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标题: Accounting practice training+Internship免费试听,重听,助你找到理想工作 [打印本页]

作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-6-15 20:25
标题: Accounting practice training+Internship免费试听,重听,助你找到理想工作
本帖最后由 vision.acc 于 2011-8-11 07:29 编辑

Vision Accounting 帮助您实现从理论到实践的跳跃。

对于大多会计毕业或即将毕业的学生,面对找工作的激烈竞争,都会发现自己处在尴尬的境地:怀揣高学历和美好的志向,家长朋友眼中的佼佼者,却经历着一次次面试的失败,甚至一次面试的机会都没有。不要气馁,曾今我们有着和你们同样的痛苦。Vision Accounting 的培训课程的设置,正式为了搭建一个从理论到实践的桥梁,帮助您成功跨越这一鸿沟。

        经验会计师英文主讲
        教材来源于真实公司的数据
        MYOB advance level training
        课程内容设置基于雇主工作要求
        Free resume modification
        Free excel
        Free Interview techniques
        小班授课,随时开课
        全面售后服务,祝你找到理想工作

课程内容根据你job hunting的不同目标设置为两个level:

Level One        针对 Accounts all rounder, Accounts clerk, Bookkeeper 的工作要求设置       
Session 1        AP control procedure and processing
Session 2        AR control procedure and processing
Session 3        Bank and credit card reconciliation
Session 4        GST reconciliation and BAS preparation
Session 5        EXCEL applied in accounting
Session 6        Payroll
Level Two        针对 Assistant accountant, Assistant management accountant 的工作要求设置
Session 1        Fixed assets management
Session 2        Prepayment, accrual
Session 3        GL reconciliation
Session 4        P & L analysis, Forecast, budget, cash flow
Session 5        Inventory
Session 6        EXCEL applied in accounting

Vision Accounting
mobile: 0451 944 868
email: [email protected]
address: Leve 7, 127 Creek St Brisbane, QLD 4000
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-6-15 20:51


我和一些recruiter有聊过,和大家说说他们是怎样挑选简历的。雇主百分之百是要求应聘者有一定工作经验的。无论是junior还是graduate role。打开你的简历,第一眼看过去,要简洁、明了。然后直接看到你的 working experience。没有经验的,他们大概是不会再看第二眼了。

所谓的经验,主要是你要陈述你自己做过什么,更准确的说,会做什么。人之常情,谁都愿意雇佣一个用最短时间training就可以直接胜任工作的人。所以,大家要想迈入这个门槛,提前的准备是很重要的。有些朋友说,要对申请的工作背景做好调查。可问题是,这是你 secure 了face to face面试后要做的事情。之前,你怎样拿到面试呢。光喊口号是没有用的。

面试通常会涉及到三大部分:自我介绍,technical skills, soft skills。自我介绍,大家随便发挥,只要你英语好。technical skills和soft skills,没有一定基础,你是不可能发挥出来的。你可以说你有工作经验,可只要一个专业的细节问题,就可以看出来你有没有真本事。

作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-6-24 08:58
Hello Rachel,

Thank you for being supportive to me all the time.

I am glad to inform you I have secured a position in a consulting agent. They actually do recruiting as well. So the interview tips I have got from you did work well with all the interviews.

I would like to share my interview experience with all other trainees.

Interview with agents:

1. Over the phone agents can ask you a lot of questions, get ready for that.

My very first telephone interview was with an agent. I was in a busy grocery shop and I did not want to lose any chance in getting a job. The lady over the phone asked me more than 10 questions. For example:

•        Can you tell me a bit about your self?
•        What’s the reason you applied for the position?
•        Why you resigned from last job?
•        Do you think what can be the motivation for work?
•        Can you be initiative? Give an example?
•        What’s your strength and weakness?
•        What do you think is the challenges in accounting area?
•        What’s your career plan in the following five years?
•        What type of team member you are?
•        What type of team I would like to work with?
•        Can you tell me any accomplishment in your work?
•        What’s your expected salary package?

This lady eventually invited me for a face to face interview in her office and put                   me in her shortlist. During the interview, the lady emphasised the importance about the answer about initiatives and motivation which will definitely impress the possible employers. You need to make a short but impressing description about this point.

