根据2010年7月份出台的最新政策,各机构已经确定PY等于IELTS4个7 !原文如下:
As you may already be aware, from the 1st of July accounting degree graduates require an IELTS 7 to receive a positive skills assessment for PR purposes. We are pleased to announce that there is now a choice. Students who are unable to achieve IELTS 7 in all bands can enroll in the SMIPA program to gain a positive skills assessment for General Skilled Migration.
On July 1st the Professional Accounting Associations as a result of discussions with the Department of Immigration & Citizenship confirmed the following: Graduates of Australian accounting degree programs will continue to have the option to complete the Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accounting (SMIPA) and gain an assessment that can be used to apply for General Skilled Migration (GSM). Completion of SMIPA will continue to provide successful graduates with 10 bonus points under the General Skilled Migration points test. From 1st July, 2010, graduates of Australian accounting degree programs who receive an assessment showing that they have a formal qualification assessed as being at least comparable to an Australian Bachelor degree with: (申请临时的评估条件如下)
• Completion of at least 9 out of the 12 core knowledge areas at tertiary level and;
• IELTS Academic or General Test Report Form (TRF) showing they have a band score of at least six (6) on each of the four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening and writing; will be able to use their assessments to apply for a 485 visa. (注意:现在拿到IELTS 4个6就可以申请PY的课程)
Graduates will be able to use the 485 visa period to either:
gain an IELTS Academic band score of at least seven (7) in all 4 components
complete the Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accounting (SMIPA)
如果你是符合以上要求的会计系毕业生,可以通过读Professional Year去抵消雅思4个7的要求,通过先申请485签证过渡来达到最终移民的目的。
ABC留学移民是昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)指定的SMIPA课程合作伙伴。从现在起到2010年8月9号(9月课程的报名截止日期)之前通过我们可以以最优惠的价格报名。名额有限,报名即将截止,如果有任何意向请不要犹豫,马上和我们联系或咨询。
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