有人喜欢用生僻单词+复杂句式结构,来展现写作实力。我认为这样只是增加了出错的几率。对于英语是母语的考官看来,这些都是小儿科。我写文章比较注意keep it simple and clear。你把自己的观点写的简单易懂,条理清晰,让考官行云流水般的读完,再加上没有语法和用词的错误,想要不给你高分也难。
Task Achievement | Coherence and Cohesion | Lexical Resource | Grammatical Range and Accuracy | |
9 |
| uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ | uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ |
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