•        You have to bear this in mind. You have to be prepared to answer phone calls all the time when you are in job hunting. Thus you would know who you are talking to and have idea what you need to say. You’d better have some notes to help you answer the questions over the phone.
•        After you send out your resume, you shouldn’t think they might not response to your application. My experience is, sit down, grab a piece of paper, read the ads over and over again, try to think what questions they possibly ask if they call you. And prepare answer for that.

2. To impress the agents or employers by ringing them with brief but clear       introduction.

When I first started job hunting, I did not want to spend too long because I have been confident that I can find an idea job. When I saw a job advertised on Gumtree, and the description just matched what I learnt from Rachel, I think I am definitely capable for this position. I rang up this agent and impressed the agent by my brave and confidence. This agent helped me a lot including advising for modifying my resume better. I finally got a job offer from the agent with all his kind help.

•        It’s quite possible the agent show you impatient attitude over the phone. And most of them will ask you just send them a resume first. Please don’t be sacred of it because you are trying to win the 10% or maybe less opportunities. But at least you have tried and it works when you meet the right person.
•        Achievements in your resume are the sparkle for your skills.

3. Interview with employer

I got HR’s phone call from a construction company which is nearby me house. After confirm the expectation salary package and my language is ok, I was invited for an interview to their company.

The staff in this company did seem very friendly, but I was trying my best. During the interview, the finance manger passed me a water bill and asked me to find out the problem of this invoice. I was thinking that this is impossible to be so easy, and I spent half minute to look at the format of the invoice, the description, balance, but everything seems right. And then I told them that I can only say water bill doesn’t including GST and there is no mistake in this invoice. Amazingly, that was the answer they were after. The Human resources manager asked me about my MS Office skills and which functions I can use in Excel and Word. I am quite confident to describe functions as Rachel told me to prepare it, v-lookup and pivot table are good functions I can definitely show up. But for Word, it’s a bit hard to tell what function is exactly. I told them I can show them if they provide me computer. Everything seemed going alright. But the interview was ruined till the HR manager asked my visa status. The day after, I was told over the phone that I did not get this job. Well, I don’t like the company anyway.

•        Interview questions are all similar. Self-introduction is the important part to impress your interviewer. They will always ask the reason why you leave the previous job. A good presentation for your resume can impress yourself as will organised person.
•        When they ask if you have any questions, there are some questions you prepared beforehand maybe being answered during the interview. Try to prepare more questions just in case.

But please remember, follow what Rachel said during the class. And don’t give up anytime.


作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-6-28 19:26
如果有任何会计相关的 technical questions, please feel free to post them here。 I am far more happy to help with even though you are not interested in the internship training。

Vision Accounting
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-7-4 18:12
欢迎登陆 论坛,发表accounting related questions
作者: Shirley1001    时间: 2011-7-4 20:40
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-7-4 21:41
回复 6# Shirley1001

Hello, Shirely, would you mind sending an email to [email protected]? I can reply your with all the detail.
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-7-13 21:42
On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 16:49:09 +1030, Jasmine <> wrote:

Hi, Rachel,

Hope you're not exhausted due to the whole day teaching... ^-^

Would you mind helping me to edit my resume? this is the one which I'd like to use for applying a junior position.

I've already started my job hunting process. Target was set on Part-time/Casual job. Hope everything would be fine about that. GOD BLESS...

Again, thanks for your effort. You do provide a great assistance for me.

See you on Wednesday.


