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[贷款服务] 代办购房贷款快准100%成功率









Rank: 1

N1Finance 发表于 2013-9-9 22:19:32
4044 4


本帖最后由 N1Finance 于 2014-6-22 12:34 编辑

N1 Finance & Lease is a multi awardwinning mortgage broking firm. We represent over 25 lenders and we’ve gainedsubstantial status with major and non major banks/lenders due to our highvolume. One of our brokers is ranked #17 in the MPA top 100 brokers Australiawide. We have a team of over 35 people to look after the whole process of loanapplication through to settlement.
We have the advantage of being able to orderunlimited free upfront valuations through 10 lenders:
1.    Commbank
2.    Westpac
3.    Suncorp
4.    St.George
5.    Bankwest
6.    Macquarie
7.    AMP
8.    Homeside
9.    ANZ
10. ING
Upfront valuation is especially important inrefinancing to maximize cash out.
N1 Finance & Lease has also gained thebelow status that allows 24hr to 48hr turnaround in loan processing:
1.    CommbankDiamond broker
2.    WestpacPlatinum broker
3.    SuncorpSunelite broker
4.    BankwestPremium broker
5.    St.George Flame broker

Our reputation with lenders has convincedmost major banks and lenders to grant us unlimited free upfront valuations.
Whatis upfront valuation?
Traditionally, banks and lenders will only doa valuation once a loan is conditionally approved. However our quality of workand high volume is the best track record banks can ever see to grant us upfrontvaluation – that means being able to do valuations even BEFORE loanapplication. Best of all it’s no obligation. That means if valuation outcome isunsatisfactory to you as a client you can choose NOT to proceed with theapplication.
Howdoes upfront valuation benefit you?
If you are refinancing, you will encountertwo potential problems:

  • How     much is the value of your property?
  • How     much can you cash out or release your equity?
We offer the opportunity to order multiplevaluations via multiple banks. So if Bank A has a high valuation than Bank B,then we can proceed to go with Bank A (provided all conditions and requirementsmet and you’re happy with Bank A), that allows you to MAXIMIZE your cashout to achieve your equity release purpose.
If you are buying properties, you willencounter a potential problem:

  • What     if bank valuation comes back lower than my purchase price?
In this instance, we can order multiplebanks’ valuations, if Bank A has a valuation shortfall while Bank B has avaluation matched with purchase price, then we can proceed with Bank B(provided all conditions and requirements met and you’re happy with Bank B).

Belowlists all the various different documents needed before applying for a homeloan application. Some of them are optional.
Note: Requirements may differ from lender to lender. Speakto us if you have some documents missing.

Ifyou are buying a property:

1.   Twolatest payslips and/or Letter of Employment;
2.   Twoyears tax returns (and Business tax returns for self-employed) and ATO Notice of Assessment;
3.   Contractof Sale
4.   Copyof Driver’s license and/or passport
5.   Latestcredit card statement
6.   Latestother debt statements (e.g. personal or car loan, other mortgages)
7.   Savingsaccount statement to prove balance of fund to complete purchase

Ifyou are refinance/debt consolidate/cash out or equity release

1.   Twolatest payslips and/or Letter of Employment;
2.   Twoyears tax returns (and Business tax returns for self-employed) and/or ATONotice of Assessment;
3.   Sixmonths loan statements of debt to be refinanced/consolidated
4.   Copyof Driver’s license and/or passport
5.   Latestcredit card statement
6.   Latestother debt statements not being refinanced/consolidated (personal or car loan,other mortgage)

It’s always a good idea toperform a credit check before your loan application. Manyborrowers fail to consider the importance of getting a credit check ahead of time.These borrowers often find themselves caught off guard late in the borrowingprocess when the bank, as a result of some negative factors on a credit report,either deny the loan application or, at best, supply an undesirable loan withhigh interest rates, fees or other unfavourable terms. Hearing about it fromyour lender is the worst way to finally find out that your credit report is notup to par.

