fisk 发表于 2010-5-31 10:16:10
三无885 6月份可能出一个新的法律(DIAC 移民局 不是立法机构 它只是执行的),这次改革的是移民法 立法方面的,当然移民局的也会参与改革) 看了很多贴 关于三无的 苦楚 如果真的想倾诉可以 发到上面几个EMAIL,相信法律不外乎人情,澳洲政府一向都给人情的,就2009年以前的情况来说
不过大家也别太绝望了,不行的话,自己工作签证,反而自由呀 或者选择自己喜欢的职业去再读(去欧美国家学位分量会比较重,而且国内的认可度比较高),或者回家都可以的,在哪里生活-- 都只是一样的,只要自己觉得幸福就好了!!
Hi all,
I have been following this forum for a long time and now that things are getting even more crazy and stressful than they already are, I wanted to post a snippet of a newsletter I receive frequently on the Aussie Immigration Policy. It's very important we all speak up NOW before our futures and dreams are all shattered.. Please see below:
As mentioned earlier today DIAC intend to enact legislation that will allow them to AXE many 1000s of applications from people who have been waiting patiently for substantial periods of time already.
This is unfair in so many ways and is the most draconian piece of legislation I have seen in 17 years in the industry. It eats at the core of Australian fairness for all those people who have sacrificed so much in making sure they meet Australia's requirements, lodged perfectly good applications, and then had to wait patiently whilst their applications and lives have been put on hold an inordinate amount of time.
Note this is not the fault of the department of immigration (DIAC), they only follow what they are told to do. This legislation is the responsibility of the minister for immigration and ultimately the PM. This legislation is close to passing and I would suggest that if you feel this is unfair and wrong, that you make contact with not just your local MP urgently but also contact the other people below of influence. Tell them how much you have spent in time, money and emotional toil and how much you trusted Australia to stand by their own laws.
Minister for Immigration : Senator Chris Evans [email protected]
Prime Minister: The Hon Kevin Rudd Email your Prime Minister | Prime Minister of Australia (you need to fill a form on his website)
Deputy Prime Minister: The Hon Julia Gillard [email protected]
Leader of Opposition: The Hon Tony Abbott [email protected]
If you are potentially affected by this axing because you currently have a general skilled migration application with DIAC (475, 487, 175, 176, 885, 886 or 887 visa categories) then it is important that you advise the senate enquiry as to how unfair you think this. You should explain how much time, money and turmoil you have gone through and why you think it unfair. As well as politicians emails addresses, the senate have a page to except submissions here .. http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/com ... sa_capping/info.htm . You should send it them as well through details below.
And the full text of this page is here .. you only have until the 4th JUNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Migration Amendment (Visa Capping) Bill 2010
Information about the Inquiry
On 26 May 2010 the Senate referred the following matter to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report.
The Migration Amendment (Visa Capping) Bill 2010 (the Bill) seeks to amend the Migration Act 1958 to enable the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (the Minister) to cap visa grants and terminate visa applications based on the class or classes of applicant applying for the visa.
In particular, the Bill would enable the Minister to make a legislative instrument to determine the maximum number of visas of a specified class or classes that may be granted in a financial year to visa applicants with specified characteristics, and treat outstanding applications for the capped visa as never having been made.
The proposed amendments are intended to address issues relating to the General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa program.
Submissions should be received by 04 June 2010. The reporting date is 15 June 2010.
The Committee is seeking written submissions from interested individuals and organisations preferably in electronic form submitted online or sent by email to [email protected] as an attached Adobe PDF or MS Word format document. The email must include full postal address and contact details.
Alternatively, written submissions may be sent to:
Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Australia |
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