PS: this is the position now I'm interested in. You can check the description if you'd like to... ... er-suburbs/20171582
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-7-31 22:20
Hi Rachel,


1.       Invoice issue的标准?是transaction在实际发生之后issue吗?请拿
service business和 retail business来说.我的理解是service business 提供
service 之前就发 invoice。而retail business会在之后发invoice。能不能给我们讲
myob 的journal entry 步骤 在invoice has been issued 的情况下  ,客人 要退货
或者取消服务。(refunding) 在收到和没有收到payment的情况下。

2.       当invoice has been issued,客户付款时。作为 accountant 确定payment的
依据是什么。在这里请根据不同的付款方式给予讲解。 Cash account, bank
statement, online transfer, efpost( 包括怎么apply credit card surcharge),
personal check 和bank check。

3.       Inventory  business 的 backorder 是什么? 当客户定了许多货 但只是提
走一部份的货,invoice 怎么issue?

4.       Retail ,service and manufacturing的区别? 代工带料的成本核算和

5.       Quotation 和 order 在 myob里的作用是什么?

6.       bad debt write-off, Payment apply to the invoice in which case the
payment is over or under the invoice amount 的journal entry具体步骤。
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-8-21 18:19
Vision accountig Tax 课程,针对有兴趣在 Tax firm工作的毕业生。ongoing support,由经验丰富的 tax accountant主讲,详情请致电 0451 944 868. Rachel

1. Junior Level         ATO Payment Analysis
         BAS Reporting & Practice
         Basic Double Entry Thery & Practice
         Basic Individual Tax Return
         Patnership Accounts & Tax Return
2. Intermediate Level         Advanced Double Entry Adjustment, Reconciliation & Practice
         Company Accounts & Tax Return
         Division 7A issues and Case Analysis + Practice
         FBT Calculation & FBT Return & Practice
         Fraking System & Practice
         GST analysis & Practice & Annual GST Return
         Trust Accounts & Tax Return
3. Light Senior Level         Capital Gains Calculation and Treatment on Various entities
         Comprehensive Individual Tax Return
         Group Structure Accounts & Tax
         Member Balance Calculation & Taxation on Pension
         Superannuation Fund Accounts & Tax Return
         Tax Planning
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-8-29 09:48
Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

As I mentioned in the previous email, the trainee, Youzi has sent us her feedback to share her job searching experience with us. I attached it below this email. Thank you for her generous sharing.

Summarize her experience, you might consider the following points:
•        The requirements of temporary job normally wouldn’t be that high. But you possibly have opportunity to access to ERP system, gain vivid picture of corporate culture and team work. Also they wouldn’t enquiry about your visa status. Most importantly, they might transfer you as permanent employee.
•        Keep sending your resume out. It sounds easy but please customises your resume according to the job requirement.
•        Before you go to interview, try to review the procedures we went through in the class.
•        You need to accumulate your interview experience through interviews again and again. Please be patient. Like this girl, it took her a couple of months to secure a full time position at the end. You can tell her confidence through her email. You can only get to this stage with solid technical and interview experience.

Please summon up your energy if you have been so tired and sick of sending resume. Work hard is the only way for your career success.

Please let me know if you have any enquiries.



