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标题: 入籍考试题 [打印本页]

作者: woaibne    时间: 2011-3-11 14:31
标题: 入籍考试题
1 In terms of size, Australia is
1. the seventh largest country in the world
2. the fifth largest country in the world
3. the sixth largest country in the world
4. the fourth largest country in the world

2 What state is known as “Festival State”?
1. South Australia
2. Victoria
3. Queensland
4. Western Australia

3 How does the Torres Strait Islander flag look like?
1. it has a Union Jack, a red Southern Cross and a Federation Star on a dark-blue
2. It looks like the Aboriginal flag, only with a Dhari
3. It has a yellow circle on a black and red background
4. It features three horizontal stripes, green at the top and bottom and blue in between
divided by thin black lines; a white dhari sits in the centre, with a five-pointed white star
underneath it

4 What percentage of Australian population are Indigenous?
1. 2.3%
2. 14%
3. 0.4%
4. 14.2%

5 Australia’s national gemstone is
1. Emerald
2. Opal
3. Sapphire
4. Topaz

6 Advance Australia Fair was composed by
1. Peter Dodds McCormick
2. Arhur Philip
3. Sir Donald Bradman
4. Sir Hubert Opperman

7 Acacia pycnantha is the Latin name of
1. emu
2. opal
3. kangaroo
4. wattle

8 The median age in Australia is
1. 25
2. 44
3. 37
4. 57

9 Queen’s Birthday is celebrated on 11 June everywhere in Australia, except
1. Western Australia
2. Queensland
3. Tasmania
4. Victoria

10 What line follows “For those who’ve come across the seas” in the Australian
national anthem?
1. We’ll toil with hearts and hands
2. Of beauty rich and rare
3. Our home is girt by sea
4. We’ve boundless plains to share

11 How did Abel Tasman name the island now known as Tasmania?
1) New Holland
2) Dutch East Indies
3) New Friesland
4) Van Diemen’s Land

12 William Jansz was
1) a Dutch explorer who in 1606 landed on the western side of Cape York Peninsula
2) a Portuguese who sailed through the strait to the north of the continent
3) the botanist in Captain Cook’s exploring party
4) the first governor of New South Wales

13 The First Fleet of 11 ships was brought to Australia from Britain by
1) Captain Cook
2) Captain Arthur Philip
3) Abel Tasman
4) Lachlan Macquarie

14 Governor Lachlan Macquarie is remembered with great affection because
1) he wrote the song that became Australia’s national anthem
2) he treated reformed convicts as if they had never offended
3) he discovered gold in Kalgoorlie
4) he designed a scheme to dam water near Perth

15 In 1813 three men got across the Blue Mountains. They were:
1) Flinders, Jansz and Tasman
2) Luis, Vaez and Torres
3) Van Diemen, Burke and Wills
4) Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson

16 Who disappeared while trying to cross the continent from east to west in 1848?
1) the German-born explorer Ludwig Leichhardt
2) Burke and Wills
3) the government engineer Charles O’Connor
4) Edward “Weary” Dunlop

17 John Simpson
1) was the commander of the Australian forces
2) worked in the field ambulance
3) was one of the most creative generals in the war
4) was the only Australian general who has come close to having heroic status

18 During World War II, Australians withstood a long siege by the Germans and
Italians in the north-African town of
1) Kokoda
2) Tobruk
3) Gallipoli
4) Eureka

19 The Eureka rebellion
1) has become a symbol of protest and popular rights
2) took place at 11 AM on 11 November, 1854
3) was the beginning of the struggle between the squatters and the government
4) took place aboard Captain Cook’s ship, the Endeavour

20 In the 1980s, the Country Party changed its name to
1) Labor Party
2) Liberal Party
3) National Party
4) Nationalist Party

21 Phar Lap’s heart is kept in
1) Sydney
2) Canberra
3) Perth
4) Melbourne

22 Australian cricketers first beat the English in England in
1) 1882
2) 1989
3) 1978
4) 1801

23 The Invincibles was the name of a cricket team led by
1) Sir Hubert Opperman
2) Sir Henry Parkes
3) Sir Donald Bradman
4) Evonne Goologong

