?
Give an example where you have shown leadership skills.
Give an example where you have shown presentation skills.
Give an example where you have worked as a team player.
Give an example where you have solved a problem.
Give an example where you had a problem with a supplier and how you solved it?
Give an example where you had a problem communicating with someone.
What would you do if two people came to you at the same time with urgent work and both wanted you to do the job right now. What would you do?

I think an interview is a two way process so therefore we need to ask more question to them as well. Here are few questions I asked and think this process makes us more interesting and makes us different from other applicants.

What do you enjoy most about working here?
What are your expectation towards the new person who will be successful towards this role?
Is there anything I've mentioned that makes you feel that I am not the best candidate for the role?
When do you expect to make your final decision?

I have also attached few interview advices and preparation question that i was sent to me by page personal. I think being prepared is the key to the success so therefore we need to prepare for all possible questions.

At last I would like to thank Coco and the team for their support and good luck to everybody for their future.

Kind regards,

作者: paopao    时间: 2013-6-6 16:47
To all the exsiting trainees:
Are we ready for the intensive training starting from tomorrow? Hope you can get the most out of it!

For those who are interested in joining our training and internship program,
Please contact us on:
Brisbane Office - 07 3210 0027
Sydney Office - 02 8889 4111
作者: paopao    时间: 2013-8-3 14:35
Important Due Date:

All business owners, please be aware that the due date for lodging your PAYG Payment Summary with ATO is the 14/08/2013.
作者: paopao    时间: 2013-8-10 15:24
We are excited about the upcoming intensive training, hope you can all get the most out of it!
作者: paopao    时间: 2013-8-31 13:17
Hi Coco & Kydie,

First of all, I'd like to say thank you to Coco for doing the reference check for me, so that I can secure this role of Accounts Officer. I was interviewed by Executive Officer and Finance Manager. Here are the questions I was asked in the interview:

1. Do you know about our company?

2. What do you do in your current job? Describe a day.

3. How do you work in your current team? What is your role?

4. Do you think you are a detail-oriented person?

5. Tell us how do you communicate with your clients?

6. How many tax invoices you do per week?

7. What do you want to achieve in the future?

After these work related questions, they started to ask me about myself, such as 'Where are you from? How long have you been in Australia? Are you here yourself? Do you go back to meet your parents often? etc." It is a good sign if they start to be interested in your personal stuff.

And then they asked if I have any questions would like to ask, I came up  two as follows:

1. What are the key challenges of the role, particularly in the firt 6 months?

2. Could you tell me how many people are in my team, what are their roles?

The whole interview lasted about 1 hour. I was requested to give referee's information by email after interview.

Some thoughts from my experience:

1. Get prepared with the background of the firm you are going to be interviewed.

2. Try to give the example to the question.

3. Ask something particularly relate to the work.

4. Follow-up is important. (call and make sure they have received your email and express your interests again)

Best wishes to everyone!

作者: paopao    时间: 2013-9-7 15:05
Hi Everyone,
Please be aware that the due date of lodging 2013 individual tax return is 31/10/2013.
If you wish to lodge it with an tax agent, you will get an extension.

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