Hello Rachel,
How are you?
Here is some experience I would like to share with all other trainees. Hope can give them some ideas about job searching and interview.
Short term assignment is not a bad idea sometimes if you are too stressed about finance difficult. Temping work is usually paid well, and employer is more generals than others because they always  know you are looking for a job. The best advantages for temping job include that you could have the opportunity to learn the good ERP system, have the idea about the team work of a company work, great working experience you can leave in your resume and the opportunity you can stay.
I had two job interviews a while ago. And I got an offer from a temping job by Thur, but I did not hear anything from the permanent job even agency had promised they would get back to me by Thursday. On the late Friday afternoon, the agency who offered me temping job convinced me to accept their offer and I would start this job on the upcoming Monday. This was the job I was after at all and it’s so far away from where I was living, but it’s a big company and its paid well. I didn’t feel so bad by having an offer in the mean while I lost another one. During my short term working, I sent my resume every night after I finished work, and I always got some interview calls during my work. Soon I had met Hays, Michael Page and other famous agencies. By the way, all my interviews were arranged after work, because most of their interviewee have job, they are supposed to interview them after they finish work, so please don’t feel bad to ask them to arrange an interview at 5pm or 6pm.
I work very hard and efficient for my temping job and got along very well with my co-workers, and hardly made any error. Before I finished my assignment, I was in the short lists of three jobs including AP, Accounts Assistant and Bookkeeper. On the last of my work
(Friday), my boss surprised me to offer me to stay with them because they like my personality, my great work and that they think I really fit their team. I was so happy to get such assessment which encouraged me to be confident, but I still asked to consider because it’s too far from home and the position is not what I was looking for.
On Monday morning I went for an interview to an environment company regarding an AP job. My interview question included that the process that AP I did before, the reasons why I resigned, and why the temping work did not keep me stay. The way I answered just according to what they want to listen. Here do you have to have the idea how AP does in a big company, which you can learnt from Rachel and google, so please get very familiar with what AP job duties are and fully understand the principle. They may ask you the biggest challenge when you were processing AP before, this is a test about your ability to solve problems. In the afternoon, I met a company who is in ASX list, but they didn’t ask me any question, and keep emphasise that the person they were looking for is very experience and more qualified. I had tried my best to convince them that I can do all these FAR and EOM, but I understood that it’s a very hard job. In the mean while I was told from morning interview that I have gone through and will be attending to second interview to meet the people from Mel head office. I was extremely relaxed because I would have another interview in the afternoon and my offer from my temping work were still waiting. The interviewer from yesterday helped me for making me look good, so I think impression is important. I was asked about the near future plan, my challenge, how I deal with conflicts with co-workers and clients. I also asked a few questions about the working hours, people in finance team, and the background of interviewers. I suggest that don’t ask strange questions during interview. You better don’t ask any questions if you cannot think of any, but remember a few essential ones. It doesn’t matter the number of the questions you asked. The whole process for my interview was happy and relaxed, and then I got offer from this company during interview. And I also decide to give up another offer to work here because the job duties I will have will help me more professional for the position I want to do in the future.

That’s pretty much I can remember now. Hope it’s helpful.

Keep in touch.

作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-9-4 19:58
Training + internship
作者: vision.acc    时间: 2011-9-15 07:40
最新一期的培训,马上要开课了。欢迎电话咨询 0451 944 868.
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-9-27 09:31
Hi Rachel..

Hope you are doing good :)

As I told you I had 2 interviews in last 2 days.. Both were with the recruiter and in the one on Monday the interviewer asked me to run through what i did in Accounts payable and accounts receivable. He said the position that I had applied for required around 3 yrs experience but he had called me anyways because they keep on recruiting for payable and receivable.  

My yesterday's interview went well. She too asked me about receivable and payable roles, my strengths, what motivates me and what will I bring to the organisation. Then I had to take Excel, word, typing, alphanumeric typing and numeric typing tests. I scored very good in Excel but  average in the typing tests. She said it was good enough. The job was on the north side and she said it was too far off for me to travel.. I said that i was fine with travelling and i had my own car. She said she'll talk to the client and then take this further.. I don't know if she was telling the truth or just keeping me as a data base.
I am applying for jobs everyday... lets see what happens :)

Thanks for your support..

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-10-5 07:36
Interview feedback
Interview with agents:
1.        Over the phone agents can ask interviewee a lot questions.
My very first telephone interview was from an agent. I was in a busy grocery shop and I did not want to lose any chance in getting a job, and the lady over the phone asked me more than 10 questions for example tell her a bit about myself, the reason why I apply for this position, the reason why I resigned from last job, the motivation for work, initials, my strength, my weakness, the challenges I think in accounting area, the career plan in the following five years, what type team member I am, what type of team I would like to work with, any accomplishment of mine and what is my expected salary package.
This lady eventually invited me for an interview to her office and put me to the shortlist. During the interview, the lady emphasised the importance about the answer about initials and motivation which will definitely impress the employers.  You need to make a short but impressing description about this point.
•        You may go out and be busy with something else besides of job hunting, but remember to keep the job hunting processing with you all the time, thus you would know who you are talking to and have idea what you need to say. You’d better have some notes to help you answer the questions over the phone.
•        Impressing, impressing & impressing would always like to know you more.