24 In 1931,
1) Australia acquired full powers over its defence and foreign affairs
2) Japan became Australia’s leading trading partner
3) White Australia policy was dismantled
4) an attempt to make Australia a republic was defeated

25 Mabo decision
1) restored unsold land to Aboriginals if they maintained their traditional ties to it
2) stopped the policy of forcible removal of children from their parents
3) changed the Aboriginal sections of the Constitution
4) installed the minimum wages in Australia

26 Australians are free to say or write what they think
1. About any subject or issue or person, as long as they do not endanger people, defame
anyone or obstruct the free speech of others
2. About anybody or anything
3. About anybody or anything, as long as it is true
4. But this doesn’t apply to press or other media

27 To stand for election to Parliament, a candidate who is also a citizen of another
1. cannot be legally elected
2. must give up his or her other citizenship
3. must pledge allegiance to Australia under God
4. must show that everything possible has been done to renounce the other citizenship

28 Does freedom of religion imply that all religious practices are legal?
1. Yes, Australia has secular government, therefore all religious practices are legal
2. Yes, governments treat all citizens as equal regardless of religion, thererfore all
religious practices are legal
3. No, religious laws have no legal status in Australia. Australians are free to follow any
religion, so long as its pracices do not break any Australian law
4. Yes, it is implied by the Constitution of Australia

29 Service in the Australian Defence Force is
1. voluntary
2. mandatory for men
3. mandatory for Australian-born citizens
4. optional for Australian-born citizens

30 The Australian Constitution came into effect on
1) 1 January 1901
2) 1 January 1982
3) 25 January 1901
4) 25 January 1939

31 Local councils make decisions on local, town or city matters. These include:
1) libraries and halls, rubbish collection, employment, taxation
2) police, immigration, roads, trade, foreign affairs
3) child immunization, drains, food and meat inspection, street signs
4) taxation, street signs, parks, forestry, schools

32 House of Representatives consists of
1) 148 Senators appointed by the Queen and the Prime Minister together
2) 150 Members, each Member representing about 80 000 voters living in one particular
3) 76 Members, each Members representing the so-called Electorate, of approximately
100 000 voters
4) 76 Senators who make new laws

33 In the House of Representatives, all states, no matter what their population, have
the same number of representatives
1) True, with the exception of Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory,
which have only 2 members each
2) True
3) False, the number of representatives depends on a State’s territory, not population
4) False

34 Like the Commonwealth Parliament, each state has two Houses of Parliament
1) True
2) True, with the exception of New South Wales
3) True, with the exception of Western Australia
4) True, with the exception of Queensland

35 What is the name of the parliaments in the territories and in Queensland?
1) Senate
2) House of Representatives
3) Legislative Assembly
4) Legislative House

36 Who appoints the Governor-General?
1) The Senate
2) The Parliament
3) The Prime Minister
4) The Queen

37 Who can be nominated for election to Parliament?
1) Any adult Australian-born citizen
2) Any adult Australian citizen
3) Any Australian citizen who achieved extraordinary merits
4) Anybody who collected enough signatures for nomination

38 The Senate consists of
1) 148 senators who represent their electorate
2) 148 members who travel around the country and present proposals to the Prime
3) 76 senators elected by the Members of the House of Representatives
4) 76 senators who represent their State or Territory

39 The highest court in Australia is called
1) the Upper Court
2) the Supreme Court
3) the Premier Court
4) the High Court

40 The process of signing of a newly passed law by the Queen’s representative is
1) Royal Consent
2) General Assent
3) Royal Assent
4) High Seal


1: 3       6: 1       11: 4      16: 1       21: 2      26: 1     31: 3      36: 4
2: 1       7 :4       12 :1       17: 2      22 :1      27: 4     32 :2      37: 2
3 :4       8: 3       13: 2       18 :2      23 :3     28: 3      33 :4      38 :4
4 :1       9 :1       14: 2       19 :1      24: 1     29: 1      34: 4      39: 4
5: 2      10: 4      15: 4       20: 3      25: 1      30: 1     35 :3      40: 3

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