3#0926yuki作者: 0926yuki 时间: 2010-1-11 15:04
可以代写么?2#buttonzhu作者: buttonzhu 时间: 2010-1-11 15:39
SenD me your assignment requirements, if it doesn't take long, I can do it for you for free this time. Otherwise, you might need to ask some people like the guy above to help you because I am really busy.
6#0926yuki作者: 0926yuki 时间: 2010-1-11 16:18
没有 ASSIGMENT REQUIREMENT 就是按照我们写好的 website plan 做出来就可以 不用花很长时间 7,8 页 就可以我们有两个人现在 可以么7#buttonzhu作者: buttonzhu 时间: 2010-1-11 16:27
Try to call you, but no one answers the phone... 8#0926yuki