2.        To impress the agents or employers by ringing them with you attitude and brief but clear introduction
I just started looking for job, and I did not want to spend too much time because I have been confident that I can find an idea job since I have the attitude and passion about accounting and confident about myself. I saw a job ad from Gumtree, and the job description just matches what I did before, I’m definitely capable for this position. I rang up this agent and impressed the agent by my brave & confident action. This agent helped me a lot including advising the way to present my resume better. I finally got a job offer from this agent with all his kind help
•        It’s quite possible that the agent gave you attitude or they are inpatient over the phone, and most of them will ask you just send them a resume first. Please don’t be afraid of it because you are trying to win the 10% or maybe less. But at least you have tried and it works when you meet the right person.
•        Achievements in your resume are the sparkle for your skills.

3.        Interview with employer
I got HR’s phone call from a construction company which is nearby my house. After confirm the expectation salary package and my language is ok, I was invited for an interview to their company.
The staff in this company did seem very friendly, but I was trying me best. During the interview, Finance Manager passed me a water bill and asked me to find out the problem of this invoice. I was thinking that this is impossible to be so easy, and I spent half minute to look at the format of this invoice, the description, balance, but everything looks right. And then I told them that I can only say water bill doesn’t including GST and there is no mistake in this invoice. Amazingly, that was the answer they were after. The Human Resources Manager asked me about my MS office skills and which function I can use in Excel, and then she asked me about which function I can use in word. OMG, I can use it and definitely professional with typing 50 wpm, but it is so hard to say which function I can use. I described that I can use but I can’t describe it without computer, and I would like to show them if there is a laptop or computer. Everything seemed going alright, but the interview was ruined till the HR Manager asked my visa status. The day after, I was told over the phone that I did not get this job. Well, I don’t like the company anyway.
•        Interview questions are all simular. Self-introduction is the important part to impress your interviewer. They will always ask the reason why you resigned.  A good presentation for your resume can give them the impression that you are organised.
•        When they ask do you have any question, there are some questions may be answered during the interview. Don’t be panic, prepare more questions just for in case.
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-10-11 09:10
Hi all,

Hope you all well.

I will release some info to build up your tax knowledge from now on. Hope can help you in some stage.

Rental Property Expenses

You can claim a deduction for expenses you incur for the period your property is rented. You cannot claim expenses of a capital or private nature.
There may be situations where you need to apportion between deductible and non-deductible expenses. Examples include:
•        If the property is not available for rent for the full year, you may need to apportion some of the expenses on a time basis.
•        If only part of the property is used to earn rent, you can claim only that part of the expenses that relates to the rental income. As a general guide, apportionment should be made on a floor area basis.
•        If you combine travel to inspect or maintain your rental property with travel for private purposes, you may need to apportion your travel expenses.
Expenses that you may be able to claim include:
advertising for tenants        body corporate fees
bank charges        cleaning
electricity and gas        gardening and lawn mowing
in-house audio/video service charges        insurance
interest on loans        land tax
legal expenses        lease costs
pest control        property agent’s fees and commission
quantity surveyor’s fees        repairs and maintenance
secretarial and bookkeeping fees         security patrol fees
servicing costs, eg water heater         stationery and postage
telephone calls and rental        tax-related expenses
travel and car expenses        water charges
You can claim a deduction for these expenses only if you actually incurred them.
Borrowing expenses, decline in value of depreciating assets and capital works deductions may be deducted over a number of income years.
Expenses you are not able to claim include:
•        acquisition and disposal costs
•        expenses not actually incurred by you, such as water or electricity charges borne by your tenants
•        expenses that are not related to rental of a property, such as expenses connected to your own use of a holiday home that you rent out for part of the year
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-10-13 15:58
Hi all,

How are you? Hope you all well.

Currently, many of our trainees have successfully finished the training sessions and start their job searching. Here are some experience might be helpful for your job hunting.

With recruitment agent
The major recruitment agents include HAYS, Michael Page, Robert Half and AccountAbility. If you search by, you will see lots of positions actually are with agents. Sometimes, they don’t really have job vacancies. The ads are only for attracting candidates to build up their database. However, please still send your resume out to register with those agents as lots of trainees got job through this way. As agents have their own network for employment opportunities. As long as you can impress yourself with agents, they will refer you positions sooner or later.