Credit report problems can happen throughno fault of your own. We live in a world where banks are getting bigger,transactions are getting automated, and real human attention to detail isfalling by the wayside. With the number of transactions even smaller banksprocess per hour growing constantly, funds can be applied incorrectly, paymentscan be sent to the wrong accounts, checks can be lost, payments can beprocessed too late and so much more. Often, if a borrower even notices aproblem, it may not be until it’s too late, maybe even 60 to 120 days after themistake occurred. Your credit rating drops monthly when issues come up. Amonthly credit rating check is so important because it can safeguard againstmistakes immediately, affording you ample time to dispute these mistakes andclean up your credit on a timely basis.
General ruleto increase your credit score:
1.   Pay all outstanding or default bills
2.   Maintain your credit card balance below limit
3.   Make loan repayment on time

There areother ways you can do to substantially improve your credit score. Talk to usand do a credit check, then we can review and help you to improve.

You can doyour own credit check via www.vedacheck.com.auat $51.95 per check. Alternatively, we offer the same credit check at only $30GST inc. Our reputation with the credit check provider has allowed us to passon the savings to you hence the lower cost with the same service.

Please findattached Privacy Disclosure Statement form to order a credit check.

为什么要选择N1 Finance & Lease?

N1 Finance&Lease 是个多元化的贷款公司。因为公司的高业务量,我们代理了超过25家银行,非银行和社会组织。 我们中有位broker获得了澳洲MPA100个最顶尖Broker 的第十七名,并且拥有了超过35个人的团队来帮您申请贷款直至交房。

      1.    Commbank (联邦银行)
      2.    Westpac(西太银行)
      3.    Suncorp
      4.    St. George(圣佐治银行)
      5.    Bankwest
      6.    Macquarie(麦考瑞银行)
      7.    AMP
      8.    Homeside
      9.    ANZ(澳新银行)

1.    Commbank钻石级broker
2.    Westpac白金级broker
3.    Suncorp精英级broker
4.    Bankwest高级broker
5.    St. George火焰级broker


一般来说,银行只有在贷款获批时才会帮您申请估价,但是我们高质量的工作和高额度的业务量使得他们给予我们提前免费定估价的权利。 这代表了我们可以在申请贷款前就帮您做个估价。如果您对估计的结果不满意的话,您可以选择不向这个银行进行申请。


1. 您的房子现在值多少钱?
2. 您可以取出多少钱或者释放多少房产抵押货款?
我们向您提供不同银行定估价的机会。 所以如果银行A的估价结果高于银行B 那么我们可以用银行A进行贷款(前提是您需要满足此银行所有条件和要求,并且您也满意银行A的产品), 因此您在转贷中可以取出最大额度的现金, 由此到达释放房产抵押货款的目的。

1. 如果银行的估价回来低于我购买的价格,怎么办?
在这种情况下, 我们可以申请不同银行的估价, 如果银行A估价低了而银行B的估价符合了您的购买价格,那么我们可以采用银行B(前提是您需要满足银行所有条件和要求,并且您也满意银行B)。




1.两张最新的工资单 / 雇主信;

1.两张最新的工资单 / 雇主信;
2.两年纳税申请表(和公司退税表如果是自雇职业)以及ATO 评税通知书;


在您申请贷款前, 最好先做一次信用度查询, 但是很多借款人都不知道做信用度查询的重要性。银行在借贷过程中, 会因为贷款人信用报告上的一些负面信息而拒绝贷款申请, 或者提出一个高利率, 高费用或其他不利的条款。这些借款人往往在此时发现自己措手不及。
信用报告中不良记录并不一定是您自己造成的。我们生活在一个银行变得越来越大, 交易越来越自动化以及人们对细节更关注的世界里。甚至小银行交易的数量每小时也在不断地增长,所以会面临着基金运用不正确,付款到错误的账户,检查被遗漏,付款处理太晚等等问题。通常, 如果借款人注意到这个问题, 那不会有事,但是如果处理得太晚, 比如错误发生后60120天之后才去解决,那么您每月的信用度就会下降。每月信用度的检查非常重要,因为它可以立刻防止信用不良记录地发生,给您提供足够的时间来解决这些错误并及时更新您的信用记录。
还有其他的方法可以大大提高你的信用评分。让我们帮您做个信用查询, 然后我们可以检查及帮助您提高。



布里斯班地区请联系 Rachel。Mobile No:0451 944 868;email:[email protected]

OZYOYO提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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回复置顶码: 414973

zhwer 发表于 2013-11-4 17:08:12
做part time工作,一周四,五百收入,能贷多少钱?
acc-vision 发表于 2014-1-2 12:16:53
Hello all,

Welcome to 2014 and Happy New Year!