All the agents will conduct phone interviews before they call you for face to face one. So get ready to pick up phones after sending out your resume. A trainee who has successfully secured an AP position said back then she would make a note about the positions she applied and carried with her all the time. And she would prepare ear piece of her mobile in case she was in noisy area. She would do a rehearsal of phone interview in her mind wherever she was on the bus, before sleeping and eating...  Watch out the traffic please! But I am not surprised she got a job soon as she really tried hard, even she is not quick learner. My point is preparing your phone interview as English is not our first language. You will be nervous on phone with interviewer. You can only perform well on phone interview after you prepare carefully.

If you secure a face to face interview, with agent, the interview is a bit more about casual conversations. However, prepare to be asked about all the points you list out on your resume. Go through the procedure for all the accounting functions.

Be open, confident and relax with agents.

With employer

First of all, be modest, easy going and pleasure in helping. Try to use I am willing to… I am happy to… I am keen to learn… Show the employer you can take extra mile and ownership of your job.

Don’t show you are special and different. As a few trainees were refused after interview as the employers are not comfortable being with them. So smile, smile and smile in the interview. And if you are not good at joking, just don’t try then.

After interview, better to send a thanks letter. If you have no idea how to write, google then. BTY, please practice with biz email writing.

Be positive.



0451 944 868
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-10-19 19:01
Hi Racheal:
this is fine, just keep in touch!

for my experience, i think is patient. because most of interview i have got are agents. sometimes they said oh we had jobs suitable for you, but would not contact you anymore. (maybe one or two month)  but once they really have some jobs they will contact you. so what i suggest finding two or three agents and keep trace on them.

my current job is pretty busy actually (around 1 m payment per week), i have been trained from A to Z. So don't worry if you do not have 1+ years experience (they will training you at beginning stage). they have large ERP system, but again the company provided training and IT assistance.  every company has different procedure, the important thing is making sure do not ask same question agian and agian, please make your own notice.

i don't know it is for help or not, but good luck for everyone.

best regards

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-10-24 11:47
Hello Rachel.

Thank you so much for sending me files.

The questions file looks great! I will look at it more closely tomorrow again after I practice whole things on my own.

Actually I just want to say that today class was brilliant and 4 students in a class is absolutely great!

To be honest, I was little (just little bit) concerned about 4 students in a class, but actually i found it out that it was very very good as I can see other students problems which I didn't have. So that you taught how to solve it which I might face it in reality.

Of course, the main thing is you manage and bring the class perfectly!! and really helping all students to understand it.

I would like to say this again, I really appreciate about your teaching as well as your kindeness too.

and I have feeling that this training course (particuarly the class I'm attending) will be fun and useful for me in terms of accounting exprirence and new people I met

Thank you so much again

See you on Wednesday then.

Yours sincerely
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-11-1 16:20
Hi all,

Please join me in congratulating Mijin successfully secure a junior accountant position in a wholesale company.

Here are some interview questions she shared with us, please have a look.
1.        They asked who am I?

How do I think the distance between where I live and the company..

How do i handle stress?

If I make a mistakes, and the boss pointed it out, how would I react or think..? ( I said I don't take it personally, but I blame myself little bit in terms of I made mistakes... and I tried to find where I made mistakes and try  not to make same one)

2.        Basically they asked me can you do that or not?

And all my answers are I can do..

She asked me whether I can chase AR payment and how to do..
3.        How many invoices I've been processed in a day?
4.        Am I comfortable with Excel... can I create a chart?
5.        They asked me about the goal of my career.

It’s really good opportunity for her and inspiration for others. Many trainees think residency is the barrier for them to get an accounting related job. Actually, as long as you have reasonable experience, it’s not necessary that you have to be a permanent residency to secure a job. Mijin’s case can be a good example. She is still working on getting her residency.

Summon up your energy and move on.

Also wish Mijin all the best.


Rachel HAO
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-11-3 16:19
Hello Rachel

Thank you so much for cheerful words... :)

I do aprreciate it so much and for your courage for me!!

I am so glad that I met you no matter what way, and glad to know you.

and I will always keep in touch with you if it is okay! hahahaha

mmm I think I made little mistakes...

I don't loose my boss now.. she made scenario that she expect me to take her job if she has to leave.

So that it makes me think that It would be good opportunity for me to grow up.

and as you said, if I think there'snothing much I can learn more..

then i can leave!
oh! good news is, they don't worry about my residency issue!! YAY!!


talk to you soon!!

Thank you so much Rachel!!

I will email you again on Monday.

Thank you!!!!!!

best regards
Mijin (Jamie)
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-11-7 09:08
Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekends.

Here is a questions from one of our trainees regarding to bad debt.

Please have a look if you can get the answer.

Let me know if you need any help.



-------- Original Message --------

Subject:  about bad debt expense
Date:  Sat, 5 Nov 2011 10:45:54 +1000
From:  bo gao <>
To:  <[email protected]>

Hi Rachel,
There are some concept question about general ledgers.With bad debt expense, it is debt nature. but with provision doubtful debts is credit nature. My understanding with these two are like asset and accumulated depreciation.  Accumulated depreciation is the contra account for asset. am i right ?


scott gao
作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-11-14 18:30
Hi all,

Good news from one of our trainees.

Cancel has successfully secured a position as accounts/administration clerk. Please join me in congratulating him.

Recently, job market is quite as everyone seems in holiday mood already. But Feb next year, we should expect a peaking time of job marketing. Please get prepared for that.


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-11-24 08:53
Hi all,

Good news. One of our trainees successfully secures an AA position in a large company.

I did reference check for him with an agent. After the reference the consultant referred him to two employers. And he got offers from both of them. Well done! Scott will send us feedback after he settles down his new job.

Christmas is coming soon. You can tell everyone is in holiday mood. Christmas trees are everywhere and lots of shops open late. That’s why job market is quiet currently. If you are stressed out about your job hunting, please give yourself a bit more time. As I mentioned before, you will see it’s peaking up in Feb next year. If you have spare time now, review what we learnt in the class, practice your typing and EXCEL and prepare interview questions. About interview questions, please Google it. Wait for your opportunities.  

BTW, those trainees who are taking interviews, if you have time please send us some interviews questions you came across. Hopefully, we can provide a platform to all others. Thank you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-12-1 08:34
Tax code in MYOB