We put in $28.6mil  in December 2013. That's not bad given we have a missing week for holidays. The previous three months we did over $30mil monthly.

Our six months settlement has exceeded $80mil, that's a great result given we only settled $106mil last full financial year. And our latest six months figures is already closer to previous full year result.

Today is the first working day of 2014 (for some of us). I would like to take this opportunity to mention some changes and also briefly touch on our growth plan.


Our aggregator Finsure is assisting us to recruit new brokers, i am also getting a recruitment firm to help me out as well. The plan is to expand our team by having another 30 brokers within 6 to 12 months. That will gives us more edge talking to lenders as well.

The focus of hiring in the coming months would be on fix pay model instead of merely commission based. And those brokers are full timers working in office converting our internal leads.

MANAGEMENT CHANGES (Please read this carefully as it affects our work flow)

As we grow we realise some issues with supporting everyone, mainly due to my lack of time as we all run busy schedules. Hence i've to delegate and implement some changes in the company to allow sustainable growth, and to cater for the future growth (the 30 brokers coming from Finsure/Loankit) management.

Therefore i have segregated my functions to the below departments:

1. Operations Support - Michael will be the Head of Operations Support
2. Sales Support - Jackie & John will be the Head of Sales Support
3. Training & Development - Jessie will be the Head of Training & Development


Whoever that needs to submit a deal with my ID needs to go through Operations to review applyonline before submitted to lenders, this was already the case previously but now we standardize the function to Michael to look after. Michael will also cater for the compliance part. Michael will inform you of the standard procedure.

Operations support including lenders' follow up, val order, credit check, pricing request, etc.


Both Jackie & John will be the support in helping you to develop your sales and marketing initiatives. If you have concerns with structuring your deals you can also talk to them. Dealing with referrals is also part of Sales Support. Eventually Sales Support will be the function that allocate internal leads and 1300 leads to brokers. At the moment we're not distributing much but we have started to channel leads to full timer fix pay brokers.

Treat Sales Support as your BDM.


Jessie will be the person who does the daily scenario discussion meeting, with assistance from TJ. She has come out with structured training sessions for new brokers joining us. Any email or business cards setup are to be dealt with Jessie as well. For those who need policy and scenario advice please also refer to Jessie.

In saying that, Jessie will organize adhoc training sessions, please do make time and effort to attend if you have time.

In conclusion, we try to standardize the functions so i won't delay your file just because i am busy. And also please follow the structure and help us to streamline the process. In saying that, for those who need to someone to review applyonline, Michael is the ONLY person to talk to, for those who needs to discuss your structure or marketing please ONLY talk to Jackie or John. For those who needs to discuss policy please ONLY talk to Jessie.

Please adapt to these changes as we're trying to standardize procedures. Back then a lot of us got used to just ringing me or sms me to ask about a lenders' policy, that works when we have eight of us in the company, but given we have 37 in the company and more to come, it's easier for you and me to streamline the process.

Thank you.
acc-vision 发表于 2014-1-6 09:01:21
For those who have off plan buyers needing a home loan please start looking at the below options, we need to start doing the home loans now (17 months before settlement). Because in the last 12mth mot off plan buyers are from China, that means most of them will go to Westpac and St. George. However all banks have a policy that they can't accept anymore application if they already have 20% of the units in one building taken as security. For example, if the building has 100 apartments, and 20 buyers already go to Westpac, then Westpac can't accept any further applications.
acc-vision 发表于 2014-1-26 10:31:34
Good news to start the New Year: CBA is expanding its Medical Package

- Increased loan amounts  

- Registrars now included

- Interest Only payment option available
- non-trading companies and/or trusts may be considered for investment purposes

The CBA Medical Professional Offer allows eligible medical professionals to apply for an LMI/LDP waiver on eligible loans as part of a Mortgage Advantage Package (subject to credit approval).

As from today we have enhanced our Medical Professional Offer. The key changes to our offer are:
• loan amounts now available up to $3 million (per security) with an LVR ≤ 85% (excluding Home Seekers).
• package now available to Registrars in the listed professions.
• interest only repayments available for investment home loans.
• applications for non-trading companies and/or trusts may be considered for investment purposes.
• maximum lending per loan is $3 million and maximum lending per customer is $5 million.



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