CODE LABEL         GST Code        NOTES - Description/ Explanation
Income        GST if registered generally         - but could be ITS (eg Residential rent or interest  income)
Interest Income        ITS        Care re INP expenses
Fringe benefit reimbursements        GST !        Employee reimbursements re say car fringe benefits by 31 March A GST liability arises even if journalised.
EXPENSES :                  
Advertising         GST        newspaper adverts, brochures & other media
Accountancy         GST        professional fees for accounting
Bank Charges         N-T        Transaction fees but care as some bank service fees (eg merchant fees) include GST -check your statements
Bank -Merchant fees        GST        credit card merchant fees
Bookkeeping         GST        fees for bookkeeper if external
Courier         GST        monies paid for document exchange & couriers
Commissions         GST, GNR  or QUE Care to ensure a TAx Invoice has been received !        commissions for work related expenses
Computer expenses         GST        Seek advice here !  Is an asset account label appropriate ? This item may cover :
                1. Computer consumables -floppies, CDs labels -or label as stationery
                2. Software updates -but only if minor low cost seek advice here -40 % depreciation may apply - if so code as computer software fixed (depreciable) asset
Depreciation        N-T        Normally handled by Accountant - do not code any payments here -see Asset coding
Electricity         GST         electricity used for business
Entertainment         Care  here as food may be FRE        NB May not be deductible unless FBT applies
- Client        Restaurants GST        No portion allowable re  staff functions but not light lunches on premises -see staff amenities- This area is complicated. Seek professional advice !
- Staff                   
Filing Fees          FRE        Lodgement fee for Government for Company documents eg. business names and Annual Return.
Fines (non-deductible)         NTD        fines relating to late payment for group tax or parking fines.
Fringe Benefits Tax paid to Deputy Commissioner of Taxation
NT        relating employee fringe benefits - use for quarterly instalments & final payment
Insurance         FRE        - disability
                - sickness & accident
Insurance         GST        - public liability
                - workers compensation
Interest expense         INP        either interest paid on overdraft per bank statements Car re interest income is a separate code see below
Lease expenses         GST or QUE care - do you have a Tax Invoice or are payments  N-T ?        leasing expenses for equipment- - may be subject to GST but check documentation
Motor Vehicle Expenses         GST except registration           - petrol
                - insurance "green slip" now creditable
                - registration  GST free  For help see :
                - maintenance and repairs- lease expenses - may be subject to GST but check documents
Postage         GST        all monies paid for stamps, postage
Printing & Stationery         GST        all monies paid for printing and stationery, business cards etc.
Repairs & Maintenance         GST        repair of faulty equipment, eg. fixing switch on fax machine, mending broken chair, not purchasing new item of equipment.
Rent - office         GST if Landlord registered for GST  - care here ! code may be INP or NT if Landlord not registered for GST or 48.5 % withholding if no ABN !        all monies paid for leasing premises, rates & outgoing
Staff Amenities          FRE         Milk, coffee, sugar, -GST FREE.
Staff Amenities         GST or FRE depending upon tax invoice        GST Items include:  
                1. Light lunches on premises (no alcohol)
                2. Toiletries (soap, tissues etc)
                Note Tax invoices not required if less than $ 55 GST included
                Care Re Difference between Entertainment and Staff Amenities !  Call for advice.
Seminars         GST        - registration
        GST        - out of pocket expenses
Subscriptions         GST        - Trade Associations
                - Professional, Business or Trade Journals
                - Loose-leaf  technical
Superannuation contributions         N-T        -Compulsory and optional employer contributions.
Sub-contractors         GST if subcontractor registered for GST  - Care here ! Code may be "GNR" if subee" has ABN but not registered for GST or 48.5 % withholding if subcontractor has no ABN !        Gross up for any  withholding.
Telephone         GST -but watch apportionment of Input tax credits for part busines items if sole trader enterprise.        - mobile
                - office
                - home
                - internet
Travel         GST        - Local, taxis & fares
          GST        - Interstate conferences
          FRE Care here         - Overseas travel
          GST        - Accommodation
Uniforms         GST        Care here as special rules apply for deductions for uniforms. Protective clothing is treated differently. Concessions may apply to laundry.
Wages         N-T        - employee wages - gross inclusive of PAYE tax.
Equipment        GCA        New items of equipment or furniture purchased for office -see Notes on Depreciation
Computer Software licences                See above re computer expenses.

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2011-12-15 09:55
Hello Rachel,

How are you?  I am so glad to hear Scott got a AA job. It is always good for your health to hear good news in the morning. Congratulations on him.

I went to NAB Building which is very close to your office for a agent interview. The agent works for Page Personnel. He got my resume and asked me many questions about the Intern experience.

How you process the invoice? how many invoices you can process a day?  how you work as an AP,AR? how you process the payroll?

He didn't ask for details, but the rough idea of how you work.  To my surprise, he didn't ask me any questions about the behavior. I prepare much for those questions........ The agent just focus on my Intern AA experience, not asking any questions about the other job experience.

I told him I was seeking an AP, AR, AA and Payroll position.  AP and AA is preferred. He currently got an AP position, but he thought my incapable of handling high volume of invoices and told me he will find another job which suits me.

Above is my interview experience. I am still seeking a job. I know It will be a long term fight.

I modified my resume, and can you have a look at it. Anything inappropriate, can you modify it and send it back to me.

Pls find attached my resume.

Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

Best wishes,

作者: acc-vision    时间: 2012-1-7 19:39
Hello Rachel

How are you?

did you have good chirstamas and new years holiday?

I hope you did!

Good news! I finally signed the contract and it's for 3 month probatioin again :(

But it's better than nothing :)

I'm very sorry for late contact, I moved to North of Brisbane (Nudgee Beach)

and try to settle down here..

Honestly, After I come home, I don't really want to look at computer ..

cos it reminds me of works hahahahaha

Have you heard from anyone of my classes?

I kind of keep contacting with Sonal.. she said she opend her shop at Capalaba.

but with rest of studetns I didn't contact them.. :(

I hope everyoone is good with their life.

anyway, please reply me when you can :)


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